One Night Bride

Chapter 517

Hua Rong was speechless and could not scold the child He grew up beside Jin Wushu from childhood, and has been used to this way and worshipping his "father" Can it be his fault?

Her tone was very gentle: "son, in fact, war is very bad."

"What's wrong? If we have to fight, we will have cattle, sheep, horses, gold and silver, beautiful clothes and jewelry..."

Is this what Jin Wushu instilled into him?

Hua Rong frowned. Seeing that his mother's face had changed, Lu Wenlong asked strangely, "Mom, am I wrong?"

Hua Rong stretched her eyebrows, and her voice was more gentle: "son, mom tells you a story, you listen slowly..."


Hua Rong began to say that from the difficulty of Kaifeng to the Huaiyang massacre, only the death of ludeng and his wife was omitted Her tone was gentle, but her narration was clear. When she got emotional, her voice and expression were even fierce, and her tears were like rain At first, Lu Wenlong lay down, but then his sleepiness disappeared. He sat up and listened attentively to his mother's "story telling"

"Mom, really? Really? What happened later?"

"Killed tens of thousands of people? So many?"

"Those girls in Huaiyang were killed? Everything was robbed?"

"Ah, mom, those people are really bad. If I see them, I'll kill them..."

As he listened, he asked. From time to time, he was filled with righteous indignation and blood boiling. Only then did he understand the cruelty and blood of war for the first time

Hua Rong finished speaking, looking very tired, closed his eyes, silent for a long time

Lu Wenlong timidly took her hand: "Mom, have you seen these with your own eyes?"

"Yes, my mother has experienced it. Several times, my mother almost died under the knife of Jin Jun..."

"Mom, I didn't know Jin Jun was so bad."

War is like this The Jin army is bad, the song army is bad, and so is the Liao army

The army is the killing tool of a few people with ulterior motives

Hua Rong didn't even discuss these words with her husband. At this time, she taught her son as painstakingly as an old man I was vaguely afraid that if my son kept a deep-rooted "pride" in Jin Jun, the consequences would be unpredictable Fortunately, after the long story was finished, Lu Wenlong was holding his cheeks in general, meditating, and his tone was very deep: "Mom, I always thought that I could get what I wanted by fighting, but I didn't know that so many people would die, which would be so terrible."

After all, he is a child with good nature. At this time, the age of eleven, two or three is the key period for the formation of his character Hua Rong didn't talk to him anymore, but said, "son, if you like to listen, mom will tell you all the wars she has experienced in the future."

He exclaimed, "Mom, your story is very good. Continue to tell it to me tomorrow night."

At this time, the north wind was howling outside, and snowflakes were flying. Hua Rong led his son, who was covered by a corner, and watched him fall asleep This child is really handsome, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. His eyebrows are very stretched. In particular, he is good at learning and distinguishing right from wrong Hua Rong is very happy. One day, when he grows up, he must be an indomitable man, and it's not worth his hard work to pull him up among the savages

The biting cold wind day after day, soon, it will be the lunar new year The savages naturally did not have the concept of celebrating the new year. They were similar to the early Jin people. They counted the seasons of grass. When a person saw the grass green several times, he was a few years old Zha he and Lu Wenlong have no idea about this, only Hua Rong. Thinking about the festival of this hometown, it is the arrival of her husband's death, and xiaohutou is not around A family of three, far apart, even separated by nine springs, her mood is getting darker and darker day by day

On the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, he sharpened his knife. It was said that a hunter found the traces of foxes and wolves in front of him. He was very unhappy when he saw Hua Rong, so he persuaded her to go hunting The other hunters were also very interested. With Lu Wenlong's repeated pleas, Hua Rong promised to go out with them

The hunters let go of the hounds and haidongqing, searching for the smell of prey As soon as I left, I went out thirty or fifty miles unknowingly Ahead, there is an open valley. Although it is also covered with snow, the journey is more and more smooth because of the Lee

Looking at this terrain, Hua Rong suddenly raised his vigilance and whistled to everyone's attention Before they realized the danger, they saw two foxes jumping out and hurried to catch up

Hua Rongli drank, which was an extremely dangerous and strange intuition The three people who searched stopped and looked at her in surprise. They didn't understand why she was like this At this time, suddenly there was an extremely violent sound of horses' hooves. In the ice and snow, although the horses were wrapped in hooves, the rushing sound and the running with wind and snow could not be concealed

It seemed as if a strong wind was blowing, and everyone was blown staggering Lu Wenlong couldn't sit still and screamed, "Mom, mom..." Zha hurriedly pulled his horse and reached out to hold him: "Wen long, sit still and hold the reins tightly..."

Hua Rong's body was also staggering in the wind, but he decided, "everyone retreat to the south."

This sound is coming to the southwest, but Hua Rong told everyone to retreat to the south, wouldn't it be to let everyone face the enemy? The crowd was surprised and dared not disobey the order, and immediately ran south

After running for a while, their eyes lit up, and they suddenly found that the terrain had changed significantly. Here was a circular Valley, where people hid and bowed down. It was really like a man in charge of the pass At this time, I just avoided the sound of horses' hoofs like wind and residual clouds

At this time, the flag of the Jin army was blowing in the wind, and the flower melt was clearly visible. The person who was headed was Jin Wushu Her heart sank, but Lu Wenlong was so happy that he almost shouted, "Mom, it's dad, that's dad, let's go down..."

