One Night Bride

Chapter 556

At this time, she had completely ignored the enemy coming up behind, and with all her strength, she slashed the dead man in front of Qin Hui. Only when he fell, Qin Hui would show up

The dead man also tried his best, and the two blades intersected. With a bang, there was a dazzling spark The flower dissolved in the tiger's mouth, and the knife was almost out of her hand. However, she reacted very quickly. As soon as her left hand bent, the bow and arrow waved, the dead man snorted, and a thin needle had been inserted in her chest. She could no longer support it, and fell sideways

Qin Hui's face was completely exposed

Face to face, Qin Hui screamed. His voice suddenly became very thin, like the voice of a eunuch. His yellow beard trembled desperately, like a dog at a dead end

"Hua Rong, did you kill Wang Junhua?"

Hua Rong actually laughed at this time, didn't answer at all, didn't give him any time-consuming Kung Fu, and chopped with a knife: "old thief Qin Hui, you should return Yue Peng's life..."

The instinct of escape, Qin Hui rolled on the spot. He was short and thin. This roll, the black moonlight stepped out in front of him and hit his chest He screamed, and the black moonlight had moved his hoof. Hua Rong jumped down without thinking and cut down with a knife

Blood splashed, the black moonlight hissed miserably, and a stream of blood fountains fell on its long mane. With a flash of blood, a wisp of mane was wet and hung together

Qin Hui covered his chest in horror. He couldn't believe how the knife was stabbed down. It was inserted into the bone on his right side and could hardly be pulled out Hua Rong tried hard, but he actually endured the pain and kicked his legs. Several dead men had grabbed it and surrounded Hua Rong

The scuffle was going on outside. The commander didn't know the situation at all. He was no longer afraid of Xia Xia's anger. He rushed in immediately, lifted the obstructed maid, shook Xia Xia Xia up, and shouted, "general, get up quickly, something bad is going on..."

Xia Xia woke up with a good dream disturbed and was furious: "what big thing happened to the thing that doesn't have eyes?"

"An assassin rushed in and said it was Qin Hui's assassin."

Xia Xia turned over and sat up, and woke up more than half: "who said that? Where did the assassin come from?"

"It's yinmuke. He said he got your order..."

"This guy is crazy? When did general Ben give such an order? Stop them quickly, quickly... Wait, you said it was yinmuke? How could this guy?"

"Qin Hui said he was not yinmuke, but the widow of song Guoyue Pengju..."

Xia Zha opened her eyes wide, jumped out of the bed and rushed out first: "hurry, if Yue Pengju's widow, you must take it immediately and live... Hurry, don't let Qin Hui kill her... Remember, catch her alive..."

Xia Zha personally took a group of people and rushed out

Here, Hua Rong slashed Qin Hui, and the knife was inserted into Qin Hui's left chest. She suddenly lost her weapon and needed to make another knife. However, the dead man like a locust had fought hard to help Qin Hui up. Soon, she fell into a complete encirclement In my ears, I can't hear any voice of the seventeen warriors. Obviously, these warriors who fought hard to protect her behind have sacrificed one by one. Looking around, there are all Jin Jun, dead men, song Jun

However, her eyes have been completely blurred by blood, and she can't see clearly at all There was only one idea in his mind. If Qin Hui made another knife, he must catch up and cut again. Maybe that knife was not enough to kill him at all

She thought quickly in her mind and sat down. The black moonlight hissed in the thousands of troops. It was soaked all over, sweat and blood fell down together, all red, with its tongue sticking out and panting heavily

"Come on, take the assassin..."

"Capture Yue Pengju's widow alive..."

"You must not let her run away..."

It was Xia Zha's personal order. The hesitant Jin Jun immediately had a goal and rushed to Hua Rong immediately Hua Rong didn't have any help anymore. Knowing that things are so far today, she can only escape with a fast horse and get lucky to save her life However, surrounded by the Jin army, there was no retreat before and after. Rao was the black moonlight, and it was impossible to move Fortunately, Xia Zha ordered the horse to be captured alive. Seeing that the black moon was an extraordinary god horse, like catching turtles in a jar, they couldn't bear to hurt the horse The same is true. Hua Rong judged the situation, but let go. As soon as he urged the horse, he rushed to the crowd

Seeing that she was brave and sharp, Jin Jun didn't stop, and ran away one after another, unexpectedly letting her kill a bloody path. At this time, the bow and arrow had lost its effectiveness at close range. She grabbed a long gun from a corpse and waved it She is not good at using a gun, but Yue Pengju is an expert. She once learned from him for a period of time, but after all, her skill is inferior. Under the crisis today, she took a long gun to open the way, which is just like it

After she ran a long way, the Jin soldiers found something bad. If she rushed on like this, she would escape without fear Xia Zha also found something bad and shouted, "stop her..."

