One Night Bride

Chapter 539

Jin Wushu glanced at hailing and saw a pair of fierce eyes on this twisted face His heart was cold and he knew that the hatred had ended. It was a pity that he didn't kill him in time last time. Who knows if it will become a future trouble?


A line of fast horses came quietly, which was Wu Qimai's line They took a bottle of food and clothes with them to solve the livelihood problem of the serpent tribe

When the wild people saw the food, they were ecstatic. The snake immediately ordered the two elders of the clan to distribute the food first Lu Wenlong was also happy, because Wu Qimai brought a red rabbit horse this time. This horse is called red rabbit. It has bright red hair all over. Only there is a circle of snow-white around its eyes, and its eyes are red, like a rabbit From a distance, it looks like a cloud of fire

Seeing this horse, everyone couldn't help cheering. Although it was still not as good as black moonlight, it was definitely a good horse in a million Lu Wenlong fell in love with the horse at first sight. He was very fond of it. He rode the horse happily and shouted, "Mom, look, this horse is so good. It was sent to me by my father, which is better than the jujube red horse..."

Hua Rong looked at the happy child on horseback, and the gift he wanted made him forget the fight he had just experienced Forgetting is an important habit of human beings. Otherwise, every day will be full of memories, and I don't know what the pain will look like

Wu Qimai came over to salute, very respectful: "I'm under the order of the fourth prince to give these things to you alone."

"Thank you."

Hua Rong opened the box and found the clothes of herself and Lu Wenlong The other rattan box was full of gold, silver and jewelry accumulated in the small tent on the grassland last time But the weight seems to be twice as much as before, which is obviously added by Jin Wu Shu

"Wu Qimai, I'll leave my clothes. You can return these things to the fourth prince."

Wu Qimai's voice flat: "the fourth prince said, maybe you need to buy a knife and gun."

She was stunned and no longer refused Indeed, I urgently need a more sophisticated equipment now

"Twothousand loads of grain and grass will be delivered in three days. The fourth prince wants to tell you a little, and the alliance will also be delivered. You don't need to worry in the future."

Hua Rong glanced at those people who were eating and drinking in the distance, with hope and enthusiasm for survival on their faces. He could only say thanks. The situation was stronger than people, and it was impossible not to accept it

Wu Qimai and his party left, and the snake came over. His face was not as happy as other savages, but full of hesitation: "boss, do you think we should go south or turn back?"

To the south is the place designated by King Qin, which is closer to the state of song and Qin Hui; To the north, he retreated to the periphery of Yanjing and became a subsidiary of the Jin State

Snake intuitively said, "I still think King Qin is more reliable."

Hua Rong was a little surprised and looked at those happy Savages: "snake, don't you believe the promise of the fourth prince?"

The snake sighed: "our home has been burned down by the fire, and the snake barrier that we rely on to protect has been lost. All the protection has been eradicated. After returning, we will be completely exposed under the eyes of the kingdom of gold, and there is no cost of self-defense..."

Hua Rong nodded secretly. This simple savage doesn't mean he's stupid This is also his worry. Before Jin Wushu died, Wanyan Hailing dared not pass him and quietly sent troops to sneak attacks What if Jin Wushu loses his power? Or what if he dies?

In the face of strength, it is easy to promise, but easier to destroy promises Don't you see that when the Liao and Song Dynasties signed a contract, the frivolous and incompetent romantic Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty also treacherously United Nvzhen to attack the Liao Dynasty. As a result, he set himself on fire and destroyed himself first. Since then, he lost half of his country and made the people miserable

"Snake, what do you say?"

The snake couldn't make up his mind, and thought for a long time before saying, "I really don't know whether to accept the food and grass of the fourth prince."

"This!" Hua Rong's tone was very firm, there was no doubt, "they burned our homes, and compensation was supposed. We must get food and grass first."

"However, Da Jin was brutal, fought many wars with Yelv, and suffered countless deaths and injuries. How could he give us in vain? Would he add many terrible additional clauses?"

This is also what Hua Rong is worried about Jin Wushu promised to be true, but now issued in the name of Da Jin, it is naturally not about personal friendship She smiled bitterly. It was still an old saying. When it was fake, it was also fake. Jin Wushu was absolutely a rational person. He would always put the interests of Da Jin above everything else. Otherwise, he would not put forward any "alliance"

"Chief, what should we do?"

"Accept the food and go south."

"Ah? So don't you annoy the fourth prince? The big golden soldiers are stationed in Yanjing. Aren't we hitting the stone with an egg?" Serpent was not without worry. He witnessed the power of the black armor with his own eyes. This man and horse was enough to destroy the serpent tribe several times, not to mention hundreds of thousands of troops were eyeing behind

Hua Rong made a quick decision: "snake, when the first batch of grain and grass is delivered, you will lead people to the South first, and I will stay and accept the rest."

