One Night Bride

Chapter 613

Can the Queen's son be forgiven, and the other sons are not sons? He is as talented and wise as Li Shimin. It can be said that there is no father who is not the most kind and filial to the children of the eldest grandson queen. However, for other bastards, he is different, with a terrible face, as if those are not his own flesh and blood

It turns out that father's love also needs conditions? Maybe it's because the child doesn't seem to be in his mother's arms and hasn't been deeply conceived by himself?

The lady was still murmuring to him about her son's advantages, but Jin Wushu fell into his confused emotion and had no interest at all In the blink of an eye, he saw only the two lips that the woman talked about. He even forgot her name, and only had a code name: 28 Niangzi

Madam, what joy has she given herself? Why should her son make a big deal?

He looked at the bloated figure, the slightly bulky hands and feet, and even the corners of her eyes inadvertently, there was a mass of eye droppings... That was the inertia of a woman shortly after birth She dressed up carefully, but after all, she couldn't maintain the girl's demeanor and demeanor, which was even more annoying

All this is so disgusting

He handed the child wearily and whispered, "take it away."

The lady can't believe her eyes. The fourth prince, how can he be so cold? Is this his son? Is his only son! She originally came in high spirits. She thought that the fourth prince was busy these days, sick, and had no time to take care of it, so she held it in front of him like a treasure offering. No one would not love her son However, the fourth Prince did not love

Her eyes were red with injustice, and she still whispered, "fourth prince, my son will have a full moon in three days..."

"So what?"

She was bold: "many people came to the door to give gifts and greetings. My family begged the fourth prince if he should have a full moon wine for his son..."

Full moon wine? Jin Wushu's face changed, and he suddenly remembered the feast of Yelv Guanyin giving birth to children - Yelv Guanyin was like a queen, sending invitations from top to bottom, and even the powerful ministers, the God of the valley, and the pruhu who were once arrogant, all came to congratulate, and the court and the public were shocked That was the heyday of Daikin, and it was also the happiest time in my memory - heartfelt joy, pride, love, and the first time I was a father Unfortunately, it has become a farce, that huge, green fireworks from the sky, green turtles:

Wushu turtle!

Wushu turtle!

He thought in a trance, which was an unforgettable humiliation that could not be erased He suddenly jumped up from the bed and shouted loudly, "I'm going to kill King Qin, the evil thief..."

The woman was so frightened that she stepped back a few paces. She almost fell to the ground because of her excessive force, and the child in her arms was so frightened that she cried loudly As soon as her legs softened, she knelt down and cried in fear: "the fourth Prince... The fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu woke up as if from a dream. Listening to the baby's feeble cry, he found that his head was full of cold sweat. Just as he was about to speak, he tried to comfort the child with a few words. A mouthful of blood spurted out again

28 the lady panicked: "fourth prince, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Someone..."

"Get out, you all get out."

"I serve the fourth Prince's Decoction..."

The baby's crying sound was in his ear and he felt very upset But he was still kind: "no, you take the children out. I want to be alone."

"Fourth prince, the child hasn't named yet, waiting for you to name..."

What's the name?

He hardly thought of it at all

"Go out and talk about it later."

Holding the baby in her arms, she had to step down Walking to the door, he was still unwilling: "fourth prince, son's full moon..."

He inadvertently interrupted her words: "now there are many things in the court, mixed, Fang QianDu, everything is simple, there is no need to extravagance and waste. The crown prince should set an example."

The lady was completely disappointed Before the fourth prince came back, she was so high-profile that she accepted the envious eyes of all other women, or sincere or false blessings Naturally, she also knew Lu Wenlong. She had seen how Lu Wenlong was favored by the fourth prince. Unexpectedly, Lu Wenlong was not the son of the fourth prince Now, having a son by himself just fills the vacancy of Lu Wenlong. It is human nature for the fourth prince to fall in love. Unexpectedly, he should be so cold? It's not like his son

She suddenly felt angry Ashamed, how can I face the eyes of other concubines when I go out like this? Won't you be laughed at by them? Can't you get promoted even if you have a son?

She also went to the grassland for vacation with Jin Wushu and lived in a big tent. She witnessed how the fourth Prince spoiled the woman called Hua Rong at that time. Fortunately, she took the crown of the princess, but sold it as the military expenditure of the serpent tribe She doesn't know these, but she knows what the queen of the fourth Prince means She had never longed for it before, and even did not have the qualification to compete for favor like Yelv Guanyin. The fourth Prince basically regarded her as a passer-by, and once she was romantic, she gave up According to the status, I can't imagine But now that you have a son, don't you dare to think about it? No credit, no pain, this blood, is always born in October?

She is a Bohai woman. The rules of Bohai are not strict, and everyone is very careless. She is never as graceful and restrained as the song and Liao women, so as to develop a roundabout and cautious temperament She was different. She couldn't hide her anger at all, and suddenly asked loudly, "fourth prince, if Hua Rong gave birth to a son for you, would you be so frugal?"

