One Night Bride

Chapter 526

After the distribution, Hua Rong immediately ordered that all supplies be gathered. Everyone had enough to eat and drink, and rested in place, waiting for the last fight of the night

Zhaha lurked across the river and was hurt, hungry and trembling A girl dried her tears, quietly took a ladle of water and a piece of charred beast meat, and whispered to him to eat This girl is the savage who has been in love with him for a long time. At this critical moment, she can no longer care whether she is rejected. She comes up again and enthusiastically offers the girl's tenderness and consideration Maybe it was the despair of the dilemma, and she didn't refuse, but thanked her in a low voice The girl was overjoyed to see him so pleasant, so she sat down beside him and hummed softly

Hua Rong, who was patrolling, saw this scene and looked away anxiously. He had promised Zhaha that he would marry and marry him. But now, what else can he do except let him accompany him to death?

On the other bank, boys and girls, in their dark bodies, were arranged to ride every two or three people, ready to rush out at any time Behind them, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled sat on the ground in despair. These people are all their children, as long as they can go out!

Lu Wenlong has been following his mother. He seems to have grown up overnight, but there is a suspicion hidden in his chest that can't be solved. He still can't help asking, "Mom, is it really dad who sent someone to kill us?"

Hua Rong hardened her heart: "those are Jin Jun. my mother tried to contact and negotiate with their generals, but no one promised to negotiate."

She didn't want to ask Jin Wushu, but at this time, she couldn't find Jin Wushu. His position was too high to negotiate with her

"Mom, then, that bad uncle, won't he save us?"

Hua rongqiang held back her tears and patted him on the shoulder. "Son, we can only rely on ourselves."

There was no miracle, no one to ask for help, which she had never thought of before King Qin and Jin Wushu, as if they had made an appointment, fought together to wipe out the serpent tribe, themselves and others

Night finally fell

At the command, three hundred warriors opened the way, the children were in the middle, and Hua Rong himself led the rest of the weakness to begin this terrible breakthrough

Jin Jun calculated the fire, estimated the grain reserves of the serpent tribe, and experienced previous sprints, estimating that they would fight back again However, for two consecutive days, there was no movement, so it was inevitable to relax On this day, Jin Jun was divided into two groups and took turns on duty The former group has fallen into deep sleep. In another half hour, they will be awakened and start a new round of duty And the people on duty were also the most sleepy. Seeing that the snake tribe was silent, they tossed for several nights, and fell into deep sleepiness. They were all staggering, and their eyelids could not be opened

At this time, a team approached silently along the watering river They took the south side. On the surface, it was the closest to the fire, but the snakes who were familiar with the terrain knew that there was a shortcut to quickly insert into the desert As long as we get out of this jungle, Jin Jun can't catch up

It happened that there was no moonlight that night, the sky was dark, and the wild people were used to walking, but the night better covered them When Jin Jun suddenly woke up, 300 warriors had escorted the children to the shore smoothly, and they were about to cross the jungle on the other side of the river. Going out from here was Shengtian

However, how can Jin Jun allow such birth? For a moment, the bugle sounded earth shattering, and the Jin troops rushed over like locusts The serpent ordered 200 warriors to lead the children away, leaving more than 100 people to stop However, how can these 100 people resist an enemy hundreds of times their own? In the dark, there was only a scream. Under the torch of Jin Jun, bodies almost covered the beautiful riverbank of the watered flower river

At this time, the remnants of Hua Rong are also approaching quietly Zha he took the lead, while Hua Rong was greedy and led the group of old and weak to the shore quietly, hoping to make them escape as much as possible Because of the night, she didn't expect things to go so smoothly. She didn't let go of her breath, but she also saw the dawn. As long as she passed here, tomorrow would be a different scene However, Jin Jun soon found this more "huge" team, thought it was the main force of the savage tribe, and shouted to kill it

The bright torch was like a moving snake. When she rushed to kill, Hua Rong suddenly found her son missing She looked around in panic, and saw that Lu Wenlong unexpectedly rushed into the battle with two guns, like a real soldier, waving and fighting, and the jujube horse was reflected by the fire like a shiny brocade

"Wen long, be careful..."

"Mom, look at me killing these bad guys." Lu Wenlong shot a Jin Jun, and several Jin Jun were furious: "where did you come from, dare to be so rampant?"

If it comes to fighting alone, these people may not be the opponent of this little boy, but after all, he is still young. When seven or eight people come up, he can no longer support it. Seeing a long gun, he will straight pick his vest

Hua Rong suddenly saw a spear stabbing at her son's vest. She was too far away to rescue. In front of the flower, Lu Wenlong had fallen to the ground, as if a smell of blood had spread on his nose, accompanied by his scream "Mom..." Hua Rong was heartbroken, and her body flew out like a paper kite from the black moonlight. The last glimmer of hope in the world was also shattered

"Son, son..."

