One Night Bride

Chapter 493

A bodyguard got up from the ground, saw the opportunity, and cut silently Hua rongtou didn't return. With a turn of the needle cylinder, seven or eight needles and arrows shot out in a row. The man fell to the ground with a stuffy hum

"Wang Junhua, what tricks do you want to play? I'll let you die today. Do you think your trick can deceive me? People like you will commit suicide, and the devil can commit suicide! What medicine did Yelv Guanyin give you, making you a 'or dead body'?"

Seeing that hope was completely dashed, Wang Junhua shouted, "Hua Rong, you bitch can't die easily, and I will never tell you..."

"If you don't say it, I won't know? Haha, Wang Junhua, I can deal with you, and naturally I can deal with Yelv Guanyin..." she tried again, "say it quickly, maybe I can think about your dog's life..."

At this time, the sound of horses' hoofs suddenly came from the front, raising the dust of the boss Wang Junhua was beaming with joy, and his eyes lit up. It was the receiving team that arrived "Hua Rong, if you let me go, you can also get back your life, otherwise, everyone will die together..."

The word "Jin" fell on her throat. Her face turned black, and her throat suddenly tightened. Subconsciously, she looked at the sharp blade that completely stabbed into her abdomen, and she didn't even feel any pain

Hua Rong smiled: "Wang Junhua, you are too cunning. Even if you are trying to kill Qin Hui, you must not let the tiger go back to the mountain."

Wang Junhua was full of resentment, and his eyes almost protruded: "Hua Rong, you are cruel... You kill me, you can't kill Qin Hui, you can't kill Yelv Guanyin, she's more powerful..."

Her voice stopped, and she couldn't hear the increasingly fierce hoof sound behind her

Hua Rong was not flustered. She pulled her up and threw her into the carriage. With a heavy whip, the carriage ran wildly on the boundless grassland

She looked at the remaining waitresses, squatting on the ground, holding her head, panicked These people, having witnessed everything, left behind was a disaster. However, she looked at the quiver in her hand, twisted it, but she turned around and ran away

In the dark, a man paused and sighed: "the kindness of women, the kindness of women..."

Fortunately, several maidens survived. Suddenly, their eyes protruded. Opposite, several sharp arrows shot. They had no time to see each other's appearance and fell to the ground

The disguised dead man who met him approached. Except for a dark coffin thrown on the ground, where was the figure of Mrs. Guo?

The leader was surprised, nervously looking at the dead bodies around him, and then looking at the empty coffin: "where has Mrs. Guo gone?"

"There seems to be an accident."

"Is it possible that the fourth Prince cheated?"

"Shall we go deep into the grassland?"

"Guofu lives without people and dies without bodies. What's the matter?"

"Go find..."

The leader waved his hand to stop the people from going deep. This is the sphere of influence of Da Jin. They were ordered to stop here. If they go deep, their lives will be lost, or they will cause disputes between the two countries. Who can shoulder such responsibility?

It's getting darker and darker

There are only a few dim stars in the sky, and everyone is immersed in a relaxed deep sleep: send off Wang Junhua's coffin, the fourth Prince recovers his good mood, and is about to drive back to Shangjing. Everything is so perfect

The flower dissolved and reined in the horse. The black moonlight covered the mouth cover and snorted stiffly. Until the mouth cover was lifted, it hissed and stretched out its mouth to the river to drink

Hua Rong jumped off his horse and was sweating all over The night dew of the mangroves was sticky, spreading out over her head, like the touch of the tenderest hand

She gasped, sat down, poured a handful of water on her face, took out a veil from her arms, dried her face, and when she was about to put it back, she suddenly touched the hairpin His inseparable amulet is the relic of Peng Ju! It is also a pledge he gave himself The jade bracelet has been buried with him, leaving only this hairpin

She laughed and knelt on the ground, looking at the direction of Lin'an: "Peng Ju, I've killed one. Although I'm only an accomplice, I've killed one after all. Don't worry, I won't let go of any of those who hurt you. Next, it's Qin Hui and Zhao Deji..."

She smiled with tears, prostrate on the ground, sweat and tears, almost even the green grass on the ground was drenched with mud

Touch her head with both hands, gently, with a long sigh

But she seemed unaware, fell to the ground, crying out, unable to help herself After thousands of hardships, I finally killed one person myself! How long and hard is the road of revenge?

"Hua Rong, I'm really sorry for you!"


The evening wind blew silently, bringing the first chill of late summer

It was quiet all around, and the cries and sighs were infinitely expanded. As soon as I rushed out, I encountered the rebound, offset and weakening of layers of trees

"Hua Rong, I've handled all those things. Wang Junhua's body..." he paused. Now, Wang Junhua is really a body! "In order not to arouse Qin Hui's suspicion, I have other arrangements. Don't worry. If I promise you, I will never destroy my promise..."

