One Night Bride

Chapter 469

The sound of horses' hoofs sounded. He stood up again and looked at the returning army. The leader was wearing a boss' red scarf, copper bell like leopard eyes, and the knife was bright, as if it was dripping with the blood of the enemy He was secretly frightened and secretly happy. Fortunately, he allied with this man. Fortunately, he became his son-in-law

On the school field, the victorious soldiers cheered and drank On the high platform, the two sat opposite each other

Yelv poured a glass of wine himself: "King Qin, I have never poured wine for others in my life. For the first time, I respect both my son-in-law and the victorious King Qin."

King Qin took the glass and drank it down, laughing: "thanks for the kindness of Yelv old ghost."

"Your Majesty, since you win, why not follow up and destroy the Helian tribe?"

King Qin put down his glass: "Yelv, you don't know something. First, we go deep into the hinterland of the desert, and then catch up, and it's hard to predict whether we will win or lose. Second, Helian is also a helpless dog like you. Now the song and Jin Dynasties are at peace, and Jin Wu Shu has plenty of time and energy to spare to deal with you. What we need is allies rather than enemies. If possible, Lao Tzu also wants to promote an alliance with Helian..."

Yelv looked at the rough man across the street again and found that he was careless and thoughtful under the appearance He poured another glass of wine: "thank you, King Qin."

King Qin didn't care: "thank you for what? Don't forget your promise. This country is yours, but it's my son's after all..."

Yelv laughed for the first time, and his voice was like a bat: "good, very good, I dream of this moment in my dreams."

He had repeatedly worried about his daughter's marriage, thinking that King Qin would have some twists and turns, but he didn't expect to get married so smoothly This is a man's choice. He thought to himself that he really didn't find the wrong person. It's a man's nature to love rivers and mountains. With rivers and mountains, why don't beauties roll in?

He mentioned his daughter for the first time: "Tinglan, is she OK?"

"Good, very good."


King Qin laughed: "the night before I left, my wife vomited slightly, and asked the doctor to have a look. He said it was Ximai. I was afraid of her bumps along the way, so I didn't bring her to see you..."

Yelv poured himself a cup and drank it in one gulp. It was a double blessing. The child was born, and his alliance with King Qin was really unbreakable

Dew in the morning sprinkled on the grass under the tent, and a wind bell was tied to the tree. A gust of wind came, making a pleasant sound of tinkling

Lu Wenlong ran back with two guns in his hands. He had just finished his morning exercises, and his red face was full of sweat

Far away, he saw Jin Wushu striding forward Jin Wushu had never come so early. He greeted him and asked happily, "Dad, why are you here?"

Jin Wushu took his hand and said, "son, have you made progress?"

He nodded repeatedly, "Dad, mom teaches me archery every day, and I make rapid progress."

Jin Wushu looked at the tent, the door opened, and a slim figure slowly came out It's no longer yesterday's gorgeous clothes. She changed into a light green simple shirt and tight beard, like a girl running and jumping on the grassland Such a refreshing, but add another style, he is very happy, step forward: "Hua Rong, go to the big tent for breakfast today."

She smiled: "the fourth prince came to pick us up so early to have breakfast?"

Because he had never done such a thing, he was even a little embarrassed. Jin Wushu touched his hair and laughed, "Hua Rong, let's go."

Lu Wenlong was happy with this strange situation. Holding their hands respectively, he asked naively, "will we have breakfast with dad every day in the future?"

Jin Wushu looked at Hua Rong and nodded, "son, as long as you like, dad will accompany you every day."

Lu Wenlong's eyes turned to Hua Rong, who smiled and didn't speak

As soon as I entered, I found the grand tent of the fourth prince, which was so deserted for the first time

The former decoration was slightly changed. The table where he sat alone was replaced by the most popular rectangular table in the Song Dynasty at that time It was filled with all kinds of breakfast, even rice porridge and side dishes from the Song Dynasty

Both mother and son were surprised. The three sat down. Jin Wushu smiled and said, "eat, what do you like? I'll order the kitchen to prepare more of these later."

Or the child couldn't hold his breath: "Dad, where are the Yelv women?"

He gave his son a piece of bacon and casually said, "Dad is getting older and less noisy, so he separated the tent. Mrs. Yelv and Mrs. Wang and others live in another tent..."

Lu Wenlong opened his eyes wide, surprised and happy: "really? Dad, it's really great. By the way, where's the goblin?"

Jin Wushu blushed: "dad doesn't like people from the western regions, and he gave her to the prime minister right this morning..." the prime minister right of the state of Jin has close contacts with the fourth prince. Jin Wushu's move is really killing two birds with one stone

"Son, if you don't like it in the future, Dad won't let her appear at home..." his words were to his son, but his eyes were on Hua Rong Hua Rong was secretly surprised. What is the fourth Prince doing? The fourth prince, who is charming and courteous, wants to show his purity or something else?

