One Night Bride

Chapter 619

She closed her eyes and went to sleep carefree

King Qin stared at her face. For many years, the wind and frost of the years have already condensed, so hard, so haggard He sighed, but laughed again. Fortunately, he walked through so many ups and downs. At this moment, the dust finally settled

In such a noisy day, people slowly approached the sea

Lu Wenlong has never seen the sea or taken a big ship. Hearing the description of little tiger's head, he is also very happy. He doesn't know what kind of paradise that mysterious island is It is for this reason that I yearn especially

Not only two children were happy, but even King Qin was excited

Just like a fish, it must always be in the water to breathe, roam and be full of power The ocean, his sky, can fly freely, just like a shark, can sweep everything

The carriage stopped, and everyone looked at the blue sky in the distance, so transparent and endless

Lu Wenlong was so strange: "where is the ocean? Don't you see water?"

Little tiger head also felt strange: "Dad, why should we stop?"

At this time, he saw a strange behavior of my father, and even got down from the carriage He didn't even need help

"Dad, are your legs ready?"

"Dad, can you stand up?"

More than two children, Hua Rong was also ecstatic: "qinshangcheng, how are you?"

He laughed and frowned Hua Rong and Lu Wenlong hurriedly stretched out their hands to hold him. It turned out that he was excited and unconsciously stood up

Liu Zhiyong ran up: "Your Majesty, where do we change?"

"Right here!"

"Ah? Why?"

This place is more than 100 miles away from the ocean, and in the opposite direction

"Get rid of all the baggage and go to the left."

Hua Rong saw that the direction was wrong, but she knew that King Qin would never mess around. Of course, she had her own opinion and nodded immediately

The joke color on King Qin's face disappeared, but he was confident, holding her hand: "girl, our journey has been so smooth. But I hope to return to Changlin Island smoothly all the time. Even if this bastard Zhao Deji has any tricks, he also wants to forget it."


Hua Rong also thought of this level. Seeing that King Qin had already made arrangements, this was his territory, and of course it was up to him Others were surprised Regardless of their surprise, King Qin immediately ordered to dispose of some items on the spot. When it was night, everyone went back on the road and rode lightly

So circuitous, took a turn back, and set foot on the left Hua Rong looked at it, and it suddenly opened up in front of him. It turned out to be a lonely road he had never walked through. In front of him, there were hidden mountains

"Where is this?"

King Qin was very proud, attached to her ear, and whispered, "remember the time when Zhao Deji fled? He asked to take the secret Road, but I didn't take them. I only chose a route close to Wang Erqi island. That's not the secret Road, this one is. Through this mountain range, there is a rare island..."

Hua Rong knew that he was scheming deeply, and that he was almost in a desperate situation that year. He also refused to mobilize his lineage, let alone let anyone set foot in sunset island It is understandable to keep such a hand now

"Girl, only uncle Yang and I knew this secret before."

She smiled: "now we all know."

King Qin looked back and saw that these people were all his closest subordinates. They followed him from the jungle of savages to the battle of life and death with Jin Wushu. Naturally, they didn't disagree and started on the road with a whip

Besides, Zhao Deji couldn't be heartless after hearing Qin Hui's poison plan He reviewed the military reports of various places these days and looked at them over and over again. He found that this dynasty, even the Han regime, has always attached importance to the inland. Even if there were water invaders, they were all small-scale and vulnerable Moreover, those water invaders actually came from inland lakes, land of plenty, especially the important tax areas in Southeast provinces. Therefore, the strength of water forces in all dynasties is very weak Not to mention the distant ocean

The grassland, desert and vast ocean are beyond the reach of the Han regime Even Tang Zong and Song Zu never made a difference in it

I think of the thrilling naval battle, the Rockets of Jin Wushu, the endless sea water, the desperate situation, and if I fall, my bones will disappear Just for a king Qin, is it worth the effort?

He weighed it and decided whether the conclusion was certain Even if you want to catch King Qin, you must wait until he is rampant on the land As long as he doesn't rebel openly, he doesn't have to provoke him. Everyone's well water doesn't offend the river

After repeated weighing, Zhao Deji pushed aside the military memorials, but others bothered him even more While impeaching Qin Hui, several guys who didn't know what to do asked Zhao Deji to reconsider Yue Peng's unjust case Of course, they all completely blame Qin Hui, and the son of heaven is just "deceived", and the son of heaven is innocent In the past, they would not dare to go to such a memorial. This time, taking advantage of Qin Hui's illness, they wanted to take the opportunity to trip

Zhao Deji was trying to find Qin Hui's handle at this time, but this "handle" was obviously not in line with his intention He was afraid of Yue Pengju's three "kill Zhao Deji in the afterlife" that year. He woke up from many nightmares, either Yue Pengju or Hua Rong, this life-threatening couple When he thought of Yue Pengju, he hated him more than Qin Hui. How could he easily restore his name?