If someone severely whipped Jin Wushu, a stream of blood rushed to his forehead

The lady immediately realized that she had said something wrong, and saw the fourth Prince's face twitching, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, which was extremely ferocious and terrible She suddenly remembered his sentence "I'm going to kill you" just now. She took her son back a few steps in horror and dared not leave for a moment

Jin Wushu was soft and paralyzed, as if he had been killed But I didn't blame her, not a word For a long time, he turned his eyes and looked at the slightly swollen face. Childbirth made women so ugly Yes, what's wrong with her? It is oneself who is wrong She did nothing wrong in fighting for everything for her son

"The crown prince will reward your son with 100 brocades, 1000 gold ingots, and a piece of pearl. The child will move to Dongyuan and live there until the child is one year old. Please teach him."

The lady thought she was going to be punished horribly, but instead she received a rich reward. It was a blessing in disguise, and she was simply overjoyed: "thank you for the grace of the fourth prince."

"You go out."

The mother walked away with her son in her arms. After she went out, she couldn't help laughing softly Such a generous reward is nothing. The important thing is that the fourth Prince actually allowed his mother and son to move to Dongyuan It's the best place in the fourth Prince's mansion, the recognized hostess's room Even if his son didn't have full moon wine, he recognized it himself

She turned around the long corridor. In the garden outside, there were already seven or eight women, all pretending to enjoy the flowers. Inadvertently, they were all asking what rewards the mother and son would get Seeing her, he immediately swarmed up and asked, "28 madam, is the fourth Prince generous?"

"Do you want the little prince's full moon wine?"

"Sister, you are so lucky..."

"The fourth prince must be very happy?"


The crowd was full of gossip. 28 the lady was bossy. She proudly maintained her identity and didn't speak. The maid next to her immediately gossip loudly: "my wife is going to be busy and move to the East Garden..."

"What? Move to Dongyuan?"

"God, that's the treatment of the princess..."

"Tut Tut, the favor of the fourth Prince..."

"My sister is really lucky..."

The lady left triumphantly in the envy of the courtyard At this time, Fang really realized the importance of sons to women Therefore, for his son's feelings, Youran added a little more, and hurriedly told the Mammy, "you must take good care of the little prince wholeheartedly, and there must be no mistakes."



When all the noise went away, Jin Wushu got out of bed and walked to the window Autumn is coming in Yanjing, with gusts of cold wind, high sky and light clouds, and wild geese flying in the north and south

With the cry of wild geese, he looked at those herringbone geese, flapping their wings, flying in groups in the opposite direction, day after day, year after year, never coming back

Animals are like this, and people?

If Hua Rong gave birth to a son for you, would you be so frugal?

This is really a big joke

No, Hua Rong is his enemy! formidable enemy! How could she have a son for herself?!

He didn't know whether he was pitying 28 women or himself

In the autumn of this year, red leaves covered the mountains, good weather, cool wind, melons and fruits fragrance Zhongjiazhuang seems to have become a paradise

King Qin had such a peaceful life for the first time I think it's God's blessing to have such years in this time of chaos

He couldn't get down in bed, but he was unwilling to be lonely, so he ordered two boys to come to him, and he taught them to sing in person First sing "Red River", which is a poem written by Yue Pengju Both children have long been taught by Hua Rong and can sing King Qin was not satisfied and insisted on teaching them a new song, which was a rough local folk song that farmers liked to sing most:

Younger sister asked elder brother, when will you come to see me

Brother whispered, I want to hurry up today

Not tomorrow. I'll go up the mountain to chop firewood

Come and see you later, sister. Wait for me


He sang hoarsely, but he had to teach two children to sing with him This time, not only Lu Wenlong, but also xiaohutou couldn't sit still. He kept puckering his mouth. Seeing that he was still singing endlessly and was very intoxicated, he tiptoed to his side and put a soft thing in his neck

It was a chrysalis he found somewhere. It was autumn and it began to become a chrysalis It's not round in the middle of winter King Qin opened his eyes, threw away the chrysalis and grabbed his pigtail. "Bad boy, do you still play this set?"

He giggled and struggled, fluttering: "Dad, you sing so hard..."

He stared: "who said that? What's wrong with me?"

Then he looked at Lu Wenlong and hoped that he would help Unexpectedly, Lu Wenlong frowned and looked extremely uncomfortable: "big villain, if you continue to sing, I'll even spit out the overnight meal..."

King Qin was besieged on all sides. He saw Hua Rong coming in from the outside with a handful of newly picked leaves. Tathagata, the great Savior, said happily, "girl, you comment and reason. I sing. These two little rabbits dare to say bad..."

Hua Rong tried to suppress a smile and taught the two children a serious lesson: "you really shouldn't say that my father sings badly..."

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