One Night Bride

Chapter 480

Hua Rong stood up and said coldly, "fourth prince, don't blame me for not reminding you that no one is allowed to leave before the truth of the matter is understood..."

"Who do you suspect? Who do you suspect? I'll catch him right away."

"First of all, Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin can't run. I reminded you long ago."

Jin Wushu shouted, "how dare they? How can they have so much courage?"

Hua Rong looked at his expression and felt incredible. Why didn't they dare? The fourth Prince deliberately calculated that he was vicious. Why did he always become arrogant when it came to his wife and concubine? He thought that his wife and concubine dared not attack his son because of his charm? Women compete for favor and kill people. He thinks that with his own strength, everything will be settled?

In her heart, she stressed again, "Jin Wushu, no one here is allowed to leave."

"However, we are about to leave in half a month, and the vacation is about to end..."

"Half a month? It's still early. There's enough time."

"Hua Rong, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to find the murderer and cure my son."

"Well, as long as it's a murderer, even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu doesn't bother you to do it, I'll kill him myself."

Hua Rong shook his head. Until this time, the fourth Prince still did not doubt Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin

In the big tent, the concubines sat around, one by one very panicked, and they didn't know the life or death of the little prince Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua also had the same expression as the concubines. They were really nervous, especially Wang Junhua. They just wanted Lu Wenlong's body to be thrown out immediately and sent to the sea of fire like the child. This was once and for all However, people came and went in the small tent, but there was no sign of sending out the bodies Hateful, why did Hua Rong come back in time? Now the fourth Prince is back, but what should I do?

She looked at Yelv Guanyin, and her eyes were startled. Was that medicine not as effective as Yelv Guanyin boasted? What if Lu Wenlong doesn't die?

Yelv Guanyin appears to be an old God She has seen the effect of medicine with her own eyes, and it is impossible for Lu Wenlong not to die Moreover, the child has died, and now there is no proof of death. Who dares to suspect himself?

Everyone was worried, but Jin Wushu rode back

He didn't jump off his horse until he got to the door of the tent. The concubines hurriedly surrounded him and asked, "what's the matter with the fourth prince, the little prince?"

"Did the little prince wake up?"

"What do we need to do?"

Jin Wushu was so impatient that he just rushed into his independent camp and took all the herbs he could find He thought about it and didn't go. He just asked Wang Junhua to go in

Not only Wang Junhua, but also Yelv Guanyin lost his sense of propriety, and his heart jumped. Did the fourth Prince find anything? Or is there any slander in Huarong?

Wang Junhua walked in nervously, and Jin Wushu immediately withdrew the crowd

Jin Wushu turned his back to her, as if looking for something, and did not turn back for a long time She was even more uneasy, but after all, she was a cruel character. She kept calm and pretended to be sad: "the fourth prince, the little prince, he..."

Jin Wushu turned around and stared at her eyes Wang Junhua stepped back and said in horror, "fourth prince, are you?"

Jin Wushu took a step forward and suddenly lowered his voice, "Mrs. Wang, do you think Yelv Guanyin did something?"

She was surprised, took another step back, and whispered, "I don't know, it's impossible... How dare she be so bold?"

"Who do you think it is?"

Wang Junhua gasped: "Hua Rong, it must be Hua Rong, this bitch..."

"Nonsense! She became a little prince as her own son. Besides, she was not there at all..."

Wang Junhua suddenly stepped forward in anger, be filled with righteous indignation: "Fourth prince, I'm outspoken. Hua Rong won the favor of the fourth prince by taking the little prince as a chess piece and using it step by step. You ask her why she wanted to do it? She is now a princess and wants to have her own son. Isn't she afraid that the little prince will block her way? This woman has always been ruthless and inconsistent. If it's not for her, why did she come back when the little prince was injured? She also made a false look of heaven and earth, the world How can there be such a coincidence in the world? "

The complexion of Jin Wushu became very ugly

Wang Junhua was happy, knowing that he had a slight heartbeat, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "that woman came here with malicious intentions to avenge her husband. Think about the fourth prince, in order to avenge, she can even give up her own son, and go far away alone. What else can she not do to someone else's son?"

"Fourth prince, you must avenge the little prince, and never forgive this woman easily..."

Jin Wushu raised his head, "but how can we find evidence?"

Wang Junhua's mouth floated a malicious smile: "now that she is here, as long as the fourth prince gives an order, she is afraid that she can't be taken? After being tortured, she is not afraid that she won't confess..."

Jin Wushu thought for a long time: "if you want to ask the crown prince to find out the truth, you will not let her go!"

Wang Junhua secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately changed a sad expression, and took out from her arms some elixirs that had already been prepared, all for trauma: "fourth prince, this is my family's travel belt, and it is the exclusive secret recipe of the medical officer Wang Jixian, which is very effective. See if you can help the little prince..." she said and wiped her tears, "Alas, my family also watched the little prince grow up. This child is smart. Although he is not close to me, I have been barren in this life. I just want to be good to him and close to him. Who knows that these accidents have happened..."