"Chief, this is too dangerous."

"Don't worry, I will naturally have a way."

Snake didn't know what she could do, but seeing that she was confident, she had to stop questioning and immediately go down to secretly deploy

The moon, like a veil, slowly spreads out on the grassland, bright and bright Lu Wenlong was tired of riding, and his excitement gradually eased down. He ran to his mother and sat down with sweat on his forehead

Hua Rong looked at his energetic face. It can be said that he was really happy tonight

"Son, the fourth Prince is good to you."

"Yes, dad has always loved me. Mom, dad will treat you too."

Hua Rong smiled noncommittally and wiped his son's sweat What kind of boundless life will such a child follow himself in the future? Who can I entrust to when I bring it back to the state of song? To King Qin? Trouble him again? But who else can I give it to without giving it to him?

"Wen long, you go back and follow your fourth prince," this sentence hovered around your mouth countless times, but it was always speechless In order to shirk their responsibilities, they should throw him out like a burden When he grows up, if he knows his life experience, why should he be embarrassed?

Lu Wenlong's eyes were bright, and he just appreciated his red rabbit and horse in the moonlight. Soon, he felt sleepy and soon fell asleep on the grass Hua Rong listened to his even and peaceful breathing sound, and regardless of melancholy, she thought of the most critical problem: Qin Hui came, Qin Hui finally came!

I've been here for more than a year. Isn't it just for waiting for this moment?

A burst of mourning voice, she rubbed her eyes, suddenly blessed to the soul, turned up, and took her son's hand: "Wen long, go with my mother."

Lu Wenlong rubbed his eyes and looked at his mother vaguely, "where are you going?"

"You'll know when you go."

Under the moonlight, the eighteen warriors selected were lined up, and the feathers on their heads glowed faintly The snake asked urgently, "boss, I'll go with you."

Hua Rong looked at the brave man. Behind him were his three wives in the tribe and his seven or eight children He is like a coyote, leading this team. I can't imagine what the clansman will do if he falls down

"Snake, you stay. You are the most needed here. Take the food and grass of the fourth Prince first. The alliance will be signed when I come back. They will certainly agree."


For the first time, riding a red rabbit horse for a long run, Lu Wenlong was very excited and sleepy. When his mother gave the order, he ran ahead

All the horses were selected colts, and by dusk, the crowd had run more than 300 miles There is a river in front of it. To be exact, it is a crisscross lake, with native jungles densely covered. On the opposite bank, many towering behemoths slowly raise their long noses and walk around

Lu Wenlong was stunned: "Mom, what kind of monster is that?"

"Elephant, it's an elephant. Don't be afraid. Elephants are very docile and don't hurt people."

Hua Rong looked around, but he saw that all kinds of birds and animals roamed in this jungle, and he was not afraid of human tracks. Obviously, no one had ever set foot on it She stood where she was, looking at the direction of the sun, and at the turning of grass leaves and sand, which was the method of distinguishing directions learned from savages Two estimates, immediately found that this is really a jungle on the border of the Song Dynasty

Will it be really close to Kaifeng when you get out of here?

She looked at the dense jungle, surrounded by shallow mountains, which was not high, but only showed a kind of fuzzy mountains There are abundant water and grass, many animals, and various wild fruits and vegetables She pinched a handful of land and took it in her hand. The soil was also very fertile It's not close to Kaifeng, but it's a hidden channel. After going out here, everything is flat. Because there are few people, it's just unknown

No wonder King Qin would try his best to come here by himself. If it weren't for careful preparation and investigation, why would he have to go in this direction by himself?

A strange feeling floated in her heart. Was it that King Qin was doing these things these days when he left? Originally, the slight resentment against Zha he brought about by his death seemed to wake up slowly at this time. If people like King Qin got the news, how could they die? He can not save anyone, how can he not save himself?

The original vague secret worry suddenly became clear: King Qin secretly deployed so many, why did he choose this place? Did he also know the news of Qin Hui? Her heart beat faster suddenly, and sweat came from her forehead Killing Qin Hui was something she never forgot, but she never thought of asking King Qin to do it for her - it was too dangerous

He has done enough. How can he continue to pay the price?

No wonder he would stay in Yanjing and refuse to leave. Estimating the time, Li Tinglan's son has already been born, and he hasn't even returned. Is this just to help Yelv compete in the world?

"Girl, girl..." the call rang in her ear, but that day, she stubbornly refused to turn back or stay Her eyes were moist, and she almost burst into tears. What did king Qin really want to do?

"Mom, this is really a good place, more beautiful than the grassland. Mom, look at those elephants... Mom, I really want to touch the elephant's long nose..."

Hua Rong couldn't hear her son's voice at all. She just turned her eyes blankly and looked at the scene around, as if King Qin was here, hiding behind an unknown tree, hiding in an unknown jungle, and quietly looking at herself

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