One Night Bride

Chapter 490

What kind of woman can't get it for half a life? He only felt upset, and all his patience was wiped out: "Hua Rong, the crown prince warned you for the last time, you must not be with King Qin again, otherwise, he would be the second Yue Pengju..."

As if she had an extremely ominous premonition, she no longer dared to treat the threat of Jin Wu Shu as a joke. Peng Ju's death was a living example Jin Wushu, as long as he aimed at King Qin, would do anything

"Hua Rong, listen carefully. Either you become the prince's man! Or you keep your husband's integrity! If there is a third man, the prince must kill him..."

Hua Rong burst into laughter

"What are you laughing at?"

His eyes turned to the vast grassland in front of him. There were soldiers in formation, neat, armed with iron armor, with tens of thousands of people, bright flags and well-equipped His tone was very arrogant: "Hua Rong, personal strength can't resist the huge army. Don't take the crown prince's favor and tolerance to you as your great..."

Hua Rong clenched his fist. Indeed, this is a world that speaks entirely by force

At the sight of a flower, Jin Wushu had grabbed her wrist, heavy, gnashing his teeth: "Hua Rong, the crown prince has never put so much thought on any woman. After using so much money, don't be too unkind. Whether to be a princess or a widow, you can do it by yourself..."

Hua Rong struggled fiercely, but he couldn't shake it off. He just felt that the face of the person in front of him had never changed from beginning to end He doesn't even need to disguise now I'm still tired after loading for a long time! He is going to relax

"Fourth prince, I'll tell you too! Don't think I'll be merciful to you before, and now I'll be merciful!" She lowered her voice. "Don't forget, your life is still in my hand at any time."

Jin Wushu laughed: "to be honest, the crown prince has taken a magic medicine, Huarong. How many times have you seen the crown prince fall ill again these days?"

Hua Rong was surprised. Indeed, Jin Wushu has never been ill these days She asked subconsciously, "who gave it to you?"

"You can't control this!"

He loosened his hand and sneered. Then he strode away

In the distance, there was a flash of people in the woods, and a person also left quietly

Hua Rong stood in place. The origin of this poison is very strange. Who can give the antidote of Jin Wu Shu? Wang Junhua or Yelv Guanyin? No wonder Jin Wushu was so confident and completely tore off his disguise

Flustered, she turned and left

The black ink splashed down, and the moonlight and starlight were all hidden

A person drifted in like a ghost, standing in the mangrove forest, like a fallen leaf, silent Finally, I heard the sound of horses' hoofs, and then a whistle She also blew three times, which imitated the sound of a certain bird in response

The sound of horses' hoofs soon stopped, and it was quiet in the fallen leaves A man hurried off his horse, greeted him, and shouted, "brother..."

"Zhaha, did you find him?"

"No. they seem to have left..." zahe's voice is very anxious, "brother, what should we do?"

Hua Rong was speechless for a moment, happy and disappointed, vaguely relieved that King Qin left? That's the best He may not be able to save his son's poison. If he falls into the hands of Jin Wushu first, a strong dragon can't fight a local snake, and putting him in danger is not worth the loss

"Brother, do you want to find it again?"


"Hua Rong, you really collude with outsiders!"

A voice rang behind me! Both of them were surprised that it was Jin Wu Shu

I don't know when there was a huge torch around me, which made people unable to open their eyes for a moment Hua Rong closed his eyes and opened them again. He saw Jin Wushu standing opposite, followed by a dozen bodyguards behind him. He was holding Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, and his face was livid: "Hua Rong, you say, what are you doing furtively?"

Hua Rong was furious: "Jin Wushu, how dare you follow me?"

"This is the crown prince's territory! No one can do anything under the crown prince's eyes. Come on..." he waved his hand, "take this traitor who knows everything from home to abroad and tie it up..."

Four bodyguards rushed forward and took Zhaha. Zhaha struggled desperately: "the fourth prince, the villain didn't cooperate with the enemy..."

Hua Rong was surprised and angry: "fourth prince, what do you want to do?"

"You hand it in first. What conspiracy are you making zahe carry out for you?"

"I have no conspiracy!"

"No? Who are you going to cheat? Hua Rong, don't think that the crown prince doesn't know your background. Where did the black moonlight come from? How was his son poisoned? If it weren't for you, how could Wang Junhua kill?"

The flower dissolved a mouthful of blood and almost gushed out: "Jin Wushu, don't spit blood!"

"To tell you the truth, the crown prince kept you for the sake of his son. Now that his son is dead and the murderer is dead again, Hua Rong, if you didn't stimulate Wang Junhua, how could Wang Junhua be poisoned? What's the use of the crown prince keeping you? Come on, take Hua Rong together..."

"How dare you?"

Seeing that the situation was bad, zahe shouted, "little brother, run..."

Hua Rong had no time to escape, and a dozen bodyguards swarmed up. At close range, the bow and arrow could not be fired at all. She took a small bow in her right hand and waved it desperately. However, her fists were difficult to defeat four hands, and there were more and more enemies. Jin Wushu held up the torch himself, and her eyes became more and more ferocious: "Hua Rong, you'd better bind your hands..."

"Jin Wushu, you thief..."

"Don't be so eloquent. The crown prince has also figured out that since he killed your husband, he will end his big hatred with you. What's the use of leaving you? It's better to completely end his gratitude and resentment with you and kill you and King Qin all once and for all..."

Hua Rong couldn't open her mouth at all, because the growing siege had made her even breathless In a panic, he lost his hand and got a heavy hit on his shoulder With a scream, Xiao Gong got rid of her. Two bodyguards rushed forward and grabbed her from left to right

"Brother..." zahe was hoarse, but he was slapped by a bodyguard, and the corners of his mouth bled

"Take it down and take good care of it. No one is allowed to approach except the crown prince!"