Hua Rong covered his mouth and turned pale Jin Wushu unexpectedly found here. He bypassed the dangerous place of the watered flower river. Further on, nothing could directly stop him except a fortified forest Hua Rong had no time to guess how he found it. His palms were sweating. Lu Wenlong looked at his mother strangely. Seeing that she was pale and wanted to say something, he dared not say anything again, but excitedly followed his father's figure Jin Wushu is heavily armored, wearing a gorgeous pocket handrail on his head and inserting a few pheasant feathers. He looks powerful and majestic, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand flashes brilliantly under the snow light

Zha he and others also know that if Jin Wushu breaks through like this, the serpent tribe will completely lose its barrier According to Hua Rong's visual observation, this Jin army has about 3000 people If the power of the serpent tribe is exhausted, it is not enough to exterminate it What's terrible is that they are just pioneers. What should we do once the follow-up troops arrive? Also, how can I resist these sevenoreight people?

Moving forward, there was an ice and snow, and Jin Jun stopped Hua Rong's Secret road is bad. At this time, the snow has stopped, and the footprints left by his party are clearly visible Sure enough, Jin Wushu reined in his horse, and a spy ran back: "report to the fourth prince that the footprints are broken here."

Jin Wushu also saw the footprints of horses and hounds. It was a hunting team Where did the group go? He sat on the horse, looked around, and his eyes fell on the valley

Except for Lu Wenlong, everyone else clenched their weapons nervously. Although the enemy was in the light and I was in the dark, there was only one place in this sheltered valley. Once Jin Wushu found his whereabouts, the consequences would be unimaginable

Lu Wenlong looked at his mother strangely. He didn't understand why she was nervous. Would his father kill himself and others? How? As he was about to speak, Hua Rong lowered her voice and almost said, "everyone be ready."

Zahe raised his bow and arrow, subconsciously protected them, and whispered, "little brother, as soon as they rush over, I'll block them, and you retreat to the West."

Hua Rong was about to answer. As soon as Jin Wushu turned his horse's head, it seemed that he was giving orders, and the Jin soldiers came to the valley

Jin Wu Shu is Jin Wu Shu

Hua Rong tightly grasped the bow and arrow. These three thousand elite were all Nvzhen lineages. How long could they resist seven or eight of them? She glanced at Lu Wenlong and hesitated. Did she put the child in danger?

She looked around and suddenly ordered, "retreat West together."

Everyone hit a horse and ran away

Jin Wushu checked for a while, and a spy ran up: "fourth prince, someone escaped from the West."

"How many people?"

"I can't see clearly."

"Hurry up. These people are the key to entering the serpent tribe. It's best to catch one or two people alive to lead us."

Jin Wushu took the lead and went after him

In the distance, you can see the back of the savages. Jin Jun didn't kill immediately because he had the idea of catching them alive Chasing closer, Jin Wushu suddenly found the running figure, dressed in a cloak made of tiger skin. Next to her, a young boy, holding a bow and arrow, was riding a jujube red horse

Black moonlight!

The woman riding the black moonlight!

And my own son!!

His heart beat faster with excitement, and a forward shouted, "fourth prince, they run so fast, do we want to shoot arrows?"

Another scout also found it and exclaimed, "black moonlight, it's black moonlight... Who's that?"

Jin Wushu resisted his excitement and waved his hand, "keep chasing, don't shoot arrows."


As soon as he hit the horse, Wu Zhui accelerated and ran in front of him The wind blew past his ear. He used his full strength and shouted, "Hua Rong, stop, stop..."

"Son, stop..."

"Son, it's dad, Dad..."

Lu Wenlong heard vaguely and wanted to talk to his mother, but Hua Rong tightly protected him and wouldn't let him speak at all She knew that if Jin Wushu caught up, the child would be lost He will take the child back, just like that year, without hesitation

Lu Wenlong can't follow him anymore

Jin Jun chased closer and closer, zahe said anxiously, "brother, you go first, I'll break up." He reined in his horse and shot back The flower couldn't dissolve, so he whipped the jujube red immediately. The horse was in pain and rushed forward madly Mother and son soon reached the front

Jin Jun suddenly encountered Zha he's resistance, but after a few arrows, after all, Jin Jun was powerful. Soon, Zha he's horse hit two arrows, and his legs hurt. Zha he was knocked off the horse. Several Jin Jun rushed up and caught him

Jin Wushu reined in his horse and looked down at him. Jin Jun also stopped and stopped chasing

Wu Qimai was furious when he saw that he was in the way. He grabbed his skirt and whipped him on the back. He shouted, "well, you traitor, you dare to betray Dajin and fight against us again and again."

Zha Hekang said, "the villain dare not oppose the fourth prince, and dare not oppose me, Da Jin."

"Then why do you work for the Khitan people and the song people?"

"I never worked for the Khitans, nor for the song people."

"Hua Rong is not from Song Dynasty?"

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