One Night Bride

Chapter 521

King Qin was about to answer, when a vague voice came in: "zhe Zhe, King Qin, such a good time and scenery, it's your song people's new year's Eve, go out and get drunk with everyone."

"Well, the birds are fading out of your mouth. Don't get drunk tonight. Old devil, are you drunk?"

Yelv said with a strange smile, "I have more important things to celebrate today."

"Did you catch the fourth prince?"

Yelv was very proud: "King Qin, this happy event is actually yours."


"I received a tip that ting LAN had a son..."

"Hahaha, this kid came at the right time..." King Qin was ecstatic, "dead old devil, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Yelv stared at him with joy on his face. Secretly, he was very satisfied. His cooperation with King Qin finally took root With this child, King Qin can really work for himself

"King Qin, I've already decided my name for my child. It's Yelv Mingguang."


"King Qin, we have already agreed that children must believe in Yelu."

"Bah" King Qin spat heavily, "what's the last name of the child? He's still Lao Tzu's son!"

Yelv breathed a sigh of relief. What he was afraid of was the birth of the child. King Qin repented At that time, people stress that there are three ways to be unfilial, and no offspring is great. Who is willing to let his son follow his foreign name and die of incense? Especially King Qin, an old son

King Qin also took the opportunity to add: "Yelv old devil, the child can take your Yelv surname, but the world must be his. Otherwise, if I came here to work hard, wouldn't I make your wedding dress for nothing?"

Yeluda frowned with a strange face. "You can rest assured."

Because of the joy of having a son, King Qin was helped by an Zhigang to sit in front of the fire outside regardless of his injury As soon as he sat down, the savages around him prostrated and saluted. King Qin looked around and found that there was a high priest standing in the center. It was obvious that yeluda, who was playing tricks, was using it to "pray for" his newborn grandson and deter those savages

Liu Wu and others saw that it was a ceremony to pray for freshmen. It was strange. As soon as an Zhi came to drink with him, he whispered, "who gave birth to a son?"

An Zhigang couldn't hide his joy: "it's the king who gave birth to a son."

Liu Wu couldn't hide his surprise. Looking around, King Qin seemed to be immersed in the joy of Lao laizi. He drank a large bowl of wine and ate meat in a big gulp, with a great sense of arrogance over the world

"The king should have his own son long ago. I'm still worried about who will inherit his kingdom!"

An Zhigang said happily, "well, the King spent the first half of his life because of Mrs. Yue. Now he finally has his own flesh and blood."

The two naturally want to come to congratulate King Qin. King Qin is very forthright about these two loyal subordinates

"Congratulations, your majesty, on having your son."

King Qin was full of ambition and very proud: "haha, happy together."

When the three were in high spirits, the high priest joined in: "Liu Wu, there is a task for you to go."

"What task?"

"Take the opportunity to negotiate with the serpent tribe to win their support."

Liu Wu understood what he meant. Now Hua Rong supports the serpent tribe, and Yelv Dayong is still staring at this fat meat When Yelv saw that he was embarrassed, his eyes gave out a faint green light from the black sacrificial mask: "King Qin, what do you think? Are you still thinking of your old love?"

King Qin laughed, "now I put my son first in everything. I have to earn him a world, don't I? Liu Wu, prepare yourself and win the support of the serpent tribe. It's not worth coming all the way to this bitter cold place to have a big fight with the fourth prince in the spring."

"Subordinate, yes."

After Yelv left, Liu Wu couldn't help but whisper, "Your Majesty, will Mrs. Yue cooperate with us?"

"I don't know."

"What should subordinates say when they see her?"

King Qin didn't care: "just tell the truth."

Although Liu Wu was surprised by his attitude, he also felt relieved. I hope the king really put down this time In this way, it is a good thing for him and Hua Rong

At the end of the night, the campfire was dim. King Qin lay in bed again, but he was sleepless In the dark, his eyes are wide open. At this moment, there are some people. What are they doing? Xiaohutou, in particular, likes the new year best. This poor naughty devil didn't even have to wear new clothes for the new year

Soon, the serpent tribe welcomed the first "peace talks" in its history, and Liu Wu came secretly in person Although Hua Rong had expected it, she didn't expect them to come so soon

Liu Wu's attitude was very warm, and he saluted the flowers in accordance with the etiquette of the Han people Seeing his happy face, Hua Rong couldn't help but ask, "Liu Wu, what's the happy event recently?"

Liu Wu laughed and said, "my king has a son."

King Qin has a son? King Qin had a son with Li Tinglan

"Mrs. Yue..."

Hua Rongding said, "congratulations to King Qin. Congratulations to him."

Liu Wu was very sincere: "Your Majesty, we are all happy for him..."

"I'm happy for him, too."

