One Night Bride

Chapter 446

Lu Wenlong let go of his mother and mounted the horse again. He was so happy that he pulled the reins. The black moonlight rushed up, and his mane shook like a shiny black ball Jin Wushu's eyes turned back and noticed her words just now - Mom's good things are naturally given to "you" - you! He couldn't help it any longer: "Hua Rong, where's your son?"

Hua Rong met his eyes, as if to judge the idea in his eyes It took a long time to say, "he's in a safe place. Fourth prince, if you want to take him hostage, it's useless."

Jin Wushu sneered and rolled his eyes This woman regarded everything as having ulterior motives He also stared at her: "Hua Rong, you were not like this before."

"It's not like this? How? Did I catch you again and again and let you go, so that I finally killed my husband? Do you want me to trust you as before, so that you can continue to harm my son?"

He was furious: "Hua Rong, you are too unkind. I also owe it to you that you can escape your life. I can't hurt your yellow mouth child."

"Oh, fourth prince, do you think I will thank you for saving my life?" She glanced at his crippled right hand, how many times she could kill him, but again and again the kindness of women "Fourth prince, you know why you saved me! You forced a man to a desperate situation, pulled him again, and then pulled him again, and you became a good man with peace of mind? Besides, you know why you saved me!"

He gasped heavily, but there was nothing to answer Antidote, I really need antidote However, if it weren't for the antidote, would I have saved this woman at that time? Will it? Or not?

Hua Rong didn't want to listen to his answer at all. She saw that Zha he had led rhubarb and came right away. She turned over and mounted her horse and went after her son Jin Wushu hesitated for a moment. As soon as he turned around, his soldiers brought their own BMW and caught up

This is a very suitable hunting ground Many small animals shuttled between them. Lu Wenlong opened his bow and pulled it. Hua rongbian guided and corrected his posture Lu Wenlong has been instructed by his father in recent years, and he already has some foundation. However, Jin Wushu has fought far and wide, and he has less time at home. Men are not as careful as women. With Hua Rong's earnest instruction, he will get started much faster At this time, a hare sprang out, and he shot an arrow. The hare fell to the ground, and Hua Rong couldn't help but praise: "this is the real good way to train shooting. As the saying goes, 'a hundred steps through the poplar', but the poplar is dead, and the leaves are dead, which is far less practical than training with running prey as the target. No wonder the nomadic people always ride and shoot bows and arrows far better than the Han people."

Jin Wushu has been peeping at her expression, always wondering, why is this woman doing these things better than herself? I get along with my son day and night for many years, which is not as close as her intimacy these days He felt unspeakably happy again, humming a minor tune in his mouth, and was in high spirits: "the Han people are old-fashioned. They pay attention to rules and etiquette before doing anything. Their oral Kung Fu is far more powerful than their hand Kung Fu."

Hua Rong can't refute it. For thousands of years, the doctrine of the mean of Confucianism has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Kings, ministers, fathers and sons, conspiracy is far more powerful than ability

At this time, a larger wildebeest sprang out The wildebeest ran fast and it was difficult to hunt and shoot. Lu Wenlong shot two arrows in a row. Jin Wushu was very interested. He drove his horse to catch up and shot three arrows in a row. The wildebeest fell to the ground. Several soldiers happily went up and lifted it, weighing at least 70 or 80 kilograms

"Haha, son, we can have roast mutton tonight."

"Good!" he jumped down with great interest to see his pile of wild things on the ground: rabbits, wild foxes, badgers, etc., plus this wild antelope, there were a lot of them "Mom, I'll bake something for you tonight. I'll bake a lot of things."

Hua Rong smiled and praised him seriously, "son, you have made rapid progress."

The child's desire for praise was even stronger. He suddenly picked up the double guns on his back and became interested. When he saw a fox coming out in the distance, he rushed up with the double guns and fought with his bare hands, and soon caught the fox The fox's legs were hurt, and his eyes were wide open. He was pitiful, and seemed to have tears

"Mom, here you are."

Hua Rong hugged the fox and remembered that the shooting technique Lu Wenlong had just used was the same one Yue Peng taught him She felt even worse, so she put the fox on the ground and said softly, "son, look at its tears. How pathetic it is. Shall we let it go?"

"OK. Put it back to its mother."

Lu Wenlong took the fox and put it on the ground. The fox limped and ran away He got on the horse and rode with his mother. When he saw his father catching up and he was in the middle, he felt strange and suddenly said, "it's good. Dad, mom, we'll all come out and play like this in the future, OK?"

Hua Rong smiles and plays. The child only knows to play. Everything he sees is harmonious How can he understand the killing behind this harmony?

Jin Wushu looked at her, smiling, secretly happy in his heart, vaguely, as if a dream came true, suddenly lowered his voice and said to his son, "so, you have to keep your mother."

"Does mother have to go?"

"If you are obedient and filial to her, she will stay forever."

Lu Wenlong was overjoyed. He kept nodding and whispered, "I understand."

