One Night Bride

Chapter 611

"King Qin has been lurking for a long time. It's just a robber. Our great Jin Dynasty, even the song and Liao States, have perished. Why can't we take a robber?"

"How to trace the 150000 silver?"

"Who will make up for it? Who will contact the state of song again? We are so cowardly, won't we be laughed at by the state of song?"


The crowd asked wantonly, and Jin Wushu didn't open his mouth, just drinking He Ci has never been measured, and he only drinks, letting the ministers quarrel

When the voice was a little low, Jin Wushu didn't hurry: "hailing, do you know that the silver was stolen in your hand? And how did the 3000 yellow armor warriors die miserably?"

Hailing's mouth foam flew away Also a little flustered It was in the hands of his brothers that the silver was stolen Three thousand armor men in yellow were also broken in his hands He casually looked at the wolf owner and found the wolf owner's angry eyes This is the wolf Lord's Pro guard, which makes Hetian more afraid than the loss of 300000 elite

He even suspected that Hailing was intentional

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Hailing knew this truth. Seeing the stab, his eyes showed ferocity. He was tongue tied and could only kneel down and kowtow: "death, death..."

The fourth Prince is always good at pushing his responsibilities on others Hailing is angry. Jiang is still old and spicy. No one can do anything about the fourth prince

He thought so, but other ministers did not think so Hailing is hairless, but the four princes are different The fourth Prince is Dajin's national hero and a famous general of a generation Hailing can be defeated. How can he be defeated? How can it be said that he failed?

They need an explanation, especially after the fourth Prince has been dormant for so long, what reasonable explanation is there? However, there was nothing but Hailing kneeling on the ground and kowtowing

The right deputy stood up and presented a box to the wolf master The closing stab opens, and the complexion changes dramatically Hailing observed his words and expressions. He Ci threw the box at him, and said angrily, "useless things..."

The box was scattered, and it was full of evidence of Hailing's collusion with Yelv

Everyone turns pale. No wonder the enemy will get prophets everywhere. Is it the ghost of Hailing?

However, what is the need for Hailing to do so?

Hailing's face is like a pig's liver. This evidence is actually ambiguous. It originally points to the cooperation between him and Yelv, which was only the time of exterminating the serpent tribe However, it was obvious that the presenter deliberately used ambiguous words, and everyone's conjecture became very ambiguous, which led to the later road - since King Qin and Yelv had made an alliance, they were a group Hailing's alliance with Yelv is an alliance with King Qin

Since there is a traitor, how can we blame the fourth Prince for not doing his best?

Even some newly bred feelings of neglect and contempt for the fourth Prince were quickly removed The fourth prince, Nvzhen's national hero, how could he be defeated by a Han robber!

impossible! Unless something happens for a reason, hailing is to blame for all this

Another political enemy noticed something bad and turned to: "since the silver was stolen in the hands of the song people, they should make compensation. Immediately note Qin Hui and ask the song state to prepare compensation..."

"Yes, yes, yes, let Zhao Deji compensate, and fight over if you don't..."



Prime Minister Zuo coughed, "hailing, what's going on?"

Hailing was anxious: "that was when I wanted to use Yelv to kill the serpent tribe... But afterwards, I never had any contact with them. The wolf owner also knew this..."

He quickly turned to Heci: "Your Majesty, you also know..."

He Ci occasionally seems to have heard him talk about the extermination of the serpent tribe, but he is not clear After all, he wanted to save face for the brother, and the relationship between the brothers was good, so he had to nod vaguely: "indeed, I also know a little."

Now that the emperor knows, what else can people say? Although extremely strange, but also dare not pursue it

On the contrary, it was Jin Wushu. He sat quietly and didn't take the opportunity to ask questions at all. He was always worried Originally, some of his followers would take the opportunity to attack hailing, but seeing that the fourth Prince did not speak, they had to give up

Everyone immediately returned to the topic of stolen silver

"I heard Qin Hui was stabbed... She was a female assassin..."

"Don't you say it's silver wood? How did you become a female assassin again?"

"It's said that someone pretended to be Yin Muke. He has no enemy with Qin Hui. Why should he assassinate Qin Hui?"

"Where is yinmuke's body?"

"The corpse was destroyed long ago..."

"Is Qin Hui dead?"

"I heard that I was seriously injured..."

"Isn't that just right? There are no people in the Song Dynasty, and Zhao Deji is as timid as a mouse. We might as well take advantage of the opportunity to fight over, take advantage of their confusion, and make a big profit, and simply invade Hangzhou. It is said that Hangzhou Huahua world is more prosperous than Tokyo in the past..."


The house was full of shouts of fighting and killing, the plundering of early years, the abundant fruits of war, the beauties of the Southern Dynasty, Su Dongpo's calligraphy and painting... Powerful material stimulation once again made these new generation golden men red in their eyes Even the stab was ready to move, and there was a strong desire between the eyebrows and eyes Since he became king, he has been weak and has never been personally enlisted Thinking of the majesty of my father and father, the golden and iron horse in those days... If I can put on the robe one day, what majesty is it?

"Your Majesty, this is really an excellent excuse, the best time..."