How can you be unhappy? This is also what is expected. How can King Qin not have the relationship between marriage and children? It's just that this child is also one of the tools that Yelv uses to fight the country, isn't it?

Liu Wu saw that she sincerely congratulated and looked sincere, so he went straight to the theme: "Mrs. Yue, I'm coming this time under the order of the king, hoping to form an alliance with the serpent tribe."

Hua Rong had already responded, calmly: "the snake tribe is weak, I'm afraid it's not enough to alliance with King Qin."

Liu Wu was surprised that she refused politely Alliance with King Qin is beneficial and harmless to the serpent tribe, and can greatly expand them. Why is Hua Rong unwilling

He also tried to persuade Hua Rong, but Hua Rong politely thanked the guest

Liu Wu was helpless, but he didn't give up: "Madam Yue, your majesty is about to have a deployment. I hope you will cooperate at that time. We can provide a batch of weapons in advance..."

Hua Rong hesitated for a moment

"Madam Yue, this is indeed the deployment of the king, not Yelv's great use."


"Madam Yue, how many times has your king reneged on your promise? We will arrange someone to deliver the weapons in three days. Whether you participate or not, these weapons are considered as a gift of meeting for our alliance with the serpent tribe."

Hua Rong weighed the pros and cons and said after a while, "OK, I can cooperate."

Liu Wu was very happy to see that half of his mission had been completed He got up and said goodbye. Hua Rong sent him out. In a quiet place, he was about to mount a horse. Hua Rong stopped him, took something from his arms and handed it to him: "Liu Wu, you take this thing to King Qin."

Liu wusheng was afraid that it was the last farewell letter that seriously stimulated King Qin. He hesitated and dared not reach for it

Hua Rong smiled, "King Qin has a son. I don't have any gifts to give, so I'll give him this thing to show my heart. I think it may be of some use to King Qin."

Liu Wu looked at the thing sealed by the firearm. It was very thin and seemed to be just a few pieces of paper

He couldn't refuse, so he had to say thank you: "villain, thank Mrs. Yue for the king."


She hesitated for a while and asked, "how is king Qin's injury?"

"The king took Yelv's wound medicine and recovered quickly. Now he can go down to the ground. He was supposed to negotiate with Mrs. Yue himself, but he had to rest for a period of time because of his inconvenient movement. I hope Mrs. Yue will understand."

Hua Rong has nothing to say

Far away, Lu Wenlong ran over and shouted, "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong looked at his bright smile and felt warm. Lu Wenlong and xiaohutou all needed their own shelter Since then, no one can be relied on, so you can only rely on yourself. What qualifications can you be weak?

Lu Wenlong held a spear, like a majestic little Hunter: "Mom, this uncle... Where do I seem to have seen it?"

Liu Wu looked more, and then he had eyebrows and eyes. He was surprised and happy. The child had a good memory and stretched out his hand, "Wen long? Are you wen long?"

"Haha, you are uncle Liu Wu with that bad uncle."

"It's me, Wen long. Are you so tall?"

The two chatted intimately, and Lu Wenlong rolled his eyes: "why didn't the bad uncle come to see me?"

"The king is busy."

His mouth curled, disapproving: "bad uncle, he also forced me to call him Dad, saying that he would come to see me and give me gifts during the new year. It turned out that he was lying to me, so I wouldn't call him Dad."

Hua rongwen said in a warm voice, "the child should not be rude. He should not be called bad uncle, but 'uncle'. Because his uncle is injured, he can't come. You can't blame him..."

Liu Wu accidentally recalled the sound of "Uncle", and Hua Rong asked his son to call King Qin "Uncle"? After years of obsession, he felt a little melancholy in his heart. These two people are like this. Maybe they have their own places

"Mom, you don't know how hateful he is. He insisted that I call him dad and grabbed my hand. He insisted that I call him Dad. Hum, I wouldn't call him. I'm not his son. Why do I call him dad?"

"Uncle is teasing you. He has a son. Someone will call him Dad."

"Uncle Liu, tell your uncle that I will never believe him again. He is a big liar..."

Liu Wu couldn't laugh or cry, and Hua Rong was very sorry: "children have no taboos, don't take it to heart."

"Mrs. Yue, this child is really cute, but how hard it will be for you."

Hua Rong had a smile on her face: "it's not hard. He's with me. I'm not hard at all."

Liu Wuyuan went away, and Hua Rong took back his sight

The snow drifted down again, and the snow on the shrubs on both sides did not melt, adding new thickness and weighing heavily The flowers dissolved and brushed away a mass of snow, revealing the dark green of shrubs, and the biting cold of the palm At this time, I realized that the last reliance in my life was also lost King Qin, he was the most reliable person and the most reliable person. He was neither a friend nor a lover. His relationship with himself was far more than these two identities, but he was vague and could not say what it was However, he is now married and has children. He is someone else's husband and father

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