One Night Bride

Chapter 437

Hua Rong screamed, "wait..."

"What else can you say? You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. You are the wife of song yuepeng Ju. What do you want to do here?"

Without thinking, she answered, "come and find a chance to kill my enemy."

"Kill your enemy? I saw you all the way with Jin Wushu. Isn't he your enemy?"

"I'll use him to kill Qin Hui and his wife first, and then kill him."

The shadow seemed to distinguish the truth of her words. After a while, he stabbed her on the ground: "it's a pity that you have no chance of revenge anymore. Today you will die."

The iron claw was close to the skull, as if a little lower, you could hear the sound of skull fragmentation. The flower dissolved in the dark, staring at the bat like figure, and suddenly shouted, "Yelv is very useful!"

Yelv said angrily, "what do you call me?"

"You are Yelv Dayong!"

Although she didn't know that Yelv Dayong used the drug to force her to marry, in the year of her recovery, she heard King Qin talk about Yelv Dayong. Except for his marriage to Li Tinglan, he told her almost everything about Yelv Dayong in detail In particular, he described the appearance of Yelv's great use

Yelv smiled grimly, "since you know who I am, you should know that you will die."

"You dare not kill me!"

His hand was down, and Hua Rong felt his heart cool, as if his heart was going to be picked off, just like the scene of the savage tribe he had just seen

"Hua Rong, you're in my way. I'll kill you right away!"

"Li Tinglan is still in the hands of King Qin. If you kill me, your daughter will not survive."

Yelv's hand was slightly forced, and his voice was creepy, "Hua Rong, you said, why didn't you get poisoned? Why?"

The flower couldn't connect the dissolved air, and asked faintly, "what kind of Gu?"

"The medicine you took to give birth to your son... Otherwise, how can you give birth to a son? Originally, you will die two years after giving birth. How can you not die?"

Hua Rong thought of the turquoise medicine bottle and was surprised. Fortunately, she had not taken it

"After taking this medicine, the man was sterilized for life, cut off his sons and grandchildren, and gradually became insane. The woman can bear children after taking this medicine, but she will bleed to death in seven holes in two years, and you should live well!"

"You..." the flowers couldn't make a sentence, and the oxygen in the lungs was cutting off

His hand slightly loosened: "it seems that you didn't take the medicine! Where did the medicine go?"

"I threw it away."

"Throw it away?" Hua Rong felt the pain of grasping her heart again, and desperately shouted, "if I die, your daughter can't live..."

Yelv pushed her away hard The flower fell to the ground, but laughed An old fox like Yelv's great use is exactly equal to King Qin Everyone thought Li Tinglan would be sent away, but he unexpectedly took her hostage The starting point was not that he was far sighted and thought of his own disaster in advance, but that a person like him should always be on guard against Yelv's powerful counterattack and turnover. The best thing was to detain a hostage in his hand

"Hua Rong, you don't have to be happy. If King Qin leaves his little daughter, I'm sure to let them get married."

She nodded and simply said, "well, I congratulate Miss Li."

Yelv's great use was quite unexpected

"Along the way, I felt someone following me several times. It must be you. Yelv is very useful. In fact, you don't have to guard me. You know, I won't interfere with your daughter's marriage."

Yelv stared at her, as if to judge the sincerity and hypocrisy in her words. After a long time, he said, "with Yue Peng's name, you should also observe the festival for him all your life. If you don't marry King Qin, I promise not to embarrass you."

"We can also cooperate."

Yelv looked at her vigorously, as if to judge the chips of her cooperation

She asked eagerly, "I want to kill Zhao Deji. How can I kill Zhao Deji?"

Yelv smiled with a strange smile: "you ask me? I have an idea. It depends on whether you dare or not."

"You said that as long as I could kill him, I would agree to whatever conditions."

Yelv ignored her: "I've been planning for many years, but I can't do anything about it. It's up to you! Save your life for the moment, and don't get close to this dense forest again. Here are all Aboriginal savages, isolated from the world, and even I dare not provoke them. You can walk 30 steps north through the pine forest in front, 15 steps south, and then bypass a boulder to the north, and you can find a way out."

Hua Rong was remembering this sentence. As soon as he looked up, the forest was quiet, and Yelv Dayong had disappeared She walked all the way, according to Yelv's words, and sure enough, she passed through a dense forest, which was an exit The night sky on the grassland was boundless. She sat on the horse and looked at the blank world for a long time. She remembered that King Qin had sent Liu Wu to get the medicine back. It turned out that he probably found the way Yelv used, so she was afraid to take it himself However, I always thought he was going to have children for his wife and concubine I feel the man's kindness more deeply in my heart I have no choice. The sunny beach and my son's carefree paradise. He takes good care of them day and night. This is originally my best destination, isn't it?