"However, with the song and Jin peace talks, how can we easily violate the treaty? Give others a handle?"

"Song Jin peace negotiation? It's not simple. Song people violated it first, King Qin robbed our silver, and they broke their faith first..."

"Yes, yes, there are many beauties in the Southern Dynasty. I once heard people say that there is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below, and there are so many beauties in Suzhou and Hangzhou... Hahaha, we should also go to see..."

"The state of song is just a Yue Pengju, and Han Zhongliang has long been dismissed. I'm afraid he will do something..."

Jin Wushu has been sitting in place, quietly listening to the noise of this group of people They may have lived a comfortable life for too long, and have been so ignorant The state of song has lost Yue Pengju and Han Zhongliang, but there are also Liu Ning and other famous generals. Even if these people have a general reputation, are those hundreds of thousands of elite people eating rice for nothing? Zhao Deji has already established his foothold and accumulated wealth for many years. How can he compare with the escape of that year?



"We should fight over..."


He Ci was also flushed with excitement. At this time, he remembered to ask Jin Wushu sitting aside. He was the Grand Marshal of the world army, and he had the most say

"Fourth uncle, why don't we take the opportunity to fight?"

Jin Wushu said faintly, "who do you recommend as the pioneer and the commander?"

Everyone was stunned Isn't the fourth Prince the commander?

Jin Wushu pulled open his wide robe and turned around The crowd exclaimed and looked at his scars Many of them are deep and crisscross, which is hard to witness It turned out that the fourth Prince's ability to achieve today's high position was by no means a false reputation, a knife and a gun, which was bought with flesh and blood The scars all over his body symbolize not only his meritorious service, but also his loyalty to Dajin

He Ci hurriedly said, "come on, take out the safflower oil paid by foreign countries a few days ago and scratch it for the fourth uncle."

"Thank you for your grace."

In the consternation of the crowd, Jin Wushu slowly pulled down his clothes and said faintly, "the crown prince is still seriously injured and cannot go to war. You can recommend candidates or recommend yourself."

All eyes, there is no suitable candidate Over the years, Wen Chen and Wu Jiang have been immersed in the enjoyment of great wealth and the physical fragrance of beautiful women. They have a large stomach and waste their ambitions. They only know pleasure and enjoyment The generals of the Jin Dynasty withered like this Besides the fourth prince, who else can wear enough clothes to fight? The people's eyes turned to hailing, who was extremely excited. However, he did not dare to ask Hailing to go to the state of song He bowed his head

"Who else took the initiative?"

No one answered The old generation had already had manors and mansions like Han nobles, and groups of maidservants and beautiful concubines There are also blowing, playing and singing, as well as gold and silver treasures They are no longer short of materials and beauties War is about death. Even if there is a big temptation, who is willing to take this risk for nothing?

While most of the other young people grew up in the imperial palace. Although they can still ride horses and shoot arrows, they are already more like the young man of the Han family than their parents and grandparents who subdued tigers and killed bears with their bare hands. Riding horses and shooting arrows is just a decoration

The environment can quickly degenerate into a mate!

The only two dare to be brave, but their seniority is still shallow. When they saw their self recommendation, they all laughed: "your boy, your hair hasn't grown up yet..."

"You look like a bear. You can only drink milk in a woman's arms..."

"Hahahaha... Drinking..."

Jin Wushu left the stage in the dizzy sound of drinking. From time to time, he could hear some drunk people asking Hailing why he lost such a large sum of money

After leaving the door, I wiped a cold sweat

This is a "trick" you use when you are drunk. Political opponents are not stupid pigs, and some people are just steering the wheel They will soon understand Even if the silver is lost in Hailing's hands, he will also bear a great responsibility, which can't be shirked Then political opponents will come up with many other tricks

If we don't fight with the state of song, we will fight in the court. This is politics, which is the same in both song and Jin Dynasties But, he thought, he had hated war It's really disgusting. How can you summon up the courage to lift the knife and fight again before the bloody smell on your nose is wiped off? In a trance, his armor had already been thrown away

At the door of the study of the fourth Prince's mansion stood a restless Gao Yigong. As soon as he saw him, he immediately knelt down: "fourth prince, Qin Hui has a secret letter."

Jin Wushu took the secret letter, went into the study, sat down and opened it

It was Qin Hui who asked for help and asked him to send troops to attack the state of song on the pretext of the loss of silver Even if it is a false show, then he can take credit in front of Zhao Deji and act as a mediator again Of course, his offer was very generous, in the name of the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty

Jin Wushu watched it carefully twice and put it on the candle. A faint blue light turned into ashes He thought that Qin Hui's ideas coincided with those of Nuzhen aristocrats However, Qin Hui also ignored that now in the kingdom of Jin, how many people can fight well? The state of Jin is actually not as good as the state of song

It's just that Zhao Deji was scared and never knew it Or even dare not think about it Just like a woman who is used to being a concubine, when she sees a man, she unconsciously becomes a slave and always dares to compromise

He laughed at himself and went to war. Who will go to war? Go by yourself again? As early as throwing away his armor, he had vowed that he would never go to war again in this life, under no circumstances

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