Jin Wushu thought, Wang Junhua never gave birth, Lu Wenlong never blocked her way, and there was no reason to start. Besides, among these women, he thought to himself that Wang Junhua was the most determined one. Although he was very disgusted with it, he did not doubt that she dared to do something behind her back

After thinking for a while, he lowered his voice. Before speaking, he sighed: "Madam Wang, there is no other person around the crown prince who can be trusted when something like this happens. These days, I'll bother you to stare at other concubines to see if they have any abnormal reactions, especially... Especially Yelv Guanyin..."

Wang Junhua was so excited that he knelt down on the spot and burst into tears: "fourth prince, thank you for trusting me, thank you... In this world, you are the only one who really treats me..."

Jin Wushu was about to stretch out his hand to help her, when he suddenly felt cool behind him, and suddenly turned around. He saw Hua Rong standing at the door, breathing fast, holding the bow and arrow tightly, his hand was blue with veins, and his eyes almost burst out of fire

This is the golden Wu technique, the golden Wu technique that flatters the public but disobeys the public

Never had the fear of floating to the bottom of my heart, this is a man who is not enough to trust at all, originally intended to use Wang Junhua as a bait to kill Qin Hui, but who knows, is he the terrible bait? Perhaps, Jin Wushu never intended to kill Wang Junhua, but waited for the antidote to kill himself!

Lu Wenlong was strangely poisoned. She could almost conclude that it was Wang Junhua. In a hurry, she suddenly lost her mind and rushed up with a bow and arrow: "Wang Junhua, if I don't hand over the antidote today, I'll kill you, a wicked woman..."

Seeing that she rushed over, Wang Junhua was actually killing, trembling all over, and immediately hugged Jin Wushu's thigh, crying and shouting: "fourth Prince help, fourth Prince help..."

Jin Wushu stopped in front of her. Seeing that Hua Rong was like a crazy tiger, he was surprised and said, "Hua Rong, what are you doing?"

The flower couldn't answer. The sharp blade on the bow opened and stabbed Wang Junhua directly: "Jin Wushu, you can't protect this bitch and make her hand over the antidote immediately, otherwise..."

Jin Wushu couldn't dodge, and his thigh was held by Wang Junhua. Wang Junhua screamed, "the fourth prince, help... She wants to kill people, and this bitch wants to kill people, and frame the blame... She killed the little prince, and that's her... She's guilty... The fourth prince, kill her..."

Jin Wushu was bare handed and didn't want to fight with Hua Rong, so she had to keep dodging. Wang Junhua was miserable when he dodged. She couldn't care any more. She let go of her hand and rolled on the spot: "hand over the antidote quickly, otherwise, you will die immediately..."

The cold sharp blade pressed against her chest, full of the breath of death. No matter how vicious and resourceful Wang Junhua was, he couldn't speak. Hua ronghen was extremely angry. With a strong force, the blade had stabbed into her chest, bleeding For the first time in his life, Wang Junhua faced such a critical juncture of life and death. Under great pain, his lips trembled and he couldn't say a word anymore

Hua Rong's voice was sharp, and every sentence he said increased his strength. "The antidote... Where is the antidote?"

"It's not me... It's not me... The fourth prince, it's her who committed the murder, and she wants to frame the blame..."

At this time, Jin Wushu had completely woken up, took a step forward and said sternly, "Hua Rong, what do you want to do?"

Hua Rong didn't answer, raised his bow and hit him face to face: "Jin Wushu, you're not a good thing, you're an accomplice..."

This bow was drawing on his left shoulder. It was burning and painful. Jin Wushu was also angry. He pulled out his waist knife and resisted her bow and arrow: "Hua Rong, don't spill..."

Wang Junhua's sharp voice: "kill the fourth prince, kill her, kill her..." her chest was still bleeding, but she didn't feel pain. Her eyes rolled viciously. Suddenly she saw a meat cutting knife on the table in front of her. She struggled to get up and grabbed the knife, as if it was a replay of an earlier scene: kill Hua Rong, either she died or herself. This great opportunity to anger the fourth prince, I must never lose it again

This idea made her strength greatly increased. She jumped up, took the knife, and went to cut flowers Hua Rong was attacked from behind. In her busy schedule, as soon as she turned around, she flew up with one foot, and the foot of the little boot stepped on Wang Junhua's head. With one force, she had stepped on her neck: "Wang Junhua, don't you hand over the antidote?"

With a "Dang" sound, the knife in her hand fell to the ground, and white foam came out of her mouth, crying miserably: "the fourth Prince help... It's not me, I don't have an antidote..."

Hua Rong's footsteps moved down and stepped on the wound on her chest. She hated this woman and showed no mercy at all. A large stream of blood gushed from Wang Junhua's chest. As soon as her eyes were dark, she fainted

Hua Rong didn't say much. She stretched out her hand to look for the antidote from her, but she searched all over her body, and there was no antidote

At this time, Jin Wushu stared at her coldly, "Hua Rong, what else can you say?"

She bowed at one stroke and was about to stab it fiercely: "I'm going to kill this bitch..."

Jin Wushu was stunned and rushed to push her away, "Hua Rong, do you want to be fierce without evidence?"

Hua Rong saw that Wang Junhua was in his hand and surrounded by bodyguards. Knowing that he couldn't get his hand, she turned around and left with hatred He walked to the door and stopped again. "Jin Wushu, if my son dies, I won't finish with you."

Jin Wushu snorted coldly

Hua Rong strode away

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