One Night Bride

Chapter 448

Hu Jia, flute

The gentle wind sent the night silent

The bed is very comfortable, like a trip of the prince of luxury Where can Hua Rong close her eyes when lying in bed? Lu Wenlong's snoring can be heard across the curtain. The child who has been running for a day is too fast asleep to wake up Zahe lived on the outside flank. He was like the most loyal bodyguard, but he was a simple man after all. He also fell asleep in this comfortable place

Eyes opened for a long time, adapted to the darkness, and then perceived the brightness of the moon, shining down from the bright place left over the top of the tent, such as flowing mercury Because of Lu Wenlong's snoring, I miss little tiger head even more What is he doing at this moment? Can it also be such a deep sleep? Is king Qin impatient with him? Is it true that as Liu Zhiyong said, King Qin won't take care of his son at all? Yes, my son, what right do I have to completely blame King Qin? Her eyes are dry. In fact, why are you willing to do this? King Qin, did he really marry Li Tinglan and have children?

Just, how can I let Peng Ju die in vain?

Peng Ju, how wrongfully he died

She clenched her fist and strengthened her determination. Time and time again, she murmured a prayer: "Peng Ju, please bless our mother and son, and you must bless us."

Her prayer was disturbed by the nonsense outside, and her mood became more upset. She forced her eyes to close and forced herself to sleep in a daze - eat, drink, rest, keep energetic and strong will, so that she could really have the guarantee of success

In the distance, under the broad-leaved trees, sitting alone, Hu Jisheng, the travelers who get lost, lonely, lonely sitting alone His heart is burning - whenever the medicine doesn't take effect, he is a healthy man, in his prime, full of desire for women In particular, the woman who yearned for many years was far away and close at hand Only across the distance of a tent, you can realize your wish

In the big tent in front of him, many women waited for his favor, but he completely lost interest and waited for the most delicious meal - you must He is not a man who keeps his body like a jade. He can have sex as he likes, but tonight is different. When she is around, he dare not He knew her temperament well. If she wasn't there, it would be all right. If he spoiled other women's family members in front of her, wouldn't he be suicidal?

Never knew that men would restrain themselves, and never knew that women would be so fierce. Even Yelv Guanyin, when she was pregnant, even if she had a black hand behind her back, she could only force a smiling face to let other concubines wait on the fourth Prince - otherwise, men would have yin-yang imbalance if they didn't have sex for a long time Virtuous women should understand this truth, especially the concubines and concubines of kings, grandchildren and nobles. Otherwise, how can men spread branches and leaves on a large scale?

But he didn't dare to talk to Hua Rong about these general principles Like a hungry cat, looking at a fresh fish hanging from a distance, dangling overhead, but always across a line According to his temperament, he was already impatient, tired, and couldn't wait. He was about to jump on the fish and eat it in one bite. However, at that time and that place, this time is different from the past. His life was saved in her palm, rubbed round and pinched flat. Looking at her high and unhappy, how dare he act rashly?

He secretly resented that countless opportunities to start were missed. Today, he dared not start again This woman, isn't it true that she dares to swagger in front of herself?

But after all, my heart is sweet. Looking up at the starry sky, I have a novel feeling similar to that of a young man: I have never been so close to her! Never! Besides, she is alone, and she has a powerful chip: her son! Children are the best chips to keep a woman, aren't they?

He got up slowly and approached the tent quietly

The soldiers on duty were about to speak, and he hissed to stop them, for fear of waking up zahe. The damn inferior Jurchen soldier, he had never hated his fellow countrymen like now - he was a man of authentic Jurchen blood. Otherwise, he would jump up like a watchdog and chop himself over without hesitation, preventing his approach, in order to be loyal to his queen

He slowly lifted the curtain of the door The boots had already been taken off Barefoot, he walked silently on the silk carpet, step by step close to the tiny breathing place Lust is burning in the bottom of my heart. For a moment, I completely lost my mind - like a mirage seen by tourists, rushing over, the spring is infinite, golden beads


He took another step, and a loud drink rang in his ear, and he was terrified

"Who, who is it? Boy..."

It was Zha Hezhe's whirring voice. The two soldiers were surprised and had no time to stop him. He rushed in, took a Nuzhen iron knife and shouted, "who broke in? Little brother..."

Hua Rong turned over and sat up. A torch lit the tent. Everyone looked at the fourth Prince standing in the middle in surprise He was barefoot and looked like a thief caught in action

"Fourth prince, is it you?"

"The fourth Prince..."

Even Lu Wenlong jumped up and looked flustered: "what's the matter? Dad, mom, what happened?"

Jin Wushu stayed where he was, unable to speak. Hua rongwen said, "it's all right, son, go to bed."

Lu Wenlong rubbed his eyes, looked at his father and mother in surprise, and had to go back to bed Jin Wushu waved his hand, and the soldiers retreated. Only Zha he was still carrying an iron knife, and his face was full of vigilance: "fourth prince, what are you doing here?"

Jin Wushu can't wait to grab the iron knife and chop him. What's wrong with him, this eye-catching guy? Do you want him to mind his own business?

