One Night Bride

Chapter 622

What is the young lady in my family? What is this child? King Qin didn't even see his son, but he came back with a large group of irrelevant people. What's this?

She was so angry that she hurried to say, "Miss, you can't be weak..." when she saw that the Miss didn't answer, she was so scared that her face turned pale. She even lamented her misfortune and was furious. She whispered, "Miss, what's the fear? You are the king's wife, and now it's time for you to show your wife's style..."

"Aunt, don't, don't, don't..."

"Don't what?"

"Miss, you are afraid, but I am not afraid. This is the king's son, the king's wife. Since ancient times, there is no reason for the wife to be afraid of concubines... Miss, I'll come..."

"Aunt, please, don't do this..."

Aunt Xiao was already angry and fainted. Ignoring Li Tinglan's request, she rushed up with her child in her arms. When she met King Qin, she said, "king, I haven't seen Xiao Bao yet. Xiao Bao, please see my father and call him daddy..."

King Qin looked faint, slightly sideways, glanced at the little thing casually: "shit, this boy is a thief, and sure enough, he looks like his father..."

Aunt Xiao was stunned and didn't understand what was going on

Li Tinglan in the back shivered all over and dared not look at King Qin When the child was born, he was very thin and beautiful, like a skinny monkey on Friday King Qin is tall and strong, with leopard like big eyes. She has long been afraid that this child is not like King Qin. She can't explain it. Fortunately, God knows it, and King Qin won't find it But unexpectedly, King Qin said this when he opened his mouth

Others naturally don't know the clue. They just feel that King Qin's attitude is light, and there is no joy of being a father at all Uncle Yang, in particular, could hardly wait to beat him hard with his crutch

Hua Rong looked at the child, and it was like Friday She had already seen Li Tinglan's frightened appearance. This was the first time she met Li Tinglan face to face. But when she saw that she was terrified, she was obviously a very cowardly girl between her eyebrows and eyes. Thinking of that ghost like Yelv's great use, she bred some sympathy for this woman

Little tiger head ran up, curiously touched the child's head, looked up and asked, "Daddy, who is this?"

Aunt Xiao was unhappy, but she dared not attack Hua Rong didn't look at her black face at all. She reached out and touched the child's face. She smiled and said, "didn't you hear his name is Xiaobao? Look, Xiaobao is so cute. In the future, you should take Xiaobao for fun and don't bully him..."

"Good. But, mom, he's so small... Look, he's drooling..."

"If he grows up a little longer, he won't drool."

Aunt Xiao was simply furious. What kind of style is she like, this woman? It's like being a housewife, facing a bastard's son? Who does she think she is?

She blacked her face: "Your Majesty, the child is not famous yet, so I'm waiting for you to name your biological son..." she deliberately said the words "biological son" very seriously Li Tinglan rushed up as if she were disillusioned, almost grabbed her son from her arms, and her voice trembled, "let's go back first... Don't disturb the king and wife..."

Aunt Xiao simply felt incredible. Even if her young lady couldn't help the mud to the wall, it's OK. Is it necessary to be so afraid of flower dissolving? She is the right wife, and Xiao Bao is the right son!


At this time, he had been found on Friday. When he met King Qin, he looked flustered and hurriedly knelt down: "met King..."

King Qin had been laughing secretly all the time, but seeing that he was scared all over, he couldn't help laughing and laughing: "when did you learn to do such a big gift on Friday?"

"Your Majesty... Subordinates... Subordinates are guilty..."

"What is your sin?"

"..." on Friday, she was sweating all over. Even Li Tinglan, who hurriedly fled with her child in her arms, suddenly stopped, but did not dare to look back, as if a catastrophe was imminent Maybe she was too nervous and hugged the child, and the child burst into tears

Hua Rong saw that King Qin was still bluffing the honest man with a straight face and pinched his hand secretly King Qin couldn't help laughing. He laughed and pulled up Friday with one hand: "Friday, you're good. Get up, get up, and I'll reward you heavily."

I was puzzled on Friday, but I was guilty of being a thief and didn't dare to ask more

King Qin lowered his voice: "you boy, take Li Tinglan and your son back first, and let me have a safe meal this noon..."

King Qin knows that he looks pale on Friday! He knows everything!

As soon as his legs softened, he had to kneel down again. King Qin was quick sighted and grabbed him: "haha, get out of here, your head is fine, and your wife's head is stable..." he didn't say it was OK. When he said it, he was scared all over on Friday, just like a adulterer caught in bed

Moreover, it is king Qin who is wearing a green hat!

"King... Subordinates damn... Damn..."

Hua Rong couldn't watch anymore, lowered her voice, and was very gentle: "brother Friday, you don't have to be afraid. I guarantee it's okay. The king will not punish you, but should thank you. Go down first and comfort Miss Li more. Don't let her be scared, especially the children. Xiao Bao is so cute, don't scare the children..."

