One Night Bride

Chapter 475

He smiled at the corner of his mouth and glanced at the arrow in his hand: dead girl, if you want to know the news of your son, come and ask me in person! Suddenly, she was angry. All her life, she was constantly looking for and chasing, dead girl. Why did she think that she should unconditionally listen to her help her take care of her son all her life?

Yeluron continued to ask loudly, "Your Majesty, is this how we withdraw?"

King Qin stared, "the snake has been on guard for a long time. If you are brave, you will catch up."

Yeluron continued to be shocked by the two shots of Hua Rong, lost his courage, and only resisted: "however, we have set fire to their snake flower snake venom..."

"Look for yourself."

Yeluron continued to follow King Qin's fingers, and then he saw that the fire in front of him was weak. In summer, the plants were dense, and there was another rain, which was not dry enough. Although pine oil was added, it could not burn far. Coupled with the wild people's fighting, the fire spread only a few feet across the watered flower river, and it was weak. It could not be close to the scope of snake flower snake venom at all

He was dejected: "is this how to let the serpent tribe go?"

King Qin put the arrow in the arrow bag behind him and waved his hand, "this tribe is no harm to us. I can't fight against them. I have my own way to deal with them."

Yeluron dared not say any more, so he had to withdraw

In the wide field, the torch shines as bright as day

The snake knelt on the ground, holding a crutch carved with a golden snake head in his hand, and prayed loudly, "thank the great snake god, we have repelled the enemy again."

He turned around and devoutly put the snake stick in front of Hua Rong: "boss, thank you for your alertness and bravery, which drove the enemy away."

Hua Rong smiled, took the snake stick, and worshipped the sky three times like him. In fact, he knew that King Qin must have seen the arrow he shot and recognized himself, otherwise, he would die and be seriously injured tonight

The snake asked again, "boss, will the enemy come?"

She thought for a moment: "not for the time being. These days, you can go step by step, don't panic."

The serpent was so happy that the troops were disbanded and rested

Tied to one side, waiting to say something, but didn't say anything

It was the darkest time before dawn, and the grass on both sides of the watering River fluctuated in the breeze, revealing scorched traces

Slowly, there was a faint light, and you could see the fallen wild flowers, with two flavors of scorched and soil, mixed into your nose The flowers melt and rein in the horse, quietly standing in a clump of deep grass The black moon held a piece of wood in her mouth and held her head up, unable to neigh

The sound from the opposite side, a horse approaching

Hua Rong's heart jumped, and King Qin really came How should I face him? Or did you turn around and leave after inquiring about xiaohutou? Or congratulate him on getting married and having children? She suddenly became nervous. King Qin got married and didn't even give him a gift In love and reason, I should give him a generous gift, but what can I give him?

"Mrs. Yue..."

Her heart almost stopped. She opened her eyes and looked at the man in military uniform on the other side. It was an Zhigang

It's not king Qin. King Qin didn't come

There was a pang of sadness in his heart. King Qin, he didn't come

An Zhigang jumped off his horse and was very polite: "Mrs. Yue, I came to negotiate on the order of the king."

Negotiate, negotiate what?

"Sorry, we didn't know that you were the leader of the serpent tribe before. The flood really washed the Dragon King temple. The king said that as long as you pay 50 wild donkeys and 100 cattle and sheep every year, we will no longer attack the serpent tribe."

50 wild donkeys, 100 cattle and sheep, if you can exchange for peace, this is not too much

Just, where's the tiger head? Where is the tiger head?

Hua Rong forced himself to calm down: "anzhigang, where is xiaohutou? How is he?"

An Zhigang was waiting for her to agree to the conditions of "surrender", but she changed the topic and was stunned. Then he said, "little tiger head is on Changlin island. He is very good."

Hua Rong slightly closed her eyes and tightly held the bow and arrow in her hand Changlin island is where Li Tinglan lives. King Qin, didn't he promise to let little tiger head stay on sunset island all the time? Why is it sent to Changlin island?

"Madam Yue, please don't worry. Little tiger head is looked after by Uncle Yang and his wife on Changlin island."

"Madam" is Li Tinglan King Qin, he was relieved to leave the tiger head to Li Tinglan's care, and he came to the Liao kingdom as king!

She nodded very hard, her voice dry: "please tell King Qin for me, thank him."

"Mrs. Yue..."

She waved her hand, "I promise you that I will sacrifice 50 wild donkeys, 100 cattle and sheep every year. Don't worry, these things will be sent across the watering River in three days."

An Zhigang was overjoyed and bowed his hands: "take care, Mrs. Yue. Your majesty is very busy these days, and there is no time to meet with you. You know, you have to deal with the leaders of many savage tribes and appease them. When you have time later, he..."

She interrupted him, "no, tell him I'm fine."