This sudden accident made Zhaha completely unable to react. Regardless of the blood in his mouth, he shouted: "fourth prince, you are really a villain, dressed like a beast, and you should treat my brother like this... Despicable villain..."

Jin Wushu's anger started from his heart and slapped him again. His cheeks swelled on both sides and he became a fat pig's head completely, which was horrible Hua Rong hissed, "Jin Wushu, why did you hit him? If you have seed, you will kill me immediately..."

Jin Wushu smiled triumphantly, "it's easy to kill you, but it's still useful for the crown prince to keep you! Hahahaha, Hua Rong, do you know? Zhao Deji is secretly investigating your whereabouts. If you are handed over to him, guess how much benefit the crown prince will get?"

Hua Rong shivered all over and almost immediately collapsed

There was silence in the small tent

It is still neat, the flowers in the vase, the neatly placed needles and threads, and several pieces of leopard skin and tiger skin clothes that have been completed... But there are no flowers anymore

Jin Wushu stood in front of his son's bed and looked at his translucent face

The wrasse floated in like a gust of wind

"Master, have you got the medicine?"

Lai Er took out a small bottle of medicine, and his face showed surprise: "fourth prince, I found this medicine after looking for many places, but it's too small, and the amount may not be enough..."

Jin Wushu didn't care whether he was enough or not, and urged, "give it to the little prince quickly."

Laier gave Lu Wenlong the medicine. Jin Wushu watched nervously while his heart beat very fast: "master, will it be effective?"

Seto took a step back: "if he doesn't wake up in two days, the little prince can only..."

Hearing what he said, Jin Wushu was not sure, and he was even more nervous: "or not?"

"Don't worry, the fourth prince. You can't see the effect until a day later. This is a new drug. I think it should be able to relieve this poison..."

Jin Wushu was a little relieved, sat down in a chair and looked at his new witch doctor, who was also his most outstanding witch doctor

"Fourth prince, this poison is very rare. If you expect it to be good, it should be an expert of a generation..."

"Can you see the origin? Is it Yelv's great use?"

"Yelv is good at poisoning, and he disdains this poison."

"Who is that?"

"I have an enemy who is good at making this poison."

"Where is he?"

"Unfortunately, I have been searching for him for a long time, but I have lost news. Yaotong said that he has been away for more than a year."

Jin Wushu was disappointed and sat silent

He changed the topic: "master, do you really have the whereabouts of King Qin?" He was very surprised that Lai Er should judge the trend of King Qin from Hua Rong's blood, and felt completely incredible

Laier said decisively, "that's right! King Qin must have haunted near the dead Liao. Otherwise, there won't be such a strong flavor. Fourth prince, have you had a holiday with King Qin?"

Jin Wushu said slowly, "what do you think of King Qin?"

"At the beginning, he held the flower solution and asked me to rescue. The reward was a thousand year old ginseng. This person was strong willed and indomitable, but how did he have a holiday with the fourth prince?"

Jin Wushu looked at the curtain door of the tent. As soon as the wind blew, it made a strange sound Yes, between people, it's really strange that I should have a deep hatred with King Qin. The cause is just a Ganoderma lucidum Moreover, it is also because the flowers dissolve

Hua Rong, Hua Rong!

"Master, is it difficult to kill King Qin?"

Sete's eyes showed embarrassment: "this man is not easy to deal with, soft or hard. I tried his kung fu at the beginning, and I'm a top master..."

"Oh? You mean, there's no way to take him?"

Laier took refuge in the fourth prince, knowing that he was powerful all over the world. For fear of being despised by him, he could not be reused from then on, and hurriedly said, "I try my best!"

Jin Wushu's face slowly eased a little and turned back to the big tent

Feeling very upset, a room of concubines dressed up and groping outside the door He suddenly saw Xiao Wei's face. She wore a girl's bun and goose yellow clothes, fresh as a tender willow in spring

"Wei, come in and everyone else will step back."

Under the envious eyes of all the concubines, Wei suppressed her ecstasy and went forward slowly. She blessed him and snuggled gently beside his legs: "I've seen the fourth prince."

Jin Wushu's hand touched her hair, soft as the smoothest silk "Wei, sing a song for the crown prince."

Pipa, palace dress, snow-white hands

Xiao Wei sat opposite, not holding her Pipa half covered, but leaning her head, completely revealing her slightly cunning girl's face, singing a song "midnight music":

Sunny weather, fine smoke and warm wind, fragrant countryside, clear and bright, idle and frozen Gradually decorate the pavilions and beautiful trees Dancing waist sleepy force, weeping poplar green reflection, shallow peach, Li Yaoyao, tender red countless Du Qiyan, Liu yingdou bilingual

Cui'e's South Street is clustered, and her shadow is red and Yin, slowly moving her delicate steps Lifting noodles, Shaorong flowers envy each other Crimson gauze sleeves The servant cloud trembled in the wind, half covered sandalwood's mouth with shame, and secretly looked after others Fighting against grass, golden hairpins laughing for gambling

In this regard, Jiajing suddenly felt calming, causing depression Where is lightness when you read about your admiration Bear good times, lonely youth leisure Looking at the pole in the air, I returned to the twilight of the setting sun Where does the wind stem go

Her melody is sad, and it seems to sigh that beauty is easy to grow old and youth is easy to die Jin Wushu stretched out her hand, and she snuggled up like a clever cat The girl's body fragrance came to her nostrils. Jin Wushu was a man in his prime, not Liu Xiahui. He put his arms around her slender waist: "Wei, the crown prince can't let you spend your youth at leisure."

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