One Night Bride

Chapter 467

Weak, after all, is a weak woman. If she falls into a man's arms and cries bitterly, that is her last trust, confided without defense

He was also unable to sigh: "Hua Rong, I hope to spend the rest of my life to make up for you, OK?"

She didn't answer, and he didn't ask, but repeated softly in her ear: "Hua Rong, I'm sorry for you, so I'll let you live a good life for the rest of your life..."

Lu Wenlong picked a bunch of flowers and was about to run over. Seeing his father and mother hugging, he was so happy that he secretly turned around and ran to pick flowers again

After a while, Hua Rong's cry turned into sobs. Jin Wushu sighed, wiped away the tears on her face, and whispered, "Hua Rong, in fact, I regret it. If we didn't meet like that at the beginning, if we get along in a different way, it wouldn't be the end of today."

The flower dissolved in his arms, raised his head, and looked at the big and round moon. If the moon is full, it will be sad for thousands of years Jin Wushu's voice was soft in his ear: "it's still too late, we can start over. Hua Rong, if you don't like it, I can drive Yelv Guanyin and others away. Whatever you want to do, I will follow you..."

In the night, those eyes were full of a kind of tender charm, as if they were no longer the golden and iron generals, but the supreme lover Hua Rong stared into his eyes: "fourth prince, in fact, I'm not worth you treating me like this..."

He laughed, "it's worth it, it's all about heart. Hua Rong, don't worry, I'll never force you before killing Qin Hui. It's also a period to give us a real understanding of each other..." he winked, "like a man on the grassland pursuing a beautiful girl, Hua Rong, do you know? In this life, I haven't pursued any woman except you..." memories are like tides, encounters on the battlefield, encounters in Kaifeng, many years, I still remember the silhouette of the slender hands dissecting the new orange on the teahouse, which was fixed in my mind

"Hua Rong, over the years, I have never really hated you. Even after you get married, I dream that one day we can meet again, meet again, and be together..."

With a low sigh, she slowly sat up from his arms

At this time, Lu Wenlong ran back and piled a bunch of flowers in his mother's arms. Hua Rong's face was almost buried by the flowers, smiling, "son, pick so many?"

"Mom, do you like it?"

"I like it."

At this moment, I really appreciate the taste of a beautiful wife and son. The realm of soft jade and warmth can't help but breed a very wonderful fantasy: one day, I will have another son, her son, my own flesh and blood, be happy, tease fun, isn't it a great beauty of life?

"Hua Rong..."

She raised her face in the flowers, and saw his smiling face and incomparable intimacy: "Hua Rong, in fact, I have completely hated war since the bloody battle of Shangqiao..."

What's the meaning of this?

He didn't hide his thoughts at all: "I really hated the war after watching my head fall to the ground for half my life, so I was able to advocate the peace talks between song and Jin Dynasties. In my lifetime, I hope the two countries won't go to war again, and I will live a stable life for the rest of my life, riding horses, hunting and raising children for fun. Isn't it far more difficult than the battlefield?"

Hua Rong was stunned. It turned out that this was his real idea She didn't know whether she was sad or happy. She would rather be a peaceful dog than a man in troubled times. Who was willing to fight? Who wants to be displaced?

"As long as I am alive, I believe there will be no large-scale war between the two countries."

He was in high spirits and made a solemn pledge Hua Rong smiled, yes, he got rid of what should be removed, and he also got what should be obtained. What's the significance of waging war again?

Lu Wenlong took his mother in one hand and his father in the other, and walked back happily: "Dad, how are we going to play tomorrow?"

"Dad will teach you a novel thing tomorrow."


Jin Wushu didn't stop until the mother and son were sent to the tent Hua Rong held his son, and Lu Wenlong kept waving to him: "see you tomorrow, Dad."

"See you tomorrow."

The door of the tent closed, and he turned to see whether the bodyguard waiting in the night was doing his duty The night was already deep, and the footsteps roamed on the grass, leaving only the chirping of insects around In my heart, I felt as if I had put down a heavy burden This night, I learned about Hua Rong and her weakest place. What progress is this?

Waving his hands, he suddenly remembered that his poison had not occurred for a long time these days Moreover, even when drinking too much and lust surges, there is no sign of disease Is it because the medicine Hua Rong gave herself on the same day alleviated the toxicity? Or is it simply the antidote? He thought very optimistic. This woman has never really been hard on herself, has she?

He turned around again and looked at the tent under the night. It was silent. He smiled and whispered, "good night, Huarong."

In the room, candlelight shone, reflecting a box of jewelry, gold and silver pearls sent by the housekeeper

Lu Wenlong yawned and sat on the table with his mother for a cup of tea like a little adult. His tone was also very sophisticated: "Mom, do you feel that my father is getting better and better?"

She smiled and nodded

"It's just that the demon is still there. I really don't understand why dad doesn't mean what he says? He said to drive her away. Before, dad wasn't like this..."

