One Night Bride

Chapter 499

Hua Rong hesitated, not knowing how to answer

Zha he was even more eager: "brother, I must be loyal to the little prince, take care of him carefully, and never let anyone hurt him. Moreover, it's meaningless for me to return to Yanjing. I don't have any relatives, and I don't miss Yanjing at all. I like here..."

Hua Rong can only nod

Zahe felt his head with joy when he saw that she agreed to stay Hua Rong smiled softly and touched his son's face in a very gentle tone: "Zhaha, don't call him little prince in the future, just call him Wenlong."

Tie his hands together and said repeatedly, "well, it's not good to be the son of the fourth prince. In the future, I'll call him Wenlong."

Early the next morning, Tuotuo sheep came in a hurry accompanied by snake Hua Rong noticed at this time that Tuotuo sheep was different from others. He was wearing a robe made of palm leaves instead of that kind of colorful tattoo

By the stream in the jungle, a cut down palm tree fell into a burning fire, and thick smoke had been emitted Some juice flowed down the branches, giving off a smell like wine The ground was covered with a boat cylinder made of several large leaves, in which Lu Wenlong was put. His clothes were all stripped, and the dripping juice almost completely soaked him

Tuotuo sheep held several black herbs in his hand, which were also placed on the fire. As soon as the herbs were on fire, they immediately burned up, emitting a strange smell, and quickly dissolved into black liquid, which was mixed in the juice of palm trees, such as a kind of black ink Because Tuotuo sheep ordered, only the snake and Huarong were allowed to come in

At this time, Tuotuo sheep suddenly stood up with a fierce light in his eyes and waved vigorously, as if driving away Hua Rong was surprised, and the snake hurriedly said, "hurry up, Tuotuo sheep is going to do it."

Hua rongben felt strange to their witch doctor. Seeing the look of the snake, he dared not leave easily However, Tuotuo sheep waved more exhaustively, and the snake looked more frightened

Hua Rong had no choice but to leave with him

As soon as he got to the jungle, the snake immediately said, "boss, sorry, Tuotuo sheep never let anyone see what he did."

Hua Rong was worried: "will it be effective?"

The snake was full of confidence: "yes, it will. Tuotuo sheep is the most experienced witch doctor in our family. He has cured many people."

Hua Rong had no choice but to sit under the tree and wait for the time to pass

From morning to dusk, Hua Rong couldn't sit still anymore. She tried to stand up several times, but she resisted it Her son's life and death are uncertain, and she has some skepticism about the witch doctor's treatment. What if she goes on like this and kills him?

Seeing that the sun was about to set, she couldn't help it any longer, and the snake couldn't dissuade her any more, so she had to harden her head and walk with her forward. As soon as she was close to the Xiaoxikou, they only heard the violent wheezing sound. The two stopped. The wheezing sound was made by Tuotuo sheep. His whole person, as if his strength was exhausted, fell to the ground, gasping heavily, as if the stone ox were panting at the same time. The sound was very amazing

Hua Rong was shocked and rushed up, and the snake rushed up. As soon as they ran in, Tuotuo sheep sat up. Hua Rong was about to say something, but he heard a weak voice, "Mom... Mom..."

This sound is like the sound of nature Her tears suddenly fell down, and as soon as her legs softened, she knelt down on the grass. It turned out that on the palm leaf robe next to Tuotuo sheep, there was a black boy lying on it. Although his breath was weak, he could speak

Hua Rong burst into tears, and without giving thanks to Tuotuo Yang, she hugged her son. Tears flowed on his face: "son, you finally wake up!"

"Mom, mom!"

Lu Wenlong raised his hand to touch her face, but it hung down feebly Hua Rong raised his son's hand, held it tightly, and stuck it on his face, crying and laughing: "son, you finally wake up. Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Do you want to drink water? Mom will bring it to you..."

Lu Wenlong smiled, closed his eyes and slept again

Hua Rong was in a hurry: "son, son, what's the matter with you?"

"He just woke up, very weak, and fell asleep. Just rest for a few days."

Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her son. Then she looked at the Tuotuo sheep next to her and quickly thanked him Tuotuo sheep did not respond, nor did he need the help of the snake. He stood up, shook his body and took a few steps. Just when Hua Rong was worried that he was going to fall, he stood firm and walked away with big steps

Snake was very happy and looked at Lu Wenlong: "boss, your son is well, let's go back."

Hua Rong hugged her son, and the little boy hugged him in his arms. She was very heavy. She hugged him very hard. When the big snake offered to help her hug, she was full of joy and shook her head firmly. No matter how heavy it was, it was also pleasant to hold it by herself

In front, still waiting for the anxious binding, as soon as he saw Hua Rong holding Lu Wenlong, who was dark all over, he immediately greeted him with surprise and joy: "brother, is Wen long awake?"

Hua Rong smiled and gasped, "wake up, Wenlong woke up."