Hua Rong was still lying on the grass, had stopped crying, and looked at the fading lone star blankly Wang Junhua wanted to leave immediately while she was in custody, leaving early and safe, forcing her to start as soon as possible Once Wang Junhua died, what did he use as a bargaining chip to coerce Qin Hui? We have to rely on Jin Wu Shu

She sat up slowly, and Jin Wushu looked at her, adapted to the dark eyes. With the faint moonlight and starlight, she could see the tears on her face, and a wisp of hair scattered on her forehead, which was infinitely sad

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything

Hua Rong stood up and looked at his dark moonlight. After such a long rest, the sweat between his temples had dried up "Fourth prince, put the tie together..."

His heart was shocked. Wang Junhua was dead, and she thought she had no need to stay any longer! It should have been thought that this step is farewell?

Angry, unwilling, chasing the goal for a long time, why do you always disappear in a flash in front of you?

He hurried: "Hua Rong, and Yelv Guanyin..."

Her faint tone: "Wang Junhua is dead, I don't want to pursue others."

"Maybe she hurt her son? You don't care?"

"Fourth prince, we should divide the work. I'll be responsible for saving my son. You'll be responsible for what Yelv Guanyin wants to do. I can't delay any longer, otherwise my son won't be saved..."

Jin Wushu blushed and bit his teeth: "Hua Rong, are you blaming me? That Wei, who is from Yelv Guanyin, in order not to arouse her suspicion..."

This reason is too untenable. It should be said that a man must not refuse such a pure virgin But what does this have to do with her flower dissolving? She didn't want to answer at all, even if his fourth Prince doted on a hundred women a day?

He was even more angry: "Hua Rong, the crown prince never spent the night with her..."

It's just a cause of dew. Do you want to count yourself in the play?

She said calmly, "fourth prince, I want to take my son away, and Seto seems to be unable to find any way..."

His eyes suddenly became very sharp: "where are you taking him? To find King Qin?"

When she was injured, King Qin took the whole world to rob Ganoderma lucidum for treatment. From the beginning to the end, he learned from Laier that King Qin is now at the border again. What does she mean by leaving? Take your son to King Qin?

Hua Rongjian said, "no!"

"The prince will go with you!"


He was angry and hated: "I knew you must go to King Qin. No, my son must not fall into the hands of King Qin..."

It became extremely fierce again, and Hua Rong suddenly remembered his words of the day, "if you fall into the hands of Zhao Deji and are tortured by him" - although it was acting, he also felt shivering She stared at those angry eyes and couldn't help but step back. She was always uncertain about this man, like true or false, enemy or friend, trustworthy or mutual use?

She couldn't help asking, "fourth prince, will you really give me to Zhao Deji?"

Jin Wushu was stunned. This time, he was really furious and rushed over in a few steps, Grab her arm hard: "Hua Rong, what are you talking about? The crown prince has been fighting in all directions for half his life. He has become a general and a prime minister. All this can be said to have been obtained by his own wisdom. He is also a great hero of the great golden kingdom. What is Zhao Deji? You should say that I am so unbearable... After knowing for so many years, which crown prince has really poisoned you? At the beginning of the sea, if I decided to kill you at the beginning, you think you can escape? Even in Hongye town I also think of you in the fire of Lin'an and fight to save you... I also secretly helped you in the first World War of Lin'an... Indeed, although I'm sorry for you, Hua Rong, I tell you, I'm not as mean as you think! "

He gasped heavily and hugged her tightly. He was so angry that he almost jumped up: "I've known you for so many years. How dare you give me such a comment? A villain of the same grade as Zhao Deji?"

Hua Rong was shaken by him and almost couldn't stand still. He reeled before he released his hand and still stared at her fiercely: "Hua Rong, you asked me to play these two scenes, how about it? Now it's too realistic?" The more he thought, the more angry he became. "If you want to leave me, you don't have to find such an excuse that humiliates me..."

Hua Rong suddenly interrupted his words: "fourth prince, don't forget, in fact, you asked me to cooperate with you. It was you who wanted to find out the actions of Yelv Guanyin, and I was not interested in Yelv Guanyin..."

Jin Wushu was furious: "you have ruined my reputation, so I can't walk away."

Hua Rong looked at him suspiciously, "fourth Prince... Your poison..."

Jin Wushu wryly smiled, "Hua Rong, do you think I dare to take the 'antidote' of Yelv Guanyin at ease? Who knows whether it is a soul stirring drug?"

Once cheated, you will never be cheated again

"Hua Rong, I'm still counting on your antidote! So, at least we still use each other. My life is still in your hands. What are you afraid of?"

Hua Rong thought for a moment, patted the head of black moonlight, turned over and mounted the horse, hit the rein and left

Jin Wushu shouted, "don't you want to kill Qin Hui? Hua Rong, if you just leave like this, I will never help you kill Qin Hui!"

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