She was disappointed for a long time, waiting to kill Zhao Deji and Qin Hui, waiting to kill them, she would go, lying on the beach with her son, watching the tide rise and fall, watching the turtles swarm Just, can we have such a chance again? She didn't dare to think about it any more. Thinking about what she gave up would harm others and herself The horse ran along this road for half a day. By dawn, the road ahead was clear. Yanjing was not far ahead

Another day later, the outline of Yanjing appeared in sight

This former imperial city of the Liao kingdom was immersed in the ambiguous atmosphere of spring. Although it was not as prosperous as it was in its heyday, it was also busy, and people came and went, starting a day of Carnival in the dark

Hua Rong is very familiar with Yanjing. She leads a horse, like ordinary people, speaking the mixed language of Nvzhen and Liao people, and haunts the streets and alleys In front of it was a grocery store. The peddler selling milk tea and inferior wine was dazed. On the table were three or five idle low-level soldiers

A soldier shouted drunkenly, "another bowl."


Hua Rong was overjoyed to hear this sound. Under the dim lantern, a Jurchen man came out with a bowl of wine. He hadn't seen him for several years. The young man of that day was bearded and greasy, and completely began his poor life as an ordinary vendor

At this time, the night was already deep, and several down-to-earth drunkards drank up their last penny, staggered up and left. Zha also simply cleaned up his desks and chairs, ready to end the day's hard work

Hua melted away and sat down: "have a bowl of wine."

"My guest, the wine is sold out. Please be early tomorrow."

"Without wine, a bowl of milk tea is OK."

Zha he heard the sound with a little smile, so familiar, he was so strange. He looked at the "guest" carefully in the dim light, suddenly jumped up, and grabbed her shoulder: "brother, is it you?"

Hua Rong smiled and was a little excited: "Zhaha, are you the boss?"

Zhaha sheepishly released her hand, hurried to bring her a bowl of hot tea, and took out a large piece of mutton Hua Rong was already hungry, and he was not polite. He immediately began to eat and drink It turned out that Zha he, King Qin and others returned to Yanjing for fear of retaliation after going to Beijing to play tricks on Jin Wushu Soon, his aunt died of illness and his uncle moved, leaving the small shop to him for a living. It was not enough to start a family and make a living. Like many other frustrated Nvzhen veterans, he could not get married at all

He felt his head: "brother, you gave me money, and my aunt was sick. Unfortunately, she died."

Hua Rong smiled, "you're fine. I thought it was all gambling."

He was praised and even more excited. Sitting on the chair next to her, watching her wolf down, he suddenly said slowly, "I also heard that Yue Xianggong was killed..."

As soon as the sheep bone in Hua Rong's hand became loose, it fell to the ground The death of Yue Pengju was celebrated throughout the country. Such a great event is well known A tear drops in the milk tea bowl, if not, how could I come all the way to this lonely and cold place?

Zhaha hurriedly said, "brother, don't be sad..."

She wiped away her tears and tried to calm her mind: "I'm not sad. I'm here for revenge."

Zahe hurriedly said, "brother, I will help you."

She looked at the down and out real man across the street. She liked these simple people's carelessness. He didn't even ask how to revenge and who to revenge, but said, "I'll help you." Noble people always think that only when they are educated can they understand kindness In fact, kindness has nothing to do with knowing the four books and five classics, and it has nothing to do with Jin or Han

She nodded and yawned, "Zhaha, please prepare a room for me."

He was overjoyed: "OK, brother, I'll clean up for you right away."

He was about to turn around. She stopped him, took out a bunch of gold leaves and handed them to him: "Zhaha, take it, we spend these days."

Zhaha did not refuse, but took the golden leaves and hurried to tidy her room When he closed the door and went out, Hua Rong had almost no time to look at the wall made of birch bark soil. As soon as he was next to the mat on the ground, his eyes closed and he fell asleep This is almost the first time that I have really slept safely all the way

After raging for a day, the hot sun finally restrained its power and slowly set down the horizon, bringing a cool breeze On the beach stood flocks of birds, crawling with all kinds of shrimp and crabs, spawning turtles... The tiger skin apron on the tiger's head and waist was replaced by a thin red belly pocket, and his whole body was tanned, like a loach doll just caught up Holding a wooden harpoon with a sharp blade tied to it, he focused on a red fish, forked it down and put it straight He was so happy that he ran forward with the fish in his hand: "Dad, Dad, I caught the fish..."

King Qin sat on a big stone with his bare arms and looked at a newly acquired sheepskin map. The tiger's head ran close. Seeing that his head was not raised, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his messy hair: "Dad, look..."

"Get out of here, little bunny..."

"Dad, look."

"Get out."

His head tilted, and the tiger couldn't pull his hair. He fell to the ground, and a dog bit the mud. Because it was a soft beach, it was not painful, and his mouth contained sand. He got up again with a giggle: "I want to show my mother... Mom, I can catch fish..."

King Qin was almost furious: "smelly boy, if you dare to mention your mother again, I will kill you."

"Big bad guy, dad is a big bad guy, I want to tell mom..."

The little tiger put his head around his neck, and his soft little hand touched his neck wet. King Qin was helpless. He stretched out his hand to clamp him under his armpit, walked all the way back, and then threw the harpoon on the ground together, saying to the minion, "boil this fish soup for the young master."


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