The blood splashed all over her, and I don't know whose it was She had no strength to resist, but she just firmly protected her son. In the crisis, her joy was infinite. Her son was still fine, he was fine, and he was not dead

However, the next moment, death is imminent Jin Jun was startled when he suddenly saw a man "falling from the sky", but from his initial surprise, he immediately raised his knife and saw that he was about to chop at Hua Rong's mother and son

Several jin soldiers were provoked away, and a man almost roared, like an exploding beast. His hand fell with a knife. When he met a devil, he killed a devil, and when he met a ghost, he killed a ghost

A young general like Jin Jun suddenly shouted with a knife: "God, isn't this Zha he?"

"I'm zahe, Anhan. You still know me."

The crowd suddenly heard that this man was an acquaintance of the young general. They couldn't help but take the knife and surrounded the three people

"Zhaha, how could it be you?"

Zha he didn't answer. In a blink of an eye, Hua Rong had picked up Lu Wenlong. Fortunately, Zha he gave his life to rescue him. Lu Wenlong's vest was only scratched a little, and his face was covered with blood when he fell Hua Rong felt relieved when she saw that their lives were all right. The mother and son leaned closely together and clenched their weapons again Zha asked anxiously, "brother, Wen long..."

"Uncle Zha he, I'm fine, my mother, mother..." Lu Wenlong broke away from his mother's embrace, and he understood that if it weren't for his mother's wild rush just now, his vest must have been punctured Hua Rong, however, was shot in the back, making a big hole. He couldn't distinguish the color with his bloody clothes


She struggled to stand still: "it's all right, I'm all right, a little skin injury."

The officer named Anhan asked in surprise, "zahe, why are you here? How did you get to the savage tribe?"

Zha he firmly protected their mother and son, then crossed the knife and said coldly, "Anhan, the serpent tribe has never been an enemy of Da Jin, why do you want to kill us?"

Anhan obviously couldn't figure it out: "Zhahe, you need to know that I'm also under orders."

"Whose orders do you follow? The fourth prince?"

Hua Rong also asked, "where is the fourth prince? I want to talk to him."

An Han shook his head: "we are not under the jurisdiction of the fourth prince, and the fourth prince will not personally participate in such a small-scale war..."

"Not the fourth prince. Who is that?"

An Han became vigilant and said impatiently, "the fourth Prince is the commander, and we naturally have other generals to govern. Zahe, come back quickly and don't mix up with these savages again. I heard last time that you contracted song Zhu to make trouble in the fourth Prince's residence? Zahe, don't be a traitor?"

Zha he disdained and said, "Anhan, I'm not a traitor. Why do you have to destroy the serpent tribe? You can discuss through the way. Why do you want to do this?"

"Aren't you people used by Yelv? How can you not be enemies?"

Zahe was already furious because of King Qin's treachery and shouted, "who says we are their people? We have nothing to do with them. If they were their people, how could they not save us and watch us die?"

Anhan heard what he said, and it was also true that Yelv did not send anyone to help He looked curiously at the two people who zahe gave their lives to rescue. They were dressed as wild people in flowers. In the dark, their faces were covered with blood and their hair was messy. They could not see men and women. They only looked at the stubborn child and asked, "zahe, who is this kid? When they grow up, they will become our strong enemies."

Zahe said without hesitation, "my son, please let them go."

"Is it really your son? Did you marry a savage woman?"

"Anhan, please let them go..."

Anhan hesitated: "Zhaha, it's not that I don't let you go. I don't dare to know that the military discipline is strict. Well, you go back with me, and I can intercede for you..."

As he was talking, zahe suddenly grabbed their hands and rushed in the opposite direction Before an Han reacted, his men immediately asked, "do you want to catch up?"

He hesitated deliberately before slowly saying, "hurry, many enemies on the left are coming, hurry..."

Only a few struggling savage warriors were left on the left. He rushed first, and his men followed With this breath, Zha he rushed over the watering river with the two people. Here, the first savage had escorted the children away, but the group of old and weak were trapped in the forest

Hua Rong didn't dare to relax at all, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. The winding torch showed that Jin Jun was catching up on a large scale

"Brother, what should we do?"

"Catch up, catch up with the snakes."

"However, Jin Jun has come after us, and we're afraid..." before his voice fell, he heard only a thunderclap, accompanied by a lightning, and the whole world was as bright as day But there was only one thunder, and then the pouring rain poured down

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