One Night Bride

Chapter 542

"Hua Rong, I don't want to hide anything from you. The current state of Jin is by no means as powerful as Zhao Deji imagined. In fact, since Yue Pengju launched a strong attack on Zhuxian Town, the military power of song and Jin Dynasties has been reversed. If Yue Pengju didn't die, he could have fought Zhuxian Town and recovered the two rivers... But Zhao Deji was scared by us. He was as timid as a mouse, and he was determined to consolidate his throne, coupled with Qin Hui's incitement, so..."

Hua Rong's eyes were so hot that she almost burst into tears The one who knows the enemy best is always the enemy! Peng Ju, that's how he died before he was defeated

"Zhao Deji was fatuous and incompetent. Under such circumstances, he even agreed to all our conditions and gave us a large amount of war compensation. Now the state of song has provided us with gold, silver, jewelry, silk and silk, which is also the main reason why I have advocated peace negotiations in recent years. Once the war broke out and the agreement was interrupted, how can the people of the state of Jin enjoy these pie dropped from heaven?"

Jin Wushu, his frankness is almost sinister

Hua Rong gently bit her teeth and was speechless

"Hua Rong, therefore, I simply can't come forward to kill Qin Hui in person. Let alone the difficulty of killing him, just say that he is our best spokesman for interests and loyal executor in the state of song; killing him will do great harm to Da Jin without any benefit..."

In the past, Jin Wushu was fake and true, but now, he is telling the truth!

He didn't hide any more

"Hua Rong, if the Jin army openly assassinates Qin Hui, it is tantamount to the resumption of war between the two countries. Even if war is to start, if the newly supported song qinzong comes out, it is the civil war of the song state, which has nothing to do with the Jin State..."

What a vicious trick to kill two birds with one stone Song qinzong is naturally orthodox, but Zhao Deji obviously wants to consolidate his throne In order to compete for orthodoxy and the throne, both sides should try their best to tie up with the Golden State It's like a man throwing a bone and letting two dogs rob it and being the referee himself In the end, it's all the golden kingdom that benefits. In this case, I'm not afraid of dishonesty on both sides! There would be no more strength to resist the state of Jin. When both sides were hurt, Da Jin would reap profits. Perhaps, it would be easy to truly dominate the state of song

She stared at Jin Wushu: "is this your plan?"

He said frankly, "now the military and political plans of the state of Jin are mostly mine. In my lifetime, I hope the state of Jin can be as solid as gold."

"What if you tell me this?"

"I want you to live well and not lose your life in vain. Hua Rong, living is the most powerful foundation. Once you die, let alone revenge, there is no value."

She stood up and gave a cold smile Jin Wushu is like this. This is his politician. At any time, conditions and interests are paramount Of course, can I expect him to betray the kingdom of Jin? In that case, he will not be the fourth Prince of Nvzhen's great hero

"Hua Rong, do you hate me?"

"Different ways do not conspire. The fourth prince, we are people of two worlds."

He also stood up, his voice hurried: "it can also be one world!"

With a sharp smile, she said, "do you want me to enjoy the gold, silver and silk from the great song dynasty with you, or do you want me to accept Qin Hui's worship side by side with you, and then rejoice in the benefits brought by his spy status to the Golden State?"

Jin Wushu was speechless

"Fourth prince, you always think that I only take revenge for the death of Peng Ju. I don't deny this, but, such unscrupulous traitors as Qin Hui and Zhao Deji, even if there is no hatred of killing their husband, people all over the world should kill this Liao!"

"You say Zhao Deji is also a traitor?"

"Of course, he is a bigger traitor than Qin Hui!"

Jin Wushu raised his eyebrows and suddenly burst into laughter

"Fourth prince, what are you laughing at?"

He was full of pride and heroism that he had never had in his life: "Hua Rong, I suddenly had an idea..."

"What do you think?"

"Those in the world have virtue and strength. Zhao Deji is a shameless villain who kills loyal ministers and good generals regardless of his parents' human relations. What is his face and has the world? If we kill Zhao Deji and Qin Hui, we will establish ourselves as king and establish a real paradise, and the world is peaceful, what do you think?"

"We" stand alone as king? Who are we?

His eyes were eager, and he was startled by his sudden idea, but his heart beat faster with excitement: "Hua Rong, we can cooperate. Although everyone is on guard, I absolutely trust you. If such a day comes, your big revenge will be avenged, and the world will not be torn apart. Long war and chaos, even the serpent tribe, will also get permanent peace, once and for all, isn't it good?"

Hua Rong looked around and smiled faintly: "fourth prince, be careful, walls have ears. If you say this, you will implicate the great rebellion of the nine families..."