Hua Rong saw the two of them whispering, and didn't want to inquire what Jin Wushu was abetting him I only plan other things in my heart One by one, slowly, always sort out the clue

Piles of prey were laid out in front of the campfire Row after row of barbecue shelves came up in turns, all kinds of game, wild sheep on the shelves whimpering oil The cook's factotum was sweating with oil, smeared various spices on it, and sprinkled the chopped wild fresh onions, wild garlic juice and Wild Alfalfa over and over again to increase the taste

Everyone looked curiously at the mother and son sitting in the middle. Sometimes they whispered, and sometimes Lu Wenlong ran around to help his mother get something Although there are many servants, he especially likes to do it himself Hua Rong likes him very much, which proves that the child is not arrogant Zha he sat on her side, and Jin Wushu blacked his face all the way, but he couldn't stop her, let alone make her believe that this humble lower class soldier didn't deserve to sit with him Gradually, he got used to it and didn't want to entangle in these small things

Hua Rong didn't know his mind at all. He only talked with people around him in Jurchen language, and paid close attention to the words and deeds of important people Unfortunately, as if Jin Wushu had done something, it turned into a family dinner for the fourth prince, and other Nvzhen nobles did not participate

Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua led other female relatives to file around the fire and sit down, saluting the fourth Prince according to the rules Then, looking at Hua Rong, I hesitated But after all, remembering the instructions of the fourth prince, he also saluted Hua Rong Hua Rong waved to stop the other women's family members from saluting. When it was Yelv Guanyin's turn and Wang Junhua's turn, the two men secretly rejoiced, thinking that she would do the same, but Hua Rong sat still and calmly accepted their etiquette

The two hate their teeth itching, but the fourth prince on the throne is smiling, maintaining this order of honor and inferiority The situation is stronger than people. At the end of this day, they understand that it is unrealistic to expect the fourth prince to defend himself in front of this woman The fourth Prince did not dare to speak loudly in front of her

Hua Rong naturally knew their jealousy, but she didn't refute at all, nor was she in a hurry to clarify anything. Since everyone regarded themselves as the "first lady" of the mansion in the future, it was really wonderful In the past, how many detours we took were all due to our upright nature. Our husband and wife were as straight as a steel bar, and they didn't know how to bend, so that there were traps everywhere Now, just by herself, women can only maximize the use of external forces

While drinking, Jin Wushu, seeing the harmonious scenery of this school, was also secretly happy: if Hua Rong had been like this all the time, how good would it be? There is a strong illusion: all this will continue, won't it? After all, the obstacle called Yue Pengju has died - for many years, this obstacle lies between himself and Hua Rong. Once he dies, everything goes well!

Holding a pot of wine, he came down and poured it for Hua Rong himself: "this is the wine that has been hidden in the Royal Palace of the state of Liao for 50 years. Try it."

Hua Rong raised his glass, and then noticed that the tableware set tonight was all with the characteristics of the Liao Dynasty, not a thing of the Song Dynasty Obviously, Jin Wushu didn't want to offend her on such a thing However, he did not know that these things, in fact, could not offend her at all

Hua Rong drank it up and said, "good wine, good wine."

Seeing that she had never been gentle, Jin Wushu was interested and drank three cups in succession. At this time, a whole sheep came up, and the chef was about to divide it. He stepped forward, took the knife, cut down, cut off the two fattest pieces and put them in two plates According to the etiquette of the immortal, this is presented to the most respected guest, not to mention the powerful fourth prince himself All the women watched eagerly, especially Yelv Guanyin. She once gave the fourth Prince medicine. According to the theory, isn't she the most important person in his mind?

She was so nervous that her palms were sweating, and her eyes did not turn. She stared at the fourth prince coming over - straight to the main position, two plates, one for Hua Rong, the other for her son: "taste it, how does it taste?"

Hua Rong tasted a small piece and said softly, "not bad."

Lu Wenlong ate a large piece, chewed it and said excitedly, "Mom, it's delicious. You eat more."

Hua Rong smiled, but saw the plate handed to Jin Wushu: "fourth prince, you can also taste it."

This smile is as bright as a flower and more dazzling than a fire Jin Wushu was so flattered that he immediately ate the mutton in the plate and said repeatedly, "it's really delicious, son, tomorrow my father will take you to hunt wildebeest..."

What a happy picture of husband and wife, father and son Everyone's eyes were about to protrude. Yelv Guanyin drank a mouthful of wine, as if she had drunk the most sour poison: the fourth prince, a big man, went so far as to do this thing of dividing dishes. Even when she was pregnant and most favored by the fourth prince, she never enjoyed such treatment She was calm and met Wang Junhua's eyes. For the first time, their eyes met, as if they were bosom friends Wang Junhua's eyes were almost bleeding Fourth prince, how can he? How can this be? If she suffered great betrayal and injustice, she gritted her teeth slightly and almost cried

At this time, the chef had divided the mutton neatly and put it in front of the people in turn. Jin Wushu laughed, "everyone taste it. It tastes very good."

Wang Junhua also forced a smile and tasted mutton with the crowd

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