However, it was already late, and before his voice fell, Hua Rong rushed to the left This is a gap. After coming, Hua Rong found that this dark area was full of Qin Hui's dead men Jin Jun still wants to stay alive. Qin Hui was stabbed with a knife. Where will he feel? Surrounded by several soldiers, he was rescuing. In a semi coma, he saw the black moonlight rushing over, as if it were a reflection. He hissed and shouted, "quick, kill her, kill her..."

With this cry, his eyes closed and he fainted

But this sound is enough to kill Hua Rong The dead soldiers are no better than the Jin army. They are all killing knives and knives, and they have no pity for the black moonlight. We hope to kill this person as soon as possible

When it was in danger, only a whistling sound could be heard. Unexpectedly, it was a team of heavily armed Jin soldiers who killed it On a hot day, they were all wearing handrails, only showing a pair of eyes, and even Xia Xia Xia couldn't tell which one it was

The captain was the first to find it and shouted, "general, who is this?"

Xia Zha looked at the leader in disbelief. He was fully armed, took a long gun, rode on a variegated horse, and couldn't see who it was, even his body shape He snapped, "who is it? Which one?"

However, no one answered him at all. This Jin army, strong and resolute, has been killing Qin Hui's camp, and it is impossible to see whether they want to kill Jin army or Hua Rong

"General, what should I do?"

Xia Zha didn't answer, but the man who led the way, waving a long gun, was invincible, and even killed Qin Hui's dead along the way, without mercy

"No, they went to help Hua Rong..."

"How could they help Hua Rong?"

"Could it be a fake?"

"No. This is our big gold's abductor Ma Feiyi. Look at their pocket handrails. They won't be fake. Look, the array they use..."

Sure enough, this elite was wearing heavy armor. Although the horse was not chained, it sprinted completely according to the abduction horse camp of the Jin army This area is a plain, the terrain is open, and the people all the way to the periphery, which is a very wide open space Although Qin Hui had many dead soldiers, he was a scholar with no strength to bind a chicken, and he didn't know the art of war at all If you fight alone, these people are all good players, but if it's your turn to attack, it's completely out of order Qin Hui never dreamed that one day he would be used in "big battle". They were only good at assassination, assassination and protecting his safety Before, it was more than enough to deal with a few people such as Hua Rong. Now, faced with such a large-scale abduction horse battle array, it completely lost the advantage of a single battle. It was soon hit in pieces. It was no longer intentional to attack Hua Rong, and hurriedly met the female soldiers suddenly killed by the enemy

Hua Rong had been completely in a desperate situation. Suddenly, the dead men around showed a look of panic, and turned their horses one by one, killing them in front She was surprised and turned around to see that it was the power of the abduction horse she had seen. Who was helping herself?

She thought it was Jin Wu Shu, but Jin Wu Shu used a long mace and axe, and she couldn't see her figure clearly through the heavy pocket handrail Who could it be?

Xia Zha also found something bad, and suddenly moved in her heart and said loudly, "which one are you?"

No one answered him

"Say it quickly. Which one is it? If you don't say it again, you will be regarded as rebellion and win it all."

The other side still didn't respond, only wholeheartedly killed Qin Hui's dead man Hearing only a scream, these dead soldiers threw away their armor and immediately blood flowed into a river Hua Rong was able to breathe, but she knew that these dead men raised by Qin Hui committed all kinds of crimes and killed many innocent Zhongliang for him, even Princess Wan Wan Therefore, she never hesitated. As soon as she calmed down, she immediately joined the battle. This is also the first time that she fought side by side with the Jin people, slaughtering "Song people" - some so-called "Chinese people" worse than the Jin people

Xia Zha was stunned by the big fight. She saw blood and flesh flying, far better than all the wars she had participated in in in the past After a while, he woke up and immediately shouted, "hurry, kill this team..."

The captain carefully said, "not good? This must be our golden horse..."

"However, they are obviously afraid of being discovered."


"Don't be so bad..." Xia Zha was grumpy and whipped the captain on the shoulder with a whip. "Don't be wordy, and immediately order to destroy this abduction horse..."

"Are we helping Song people destroy their elite?"

Xia Zha was so angry that he could only hear ten thousand horses neighing. In the northeast, a team of song troops came, which was the escort brought by Yang Yizhong Seeing that Qin Hui had not come out for a long time, they got a report from the dead who Qin Hui had escaped, so they immediately led people to kill him

As soon as Song Jun joined the war, Jin Jun didn't know where to help When they saw the kidnapped horse fighting with Qin Hui's dead soldiers, the Jin army, who had been watching the war but had not been ordered, habitually killed the general when they saw the song army Soon, Song Jin, Qin Hui and the three convenient men were killed together

Xia Zha saw an assassination incident, which suddenly turned into a war between song and Jin Dynasties. If it goes on like this, not only the negotiation will fail, but also the chaos between song and Jin will be caused The capital of Jin was about to be moved, and it was to support song qinzong against song Huizong, so it had no intention of fighting again He was flustered, and immediately rushed to the gold Army General wearing a pocket armrest, knowing that at this time, only holding this person can stop the war

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