One Night Bride

Chapter 530

Unfortunately, this stormy savage tribe fell into this field and even sacrificed its only friend for it

People are not as good as heaven. Who says that old innocence has eyes?

It was his own greed that killed zahe

What I owe in my life is actually this foreign man

A ghost, I hope he will go with the passionate savage woman, who is the one who loves him most

Hua Rong lay on the ground, closed his eyes, and didn't even want to see the sky above him, or the flowers and trees around him Only Lu Wenlong's hand full of blood and dust kept pulling her, anxious and sad: "Mom, uncle zahe is dead, you can't die... I don't want you to die... Mom, wake up..."

I'm too tired, both physically and mentally

The only friend in the world, also died

I won't kill Bo Ren. Bo Ren died because of me

The summer wind blew in the woods, and the grass brushed on the face, undulating, blowing for a while, causing stinging pain in the face. There were heart wrenching cries in the ears. The survivors of the serpent tribe were mourning their dead relatives and their souls who would never see each other again Although most of the adults and children survived this disaster, nine out of ten people in the clan died, including their most respected foreign guest, their warrior zahe

The setting sun hung lonely in the sky like a bloody disc

A fire broke out in the open space, but it was not the joy of singing and dancing in the past, but full of death and sadness

The wild girl who used to be enthusiastic and unrestrained has cried hoarsely, and her bright big eyes have lost their bright brilliance Barefoot, in a skirt of bark and a strange wreath on her head, she stood motionless by the man she wanted If Zha he doesn't die, if he survived the war, she firmly believes that the two can be together, marry and have children, and be happy together from now on The girl's feelings are more irresistible than the midsummer sun. She chased the warrior so enthusiastically. He even drank her wine that night Full of expectation, unexpectedly, such an outcome came

The wizard danced a sacrificial dance around the fire, hitting his face with a shell necklace until he was dripping with blood The girl also did the same thing with him. Soon, her gorgeous wild forehead was dripping with blood, and the blood and tears flowed down together. Her hair was disheveled, and she was miserable This is called "sending blood and tears", and it is the greatest mourning of the living for the dead

Hua Rong sat opposite and looked at the man who was already a "corpse" Death is a terrible thing. Last night, he was even a living person, who once helped his mother and son with powerful hands

"Woo ha thieh..." the wizard shouted, showing that the time had come, and the souls of the dead should follow the raging flames to the wonderful heaven and the mysterious country of the God of the serpent they worship

Two savages came forward and were about to lift Zhaha and put it into the fire. The girl suddenly jumped up, fierce, like an explosive leopard, picked up Zhaha and ran away

The crowd was stunned and forgot to chase for a moment

In the blink of an eye, the girl has completely escaped from the jungle like a runaway Mustang. With the man in her arms, the love she couldn't get before she died, she can face each other day and night after death

"Mom, she ran away, and uncle zahe was killed by her..."

Hua Rong stood up and sat down again, just staring at the direction of the girl's running, so strong and passionate love, tie up, he is worth having, why is it so late?

That's it

She couldn't hear the noise around, but looked up at the bloody setting sun Originally, the setting sun is the most terrible sign. Every disaster in my life is accompanied by it. From the 17-year-old sea setting sun to the current jungle sunset, life and death, it is like a disaster star's warning. Once it appears, either death or injury

"Brother, you're still alive. It's good to be alive."

A few simple words are the promise of my life

In fact, I don't know that it's not so good to live Living is more difficult than dying

Lu Wenlong quietly stood beside her and looked at her anxiously. He had never seen his mother's desperate eyes. He was so sad that he couldn't cry or cry


Hua Rong took his hand and suddenly stood up and walked towards the fire, shouting, "start at once, it's not safe here, and Jin Jun may catch up at any time."

The confused people woke up from their grief, and the snake immediately asked, "where should we go?"

"Go southwest. It's not the power of the Jin army or the power of Yelv."


The savages helped the old and the young, stood up from their grief, and absconded in the twilight, desperately needing to find a temporary habitat The home has been destroyed, where is the new paradise?

Hua Rong stopped to look at the pile of fire that had not yet been extinguished. At this time, even the setting sun completely rolled into the clouds, leaving only the last touch of color in the sky, and suddenly became golden, which made people unable to open their eyes

Hua Rong looked at this tribe that lost half of its people. In front of it were the voices of children, chirping. The children didn't know how to be sad, crying for a while, and regained their cheerful nature. He thought it was a journey to a new paradise Life is like this. Forget your grief and start again, so you can live and continue forever

The night wind was blowing and the song was singing. The jungle only echoed with the cry of the savage girl. It went far and far with the wind. It was the soul song of their tribe, one by one, lonely and sad

"Mom..." as soon as Lu Wenlong opened his mouth, tears fell down again, "Uncle Zha he..."

Hua Rong's tears finally fell. Lu Wenlong shouted in panic, "Mom, mom, what's the matter with you?"