An Zhigang saluted again and left

The morning sun has risen, and the wild flowers on both sides of the watering River fluctuate with the breeze. One by one, the flowers are facing the sun, colorful and brilliant

"The king said that he was old and would never look for you from the ends of the earth as before. If you don't go back, he will marry other women."

Words are still in my ears, and the Green Necklace on his wrist is also in front of me King Qin, he was indeed happy

The piece in the mouth of the dark moonlight had been taken off, and a neighing sound came out. The long dark mane shook and the dew was wet A drop of dew fell from her hair, and Hua Rong found that her hair was also wet with morning dew, and she was cold all over


For a long time, she pulled the reins and walked back slowly. Her mind was empty and she couldn't remember anything

Until her back completely disappeared, a figure came out from behind the big tree opposite the watering river Staring so long, my heart is no longer excited, and I won't jump wildly. As expected, the dead girl only asked little tiger head, and didn't even ask herself! King Qin slapped heavily on the tree and startled birds flying

An Zhigang quietly flashed out and lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, madam seems very sad."

Sad? Will she feel sad because of herself? Or sad for her son? Every time I leave without saying goodbye. For more than ten years, the two have been playing hide and seek He is tired of such a scene Damn girl, do you still think you are a young girl? Even his own son did not care, but also really relaxed

"Did she say anything else?"

"No, madam just said that the tribute would be delivered on time."

There is a knot between them, and if she can't solve it forever, she will be restless all day. Even if she meets her again, even if she can be together, she will always be afraid to leave at any time This time, we must make it clear and cut off her heart knot

King Qin looked across at the vibrant grassland, wild flowers, and then into the dense jungle. He felt relieved somehow What he was most afraid of was that she had no choice but to go to Jin Wushu. Now it seems that the dead girl really didn't disappoint him And very happy, this is Hua Rong. Hua Rong, who has been thinking about her for half a life, is like meeting her again for the first time, and the weak girl has become a divine Archer; Now, the woman who survived the disaster has become the leader of the savage tribe It's a kind of unique pride. I'm proud of my woman. She hasn't been reduced at any time. How good!

He looked at the direction of Lin'an and said to himself: Yue Pengju, if you are spiritual in heaven, you should also be proud of your wife, girl, she did all this and experienced all these hardships because of you!

He took the pulled arrow in his hand, looked at it, and put it back in his arms. Then he told an Zhigang, "you must not disclose the whereabouts of your wife to anyone."


The serpent and Zha, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the return of Hua Rong, and their hanging heart was relieved, and they immediately came up Hua Rong told them King Qin's request. They were happy. There were 50 wild donkeys and 100 cattle and sheep. This number was very insignificant for the tribe Snake couldn't believe it: "boss, is this really all there is? If you want these, you don't need time to prepare. We can send them tomorrow."

Hua Rong shook her head. "I'd better send it in three days as agreed."

Zahe was happy: "it must be the king. No one will treat us like this except the king."

Hua Rong whispered, "since he doesn't want to meet us, there's his reason. You don't have to mention him."

"Yes, brother, I know."

Hua Rong had mixed feelings and didn't know what to say. On the excuse of headache, she went back to the room on the tree and lay down Honey bee water and roasted wild donkey meat were prepared on the table, which was delicious Hua Rong didn't have any appetite and couldn't eat it. He just looked at it and fell asleep

The camp of the fourth prince

Almost everyone found that the arrogant woman had not appeared for several days In particular, Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin don't know what Hua Rong's idea is. Has she left or gone somewhere else? Both of them have the same idea. They wish Hua Rong had left or been driven away by the fourth prince. Only in this way can they get what they need and win their own spring


A man stands on the edge of the mangrove forest. In front of him is a deep jungle, behind him is a green grass, and a small ditch less than three feet separates the two, with a clear boundary

The setting sun cast his shadow on the grass, looking long and left and right, hoping to hear the sound of horses' hoofs or see a figure in the mangrove - that means that the flowers have melted back However, he has been waiting for many days and has not seen the slightest shadow The pain of parting lies in being together day and night Accustomed to someone's existence, she suddenly disappeared. That anxiety and longing mood is the first experience of this life

However, every night, there is disappointment, strong disappointment

Lu Wenlong ran over with two guns in his hands and shouted, "Daddy, mom hasn't come back yet?"

He shook his head

Lu Wenlong was also very disappointed. He ran to his side, sat on the grass and wiped his head with sweat: "Dad, I'm not used to it these days. The food cooked by my mother is really delicious. The cook's cooking is not as delicious as my mother's."

Jin Wushu laughed, sat down next to his son, and looked at the sweater with tiger skin and gold border on his body. It was an improved garment, which combined Hu Fu and Han Fu. It was convenient and beautiful, with uniform stitches. Although there was no exquisite embroidery, the details showed the intention and patience of the stitcher everywhere

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