In the past, because the requirements are different, because the requirements are simple, it is easy to promise; Now, Xi Nuer's charm has not passed, and the fourth Prince still retains his attachment to her sexual novelty Little boy, he doesn't know these things, but he knows how to observe and knows that Dad's words may not count

The flower dissolved but smiled silently. She did not answer her son's doubts, but looked at the increasingly dark moonlight outside the window The sweet words of the fourth prince are just like the night. This woman today, another woman tomorrow, can't be true He can have sex with other women while saying he loves you The love of a politician is so cheap, but he thinks it's very noble, passionate and affectionate

Lu Wenlong is still regretting this small "flaw": "Mom, I'll go to bed first."

"Well, mom will prepare you a delicious breakfast tomorrow."

The world of this tent was quiet again, and the candle light shook its shadow, leaving only its lonely shadow reflected on the walls Hua Rong sat quietly for a long time before closing the jewelry box For the first time in many years, I understand the importance of money How can a lonely woman who has no power and money get revenge except relying on men? The fourth prince, he can provide some money and some power, can't he? As the most powerful man in song and Jin Dynasties, who can he rely on besides him? Besides, I didn't use him in vain. He was also one of the murderers, wasn't he? Because of his guilt, he always generously sent his wealth and his favorite collections to her one by one in an attempt to win her favor

With a red damask mirror and a jade comb, her heavily made-up face was lifted from the sparkling water shadow. She wiped it clean with a handkerchief. The candle light swayed, the powder faded, and the lead was gone. Only then did she find the slight fine lines in the corners of her eyes, and the vicissitudes hidden in the eyebrows - old, old

I thought only king Qin was old. In fact, I am also old

Not old, only Peng Ju, his figure, always fixed in the most prosperous years, heroic and invincible, charging forward, indomitable, Yushu Linfeng

The comb slipped through the hair, and a gentle voice rang overhead: "sister seventeen, I'll comb it for you..."

Startled, she turned back, and the comb fell to the ground, breaking the jade on the handle in two In the dead of night, in a foreign country, where is the slightest shadow of Peng Ju?

"Peng Ju, wait, wait, I will definitely go back to accompany you and never separate from you again."

"Mom... Mom..." that was the laughter of the little tiger head, holding the little turtle, holding the little oyster, and walking on the cruiser with small boots, "tap, tap..."

She was in tears, lying in bed with her clothes, the moonlight outside the window, leaving people wanting to break her heart

With a swift horse and a whip, a small team sneaked into Liao in the night, crossed the grassland, crossed the grove, and came to a mysterious valley

Bypassing the boulder, it was like a natural gate, and the vision suddenly opened up. The flat place, the wide and rough houses, and the huge natural flat made a square, and the surrounding shouts were "kill, kill..."

Neat cosmetic surgery, sharp blades, dark squads, meticulously practiced

King Qin laughed, rode in and clapped his hands heavily: "good, good, very good. Today, I saw the elite of the original Liao state, and it really deserves its reputation..."

A senior general with a red scarf ran over and was surprised and delighted, "Your Majesty, are you here?"

Beside him, a big man of Liao descent was full of vigilance, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous when he saw Liu Wu's attitude. He stared at the big man who suddenly broke in. However, he was soon startled by the momentum in his leopard like eyes and couldn't help but retreat a few steps

With a strange whistle, a general wearing an armrest like Liu Wu came forward and bowed: "king, little man jerulon continued to meet the king at the Lord's order."

King Qin laughed: "Liu Wu, you go on, good, good."

With a wave of his hand, he strode in the direction that jerulon continued to guide

A row of flat houses, half wood and half stone structure, are obviously made of local materials, which have only been established in the past two to three years King Qin looked as he walked. These are military barracks. Yelv was very useful. Where would the old ghost live?

An independent courtyard, a two-story building, and a stone door opened silently. King Qin went in and saw a hidden corner on the second floor. It was obviously a lookout. A man in black was coming down from it, and his voice did not contain a trace of emotion: "King Qin, what do you think?"

"Very good. Better than I thought."

He smiled proudly, and the skin on his face was very strange. King Qin suspected that he had changed another mask However, he was not interested in knowing the old ghost's original appearance

"King Qin, you came all the way to visit our military appearance?" He deliberately emphasized the word "we"

"Of course, I have paid my efforts and human and material resources. Naturally, I can't just ignore it..." King Qin didn't care. "Besides, I have to come to see your father-in-law, isn't it?"

"Father in law? Interesting, interesting." Yelv laughed. "I didn't expect that I had become the father-in-law of the sea bully King Qin. Who can explain the changes in the world?"

Two servants in green hats came up to mix tea. King Qin looked around and saw a stone house in Nuo University, which was paved with a kind of long hanging rock, a dull air conditioner, a few animal skins, lonely walls, and no gorgeous furnishings He was surprised that Yelv Dayong was once the crown prince of the Liao state, how extravagant and extravagant. Now, he was so simple and humble. It was obvious that he was completely invested and put all his eggs in one basket on the road of competing for the world

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