"Hua Rong, when did you have so many rules for monarchs, ministers and ministers? If so, you won't forget to kill Zhao Deji. King Wu defeated Zhou for generations, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and his sons destroyed the world of emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, and made Li Tang a country for hundreds of years. Even your Taizu was also dressed in yellow robes..." his eyes glittered with fanaticism, and the secret hidden in his heart was told to a woman unreservedly for the first time. Maybe he wanted to say it long ago, but today, Suddenly become without scruples

Hua Rong has been looking around. Within the range of nearly tens of meters, there are all bodyguards sent by him, and no idle people can go in and out freely It occurred to her that this was his habit The fourth prince was suspicious all his life, especially after he was in power. Naturally, he was wary of the conspiracy of all kinds of people, and he was cautious step by step

Rao was so shocked by Jin Wushu's words In the past, I just thought he was ambitious to make contributions, but unexpectedly, he had the idea of replacing him long ago

Her palms were sweating and pinching, but she didn't notice it at all. She just asked, "Oh? Do you want to kill your little wolf owner?"

"The little wolf Lord has become more and more strange recently. In order to pursue immorality and excitement, he has been licentious in the palace all day without saying anything. He has also been in and out of the brothel Gexie in Yanjing all day. Even a few days ago, it was said that he chased and hacked little Xishi with a knife. I suspect that he took the 'cold food powder' from the Liao and Song Dynasties, and eventually became possessed and crazy..."

Hua Rong was surprised. Such behavior is the precursor of madness. Hasn't he CI become a true tyrant?

"What do you want? Kill him and become king?"

Jin Wushu laughed and his eyes were bright: "Hua Rong, what do you want me to do?"

Hua Rong's breath was slightly rapid "Hanshisan" has been popular since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but it is a drug with psychedelic effects. Taking it more often will make you feel dizzy and hot. Over time, it is actually equivalent to slowly becoming addicted to drugs today, which will lead to nervous disorders At that time, it was said that Yang Guang, the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, especially liked to take hanshisan, which led to his obsession and cruelty He Ci is both a wolf owner and a golden man. How can he catch the "elegance" of Han Dynasty doctors hundreds of years ago?

"Fourth prince, is it you? You?"

"Haha, Huarong, it's not me! It's him! Since ancient times, wise monarchs may be different, but cruel monarchs, they are all the same. In the history of your country, tyrants emerge in endlessly, presumably, you know better than me."

Jin Wushu holds sevenoreight out of ten soldiers and horses. He can really be said to have the most soldiers and horses in the world now. And according to his rebellious nature, maybe nothing is impossible She dared not continue to ask, as if the more she knew, the faster she would die

"Hua Rong, do you think I look like a loyal minister?"

She subconsciously: "at least, you are loyal to the interests of Daikin and think of your golden country in everything."

"Isn't that good?" He laughed wildly, "if I were king, who would be the queen? Hua Rong, what do you say?"

"Fourth prince, I'm not interested in imagining your bright future for you."

His wild smile turned into a nonchalant smile: "of course, it's just a joke, and the crown prince doesn't want to be so angry. Now, isn't it best for the world to be peaceful, healthy and happy?"

Hua Rong looked at him puzzled, not knowing how his expression changed so quickly, as if he had just discussed with himself where the best tea was For this man, she never saw through, and never wanted to see through Whatever

"Just, Hua Rong, have you heard a sentence?"


"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge ten years. If you hold the world and compete for the Central Plains, won't it be far better than your single handed attack with eggs?"

This is a fatal temptation. Knowing that it is a trap, it is also covered with flowers, which makes people fall down

Her heart beat so fast that it almost jumped out of her chest That's a realm that women can't even think of. If they rise up and fight for the world, why worry about Qin Hui's immortality and Zhao Deji's immortality?

He stared at her flashing eyes, which was obviously flustered, at a loss, but slightly excited, as if a gambler was looking forward to getting a good chip Such messy expectations made her eyes turn into a kind of color, like a beautiful little leopard. As soon as she learned to open her eyes to see the world, she suddenly roared at the ferocious world and announced that she was coming

"Hua Rong, Hua Rong..." he shouted twice, and Hua Rong suddenly woke up

"Fourth prince, are you serious?"

He floated a joking smile: "if you promise to marry me, I can consider it. Is the son of heaven better? It's what you Han people said, right? Why can't I do it?"

Her face flushed and her eyes were angry

"You see, it's like this again. Hua Rong, what do you want me to say about you? In the past, Xi Shi could go to the state of Wu to deceive Fu Chai and set up a beauty trick. Even if you are trying to revenge, you can't bear humiliation?"

She sneered, "I'm not Xishi!"

There is nothing like revenge. Yue Peng's body is not cold, but he marries his great enemy. Even if it is "enduring humiliation" - it is too worthless

He joked, but obviously lost: "Hua Rong, do you know? You are actually as boring as Yue Pengju."

She said faintly, "maybe. Birds of a feather flock together. If it weren't for this, how could I marry him? Your fourth Prince is too interesting, so we are different."

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