The more he looked, the more annoyed he became. He threw the memorial on the ground, but he didn't get angry. He rushed up and trampled on it with his feet again, hoping to kill these unscrupulous guys However, since the Yue Pengju incident, he has understood a truth that if he kills the censor of these admonitions, he will fulfill their reputation of loyalty, that is to say, from the side, he shows his ignorance of the emperor He didn't want to fulfill these "loyal ministers" anymore, so more often, he was willing to abide by song Taizu's pledge not to kill ministers and petitioners, and played a lenient role

He vented for a while. Seeing Yue Pengju's name, he naturally had to think of Hua Rong I wonder why this woman's life is so hard? Why have you been wandering all over the world for many years, but you still don't die?

Because of this, he was even more curious about her

At this time, he heard respectful footsteps. Two children knocked on the door and came in. They both knelt down and said, "my son's courtiers say hello to my father."

These two people are of the same age and ability. They were adopted by him from the Zhao clan and are the direct descendants of his ancestor song Taizu Song Taizu was killed by his younger brother Zhao Guangyi in the "candle shadow and axe sound" incident. Since then, the Zhao family has been under the control of Zhao Guangyi's family When Zhao Deji arrived, Jingkang was in great trouble, and his father and brother all became prisoners. After he died again, he had to adopt an heir from the surviving Taizu line

He will choose one of the two children as his heir One was raised by Wu jinnu and the other by Zhang Yingying

They knelt on the ground and kowtowed together to call him "father emperor". He agreed perfunctorily and glanced at them casually For these two adopted "Sons", he never aroused any father son affection. On the contrary, he had an inexplicable disgust and hatred Without him, he would never have adopted so soon had it not been for the repeated advice of the troubled ministers He always fantasized that he could have a son Of course, his fantasy comes from that maybe the woman is not dead yet He always believed that if she would commit herself to herself, she would surely have a son

Of course, he himself knew that this idea was absurd If she appears in front of herself again, it must be time to kill herself He knows very well

He suddenly came up with a plan to use Qin Hui's condition to use a bait That's a kind of King's curiosity and natural arrogance - this woman will be fooled! Definitely, I will!

If it were her, she would surely make a comeback

More importantly, he was curious about what she had become?

Or kill her again?

Therefore, he immediately took advantage of the opportunity of the imperial historian to show his benevolent attitude, and announced again that he would give preferential treatment to the families of a group of political prisoners, including Hua Rong's mother and son, but he still didn't mention Yue Pengju

As we all know, Yue Peng Ju's widow's wife and son's whereabouts are unknown. The emperor's hypocrisy is just more evidence of his hypocrisy The censor was helpless and unwilling to cause trouble again, so he gave up

After this order was issued, Zhao Deji secretly dispatched the army more tightly and began secret military operations on the southeast coast However, the navy of this dynasty is very weak, with internal and external troubles, and there is no effective defense against pirates. Therefore, this order will not be implemented very well once it goes on

The sailors followed Zhao Deji's escape route every day and deployed defense along the major coasts However, after waiting for months, there was still no news at all The song army's disorderly discipline, coupled with the lack of food and salaries, greatly disturbed the local people Villagers who had experienced the massacre of the Jin army remembered the absurdity of song Taizu and others' order that their main cards were discarded here, and felt that these Imperial Navy were worse than the Jin army, so of course they would not give them any help and support

After such a hustle and bustle, when the news reached Zhao Deji's emperor's case, he got another 800 Li urgent secret report Taking it apart, it turned out that there were people opening warehouses for relief in the area of the two rivers, and the victims all over the world rushed to tell them that there were great heroes and Living Bodhisattvas in the local area, and so many silver coins were scattered to do good deeds Zhao Deji was particularly shocked that the relief worker was exactly the same as the legendary King Qin who robbed Jin Jun's grain It is said that from time to time, there is a big man with a sword and a big horse riding in the local area. He haunts the folk and has some contact with the scattered eight character army

All kinds of legends are getting more and more strange. Of course, Zhao Deji can't go deep into it. However, he is aware of a key problem. According to the calculation of time, doesn't it show that King Qin has been active in the two rivers?

Along the two rivers and Xiangyang, these are the areas where Yue Pengju fought in those years. He enjoys unparalleled prestige in the eyes of the northern people in this area, and many households in Xiangyang were brought in by him in those years King Qin is active here, and Hua Rong is also active here?

What do they want? Use the foundation of Yue Pengju to make a big fuss? The more he thought, the more afraid he became, and he was in a cold sweat Immediately, the Navy generals stationed along the coast knew that there was no change there, and King Qin and others never came back

The general of the Navy thought he was going to order himself to go to sea to annihilate the invaders, and immediately began to play, saying that the coastal military force was weak, the ships were old, and the food and grass were poor. With such a status quo, to attack pirates in the depths of the ocean was nothing more than looking for a needle in a haystack, which was meaningless

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