She wiped her eyes casually, and her face became calm again. However, Lu Wenlong clearly saw that red tears flowed out of her mother's eyes - it was blood, drop by drop

In the camp of Jin Jun, Wanyan Hailing sat proudly in the camp, drinking wine and tasting delicious food These delicacies are all Swertia, rabbits, boars and so on, which escaped when the fire burned "Haha, this is the fun of war. It's amazing to taste such a natural barbecue. Pity these animals, and bake themselves for us to eat."

He is a handsome man, one of the most handsome men in a real woman, and he is only in his early twenties But such a person is unspeakably vicious and vicious Relying on his step brother relationship with He Ci, he has risen step by step and dominated the country

A scout came in and knelt down: "report to the general that the serpent tribe fled to the south of watering the flowers."

"Go all out to kill, and leave none."


When the spy went out, he twirled a piece of barbecue more proudly and took a big bite. His handsome cheeks bulged strangely This time, the spy came in in in a hurry. He didn't have time to kneel down and report: "report to the general, it's bad, the snake tribe escaped..."

"Fool, how could they escape?" Wanyan Hailing threw the barbecue in his hand and stood up angrily, "my 30000 troops, they are only a thousand people, how can they escape?"

"When they crossed the watering River, a large number of snakes poured out, stopping us..."

"Quick, take a detour to catch up immediately. There is another secret way. Quick, there is only one way. If you can't catch up, you'll be killed."


At the same time, in the temporary palace in Yanjing, a long-lasting conference finally ended

It's still about the topic of moving the capital. Jin Wushu rubbed his eyes tiredly, and deeply missed that when the old wolf Lord was alive in Shangjing, everyone sat around the Kang, and discussed the topic in a few words, making the lanterns happy; But now, the wolf Lord and the thorn have completely tended to the cumbersome etiquette of the Han people. The monarchs and ministers, one by one, recite, reply, refute, and everyone takes turns to play right, endless, boring He was indignant. Since he CI had done enough of the honor and dictatorship of the emperor of the Han family on the throne, why couldn't he make up his mind about moving the capital? It was another way of the kingdom of Jin? It seems that he CI doesn't want to be sinicized except for his throne

Move the capital! Only by moving the capital to Yanjing and implementing the real Song Liao system can the Jin state truly become a powerful empire. Otherwise, it will be trapped in the cold imperial stronghold all its life, and there will be no chance to dominate the world

Because of this protracted discussion, everyone ate and drank in the temporary palace and had not heard of anything outside for a long time On this day, I finally got a little eyebrows, and the bored Nuzhen nobles returned home one after another Jin Wushu had just returned to his mansion when a bodyguard hurried in: "fourth prince, there is good news."

"What good news?"

"Wanyan Hailing has got through the secret way of attacking Yelv."

Jin Wushu was surprised: "why did Wanyan Hailing go there? That's not his territory!"

"He said it was the wolf Lord who ordered him."

Jin Wushu was surprised and suddenly remembered something: "how did they get through the secret way?"

"They wiped out the serpent tribe."

Jin Wushu trembled in his heart and wiped out the serpent tribe? How? I have a verbal agreement with Hua Rong, and their mother and son are still there After killing the serpent tribe, didn't even their mother and son be destroyed?

He was so angry that he hurried out: "prepare the horse quickly and stop Wanyan Hailing immediately. This little beast, relying on the momentum of the wolf Lord, dared to do evil in the crown prince's territory!"

Several bodyguards had already run in front. Jin Wushu turned over and stepped on Wu Zhui's horse and ran out. Behind him, Wu Qimai panted and led the army to follow up, and his heart was vaguely filled with great anxiety: Why did Wanyan Hailing dare to provoke the fourth prince so arrogantly?

Wu Zhui's horse neighed all the way across the watered river

Jin Wushu reined in his horse and looked in fear at the raging fire opposite, the bodies thrown into the river at random, and the snakes driven into the river by the blazing flame floated and rolled on the bodies, with a strong fishy smell and disgusting

"Come on, come on..."

Hearing the news, the captain came forward and knelt on the ground: "the fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu whipped him in the face: "bastard, who told you to attack the serpent tribe?"

The commander covered his face with trembling: "it's general hailing, it's him..."

"Where is hailing?"

"Someone has been sent to catch up with the remnants of the serpent tribe..."

Jin Wushu couldn't hear what he was talking about. He just looked for the bodies along the coast with his eyes in horror. I can't imagine seeing his son's body or Hua Rong's body at the next glance! His voice trembled: "is the leader of the serpent tribe dead?"

"Report to the fourth Prince..."

Before the captain finished speaking, an Han came forward and knelt on the ground: "the fourth prince, there is a child in the serpent tribe who claims to be a little prince..."

"Come on, where are they?"

"Ran away, and he ran away with zahe..."

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