She slowly drank porridge, looked up, touched his eyes, and was slightly stunned After many years of acquaintance, she had never seen such eyes as Jin Wushu, full of enthusiasm and sincerity Of course, it's not just his eyes that are weird, but his sideburns - the former high spirited fourth prince had a wisp of white hair at the corner of his hair

Old, fighting for many years, originally, everyone is old

Jin Wushu was originally older than she and Yue Pengju. At that time, Jin Wushu had already passed the age of 40 years. Because of many years of expeditions and wars, coupled with the struggle of the court of the kingdom of Jin, he worked hard. These days, he was idle and indulged in excessive lust, so he aged faster than ordinary people

This is Hua Rong's first serious look at him these days. He was also very sorry, and suddenly had a slight shaking and retreat: if this goes on, what should we do? She hopes that the more Xi Nuer and others in the fourth Prince's residence, the better What I want is his indulgence, not his devotion, because I don't need any kind of "affection" from him at all

However, this idea was soon dismissed. The fourth prince, who had read the poems and books of the Southern Dynasty, inherited the consistent characteristics of the scholars of the Southern Dynasty, and vowed to come and go quickly This time, I separated Yelv Guanyin and drove away Xi Nuer. Hua Rong bet that in less than half a month, or even less than this long, the fourth prince would be unable to help but burst out again with some strange sleeping beauty

Like the famous Emperor Hanwu, he would rather not eat for three days than have no women for a day Successful men, especially military generals, have a particularly strong desire for women to have sex. If he can become a lover, Qin Hui should automatically stretch his neck to die Is this possible?

Hua Rong remained calm and asked him, "fourth prince, how is the situation with Qin Hui?"

Jin Wushu frowned: "Wang Junhua stayed here for so long, and Qin Hui never sent anyone to inquire. It seems that this old man has long cherished a different ambition. I have discussed with the wolf Lord that now Zhao Deji is in the south of the Yangtze River and is growing larger and larger. If the state of Jin wants to go south again, it will be difficult and heavy to restrain Zhao Deji, but to establish song qinzong. At the military meeting the day before yesterday, most ministers agreed to this proposal..."

Hua Rong hurriedly asked, "when can it be implemented?"

"Start when this summer vacation is over."

She breathed a long sigh of relief, and felt that it was seriously inappropriate. If the north and the South faced off and set up another puppet, the Han people were the most concerned about orthodoxy and the struggle for fame. In this case, would there be no peace, and the song state itself would fight endlessly?

At that time, don't Qin Hui can't kill it, but the north is in chaos and fragmented first. Isn't it a great sin for him?

However, she also understood that Jin Wushu was only fighting for his revenge. His real strategy must be based on the interests of Da Jin and will not change in the overall situation because of him Now, he is just pushing the boat with the current, and in the name of luring Qin Hui to kill, he is fully promoting the long-awaited "partition of the north and the South" in order to draw chestnuts from the fire

She was even more frightened when she thought of this

"Son, today dad takes you to a very interesting place..."

"Is Mom going or not?"

Jin Wushu looked at Hua Rong who was in a daze, suddenly leaned in her ear and whispered, "Hua Rong, we have never dated..."

Last year, on the eve of the lunar new year,

The flower market lights are as bright as day,

The willow shoots on the moon,

After dusk

He suddenly remembered the "date" of the light smoke bridge in those days. He sat by the bridge and listened to the gurgling water. Time passed like water, but the beauty never came In a hurry, how many years have passed, and I have also moved from a prosperous age to middle age

For a moment, I was in a trance, like a lonely talk in a prosperous age, and suddenly I couldn't help myself

Because of this, it was like an ignorant teenager, who no longer dared to be impulsive, but stared at her in a daze She was still thinking, dressed in simple clothes, not as charming and intimate as she had deliberately dressed up two days ago

Such a cold and desolate flower solution is the flower solution in memory, and it is also the beginning of the first love of the woman who is on her mind

Women have always wanted as much as they wanted. They want as much as they want. They have never been entangled like this. For many years, they are still separated by a layer of light smoke, unable to grasp and close

His lips moved, but they were dry. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. His mind was blank

Lu Wenlong was originally in high spirits. At this time, he saw father and mother. They had different expressions and said nothing. He felt strange, but the little child understood that it seemed inappropriate to speak at this time He got off the table alone and tiptoed until he came out of the tent. He quietly looked at Dad and mom. Neither of them found that he had left

In the distance, Yelv Guanyin poked his head behind the newly-built tent to see which child came out quietly He was dressed in a green golden dress and carried a bow and arrow His braided hair, left lapel, was improved and tied into a towering braid, like a fire child with his feet on the wind and fire wheel

She gritted her teeth, and around her came Wang Junhua's sigh: "sister, what should I do?"

Overnight, the fourth prince made a decision, and the wife and concubine branch gave Xi Nuer and several other young and beautiful concubines to some senior officials who needed to be courted deliberately What does he mean by being so bold? With that woman, the world is full?

Her fingers pressed in her pocket and held the small medicine bottle, which was a sharp weapon given by Yelv I have to use sharp tools, but it's not easy to find opportunities around Hua Rong?

Suddenly, a voice came from my ear, which was a tune blown out by a special kind of leaves She was shocked, stabilized her mind, perfunctorized with Wang Junhua, made excuses, and left alone

Deep in the forest, a man wearing a gold mask

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