Friday seems to be slowly coming to understand He has known Hua Rong for many years. Of course, he knows that Hua Rong's words are his own gold medal

"Thank you, madam."

King Qin laughed with pride: "go down quickly. I won't care if the tiger head bullies your little baby in the future. Hahahaha..."

How dare you answer a word on Friday? Hurriedly bowed his head and left

Uncle Yang leaned on crutches and stayed where he was There were no other people around. He narrowed his eyes as if he saw a clue In the past, he also felt that the child was not like King Qin at all, but he just thought he was like Li Tinglan. He never dreamed of anything fishy It's incredible to see this now, and I stomp heavily with anger

With a smile, King Qin stopped and waited for him: "uncle, are you still going?"

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

King Qin pretended to be surprised: "uncle, don't you want to have a son on Friday?"

"Nonsense, it's nonsense! Your majesty, you're simply... Simply..."

Even Hua Rong felt that King Qin could do too much Such a method is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people It is not only a means, but also a matter of reputation, and even the lifelong happiness of ordinary women

But king Qin's hand was very innocent: "I've only done such a good thing in my life. Do you still have the heart to blame me?"

The two children asked in unison, "Dad, what have you done?"

"Don't ask questions, smelly boy."

"Don't ask, don't ask. Let's go, Grandpa. Where's the good thing for me?"

"Grandpa, go quickly, don't pay attention to Dad..."


Uncle Yang was dragged by little tiger, holding his hand, and ran forward like a calf. Where could he say a word?

Going out for a long time, I remembered a key question: the king said he was going to have a real wedding!

Is it possible that a grand wedding will be planned on this island?

I feel comforted again. This boy has finally enlightened. If he can achieve his wish, what else can he say? Besides, what dare you say? Besides, this white beard is not safe


A table is full of beautiful things, even Lu Wenlong from the royal family has never seen: sea urchins, squids, shark fins, all kinds of shellfish, some strange rare sea fish that can't even be named; There is also fruit, which is produced on the ocean island, and he has never seen it before Little tiger head happily piled those good things in the bowl for him All the people were tired along the way, and sometimes they had to worry about the pursuit of Song Jun, so they couldn't relax completely Now it's not easy to return to the sea, and everything is relaxed and happy Even King Qin put down everything first and ate and drank with everyone

From Uncle Yang down, everyone found a problem: King Qin and Hua Rong sat side by side, regardless of the height of the seats Although this is a family dinner like event, and the participants are all very close to the deployment, they have never seen such a strange situation for so many years: King Qin married Li Tinglan, but the two have never eaten together, let alone sat together Even if the king wants to marry another wife, there are differences between men and women. He is the leader of the whole island. Why does he sit with a woman?

With enough wine and food, King Qin laughed: "listen, I'm really going to get married. This is my wife and will be the only hostess on the island in the future! You see her as you see me! Everything must obey her orders."

Everyone was stunned, but they dared not refuse to answer

"Bring Friday and Li Tinglan up."

Everyone looked at each other, and the connection between these two names was really a little strange

Li Tinglan stumbled in with the child and followed aunt Xiao behind her. At this time, she seemed to understand something, but she saw Hua Rong sitting side by side with King Qin. Although she was angry, how dare she speak?

On Friday, they also came in, kneeling together in front of King Qin

King Qin said loudly, "on Friday, you and Miss Li will be officially married in the future. Take care of your son by yourself. It's up to you to decide what name Xiao Bao wants. Of course, you don't know a few big words. If you can't think of a good name, you can ask your wife for advice." He said "madam", of course, is Huarong

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar

Li Tinglan held the child in her arms, panicked and surprised. She looked at King Qin strangely, but she couldn't help looking at Friday Hua Rong saw it clearly, and there was a slight happy look in her eyes

These days, she hid her secrets and was trembling, making life very difficult Fortunately, on Friday, because of that night's bad relationship, I already fell in love with this beautiful woman, and felt deeply guilty that I had destroyed her innocence With the birth of the child, he saw that the child seemed to be on his own, and he knew more about what was going on. Therefore, he usually took care of Li Tinglan's mother and son 12 points Outsiders only said that he was loyal to King Qin. Unexpectedly, it was his father's and son's nature that he pitied the alien woman abandoned on the island—— That's also my own woman

Li Tinglan has feelings for him and has a son with him. Naturally, he has unspeakable complex feelings for him I always thought that it would be better to get rid of King Qin and marry Friday, and maybe have a few days of good life Unexpectedly, as soon as king Qin came back, he took the initiative to expose the matter

She was surprised, but afraid. How did king Qin know? Did he know from the beginning?

The crowd exclaimed. Looking at the child, he really looked beautiful, like a full Friday. Where was he half like King Qin?

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