Zha he met his angry eyes and said, "four princes, men and women are different. This is my brother's tent..."

Jin Wushu finally couldn't help it and grabbed his collar: "the crown prince still needs you to teach him a lesson? What are you? This is the crown prince's territory. The crown prince can go there wherever he wants. What's your business? A bully..."

Zha he didn't dare to fight back, but he was awe inspiring: "the villain is my brother's friend, so naturally we should protect her safety..."

friend! He dared to boast and pretend to be a "friend" Does he deserve it? What is the danger of flower dissolving?

Jin Wushu's eyes were full of gold stars, and his hand touched the decorative dagger on his waist. Hua Rong saw that he was angry and lost his sense of propriety, and said coldly, "fourth prince, why do you care about him? Zahe, you go down first."

Jin Wushu loosened his hand and lifted his iron knife. Then he went down and looked at him suspiciously before leaving Jin Wushu was even more angry because of this look. Was he really so obviously ill intentioned?

The room quieted down, and he simply sat on the silk carpet without saying a word

Hua Rong asked faintly, "fourth prince, what's the matter with you coming here in the middle of the night?"

He simply straightened up, put his head on his arms, swaggered, closed his eyes, and fell asleep

"Fourth Prince" Hua Rong raised his voice, "what's the matter with you?"

He frowzily: "sleep, don't you see? The crown prince's territory, sleep wherever you want? What's the matter with you?"

Hua Rong shook her head, walked out of bed and said faintly, "I'll let you do it."

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that Hua Rong's clothes were neat, as if he was lying in a state of closing his clothes at any time. He jumped up and grabbed her: "I'll just leave."

Hua Rong stopped and took a look at him. Naturally, he understood his mind. The dragon pond and the tiger's den, the sheep into the tiger's mouth. He thought that the delicious meal had arrived. If he didn't enjoy it, how could it be justified? Isn't that so?

Jin Wushu stared at her eyes, embarrassed and depressed, and shouted, "Hua Rong, what are you afraid of? How dare the crown prince take you?"

She smiled: "of course you don't dare! I dare you!"

The disdain of this smile showed no more. He was furious, turned around and walked away, saying, "the crown prince always wants to get rid of the guy who is in the way..."

"If anyone dares to tie a hair, we'll see."

He suddenly turned around and glared at her, strode away

The door curtain closed again, and Hua Rong put out the candle and fell asleep safely

The fourth Prince didn't return all night. Although the concubines didn't see his embarrassment with their own eyes, they got up early in the morning and were surprised to see him with a scratchy beard, haggard appearance and red eyes In particular, Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin secretly spied and knew that the fourth Prince did not return, so they knew that they had gone to Huarong They didn't know that the fourth Prince ate shriveled, and thought that they had been in the field for a long time. Originally, in this case, how could a lonely woman resist the favor of the fourth prince? Isn't that tent a golden house for hiding?

The two hated and envied each other. Yelv Guanyin posed as a good wife, holding hot water and a veil, and prepared new comfortable clothes for him to change

Jin Wushu wiped his face, looked at the early rising sun, and yawned: "go out, Prince Ben, go to have a rest."

The fourth Prince goes to bed in broad daylight. It's really strange Last night, how did he "win a hundred battles"? Surprised and angry, they exchanged glances and went to a quiet place to talk

Wang Junhua said in a hurry, "sister, it's not good to go on like this. Hua Rong, this bitch, is greatly favored. What if she gives birth to a son?"

The son is the biggest and most powerful bargaining chip for women. Yelv Guanyin knew this well and asked Yelv to try every means to get the elixir in order to win "the mother depends on the son". However, what she couldn't figure out was: if the fourth prince took medicine, how could she not be alone in her heart? If I hadn't taken the medicine, I wouldn't have allowed myself to stay long ago Now, if Hua Rong is called the first, how can it be good? She glanced at Wang Junhua. Wang Junhua immediately frowned and sighed, "my family has a hard life. I haven't had a baby these years, and now I'm too old to have a baby. Sister, my family's hope is all on you. If I have a son, my family still wants to have a dry son..."

Yelv Guanyin was slightly relieved, frowned and said, "we always have to find a way to solve the flower dissolution first."

Wang Junhua hurriedly asked, "sister nvzhuge, what's your good idea?"

"I want to hear my sister's advice first."

"To be honest, I have a deep hatred with this bitch, and she will not allow me. These days, although I have the protection of the fourth prince, I am also in a state of confusion and lose my sense of propriety. I can't think of any way to deal with her, so I can only watch her arrogance..."

Yelv Guanyin saw that she didn't look fake, and then said, "in the view of the slave family, the biggest strength of Hua Rong is the little prince..." she stopped talking, and Wang Junhua was shocked in his heart and shook his head hurriedly: "no, absolutely not. The little prince is the heart of the fourth prince. Moreover, the little prince is not her own..."

Yelv Guanyin was not in a hurry: "Liang Xiaofei is a gentleman. Sister, our destiny is in the hands of that woman now. Besides, the fourth prince will naturally have many sons..."

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