As soon as she opened her mouth, her hands loosened and she could hardly hold the child Zha hurriedly picked it up, put it in the prepared basket and sent it to the tree house

The snake was also very excited and hurried to make the people prepare wine and meat for a good celebration tonight

It was dark to settle down my son. A big fire was burning in the square under the tree house. The clan sat around the fire, singing and dancing Cooked wild boar meat, wild mutton, etc. are served in huge pots. The meat smells delicious. Everyone can eat freely and have endless fun

Hua Rong sat on the fire. Although he was anxious and running for many days, at this moment, he was tired and swept away. He drank a large bowl of coarse sweet wine, and felt his appetite was open. He was also like a wild man, eating and chewing big meat with his bare hands Eat and drink enough, and then look at the fire. The snake is dancing with men and women. It is a very rhythmic tap dance. The savages hold bamboo spears, symbolizing the victory of the war

She suddenly remembered the Datong society in the history books. Thousands of years ago, no matter in the Central Plains or in foreign countries, everyone was still savage. There were not so many rules and privileges, and everyone was free At that time, how good!

She took the wine bowl and took another sip, and the fire lit her face red. This was almost the happiest day for her after Yue Peng's death. Her son woke up and was with these savages. At this moment, all hatred, the blood of revenge and the burden on her shoulders were put aside, and there was only this pile of flames left in her heart

Such a day, is it not a kind of happiness?

Wen long woke up. Wouldn't it be perfect to add a little tiger head?

She suddenly cheered in her heart. Xiaohutou had never missed her son so urgently Ask him to be around, take care of him, protect him, and personally watch him grow. It's Peng Ju's blood. Looking at him is like looking at Peng Ju's face I need to do my duty as a mother! Wang Junhua is dead, Qin Hui and Zhao Deji are going to be killed, but his son is also very important, isn't he? Revenge is important, and so is the future of our sons

"Mom, my mom..."

The sound of little tiger's head came in through the eardrum Suddenly turned into his crying face, impatient Li Tinglan - his son, how can King Qin and his wife be responsible? They may already have their own children, little tiger head, who must take care of themselves!

Zha she was dancing with the savages when she suddenly ran over. She was sitting by the fire, smiling, meditating slightly, and her hair hung down, covering half of her eyelids At this time, she was still dressed in a neat shirt, with no paint all over her body, and the hand supporting her cheek was so white, which was quite different from the savages in this world

He didn't know why his heart jumped so fast, and his voice was slight, such as looking at a noble Queen: "brother, do you want to go dancing?"

Hua Rong raised his head, looked at him, suddenly stretched out his hand, like those female savages, took his hand, and laughed, "Zhaha, I'm really happy today, happier than the snakes..."

Zhaha was pulled by her, and she felt her hands tremble, and her steps are light. She can only see countless men and women, countless green bamboo spears, and countless flames... However, all these can not hide such bright smiling faces, as if the rosy morning glow and the brilliant sunset glow were beautiful


His heart seemed to fly to the sky, and he suddenly heard her gentle voice: "Zhaha, I'm going to pick up my son, I'm going to bring back the tiger head. I'll take good care of him and Wen long..."

Zha just nodded with a giggle. She couldn't hear what she said at all. She only saw her bright face and moving lips in the light of the fire, full of vitality

The night has gone deep

The moonlight shines on the tree house, and the shadow of the tree is whirling, leaving people like a mirror Hua Rong sat by the window, supporting her with her hands. Her ears were the quiet breath of her son, and her heart was surprisingly calm After taking the child away, Jin Wushu will never stop. It is absolutely impossible to return the child later. With Yelv Guanyin, the child will never have a place to live How to settle the children?

Having been displaced for many years, I am eager for strong power The serpent tribe is the only chip to become powerful Moreover, now the cooperation with Jin Wushu has come to an end. To kill Qin Hui and Zhao Deji, you have to do it yourself With the help of the wild people of the serpent family, how can they protect themselves, protect their sons, and then grow?

Her heart was hot, and suddenly she thought of Peng Ju Since he led the serpent tribe to fight, subconsciously, he has used all his husband's strategies and tactics Peng Ju wins every battle, transports troops and arranges formation, which is like God's help She followed for many years. At this time, she painstakingly recalled the scenes of those classic battles: naval battle, Dongting water battle, Yicheng, Zhuxian Town victory... Scenes and scenes, which she witnessed with her own eyes, clearly emerged in front of her eyes

She almost jumped up and patted her head. She even forgot such a big thing - the art of war of Sun Tzu in ancient times. Now, why can't there be Yue Peng's method of raising troops? Peng Ju died in a hurry and had no time to finish it. Why don't you inherit his will and finish these things for him?

There are papers, pens, inkstones in the bag, which were smuggled out of the fourth Prince's tent earlier, and were originally intended to develop the serpent tribe She took out a pen and paper, spread it on the table, meditated, and put down the pen. For a moment, she didn't dare to write easily. She must make her husband's efforts public And what is the name of this book? Pengju art of war? Yue's art of war? Yuehua art of war? Thinking of the latter, she couldn't help laughing. She remembered that her husband was alive and would discuss everything with her. The husband and wife never had any reservations and disagreements, so happy

Alas, if there is an afterlife!

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