One Night Bride

Chapter 624

King Qin was surprised and delighted to hear this The song and Jin Dynasties really turned around again, which means that Zhao Deji's difficulties are even greater However, does this also mean that the situation of the fourth Prince is becoming more and more delicate?

Hua Rong thought so The song and Jin peace talks were facilitated by Jin Wu Shu According to Jin Wushu's temperament, even if the tribute silver is lost, in order to preserve the dignity of the Jin State and not expose its military weakness, he is unlikely to put forward new requirements

Liu Wu hurriedly said, "the state of Jin is governed by the fourth prince. According to the strategy of the fourth prince, it is impossible to do so, isn't it?" He was surprised and delighted, "madam, did you kill the fourth prince with that arrow?"

Hearing Liu Wu's words, everyone was shocked. Looking at Hua Rong, everyone was shocked

King Qin laughed and was very proud: "haha, madam shot the fourth prince with an arrow, which almost killed him. No matter how powerful this guy was, he couldn't defeat madam..."

"Wow, madam is really a heroine."

Hua Rong saw that he took the opportunity to praise himself and showed off to others like a child who offered treasure. She was angry and funny. She thought back on the war. Her arrow was not enough to kill Jin Wu Shu She and King Qin looked at each other and thought hard. What's wrong with the Jin State?

If she abandoned her personal grievances, now she still hopes that Jin Wushu will govern Otherwise, if hailing and other ambitious people are changed, I'm afraid the war between the two countries will come again

However, of course, she had no time to consider life and death for Jin Wushu, and she didn't want to think of him at all Perhaps, taking advantage of this chaotic situation, it is king Qin's good opportunity

After everyone finished reporting, King Qin turned to ask Uncle Yang, who had never spoken. Thinking that he was still unhappy about Li Tinglan, he said, "uncle, don't you have anything to say?"

Uncle Yang smiled and said, "I'll give you all the burden now, so of course I won't speak. But what I hope most is that the king will give birth to his own son soon."

He cleared his throat: "Your Majesty, I have a proposal."

"What proposal?"

"Our biggest goal at present is your husband, a fat boy."

"Hahaha..." King Qin laughed, but Hua Rong blushed slightly

Uncle Yang said positively, "I have seen the auspicious day of the zodiac, and it will be a good time in three days."

"OK, we'll get married after the meeting. Hahaha..."

Seeing that he had been running around for half his life, everyone was unable to sigh until this day

On the island, lanterns and decorations were put on, and preparations for a huge wedding really began

Little tiger head and Lu Wenlong looked curiously at such a huge preparation. They saw that red lanterns were also hung in the woods on the island, as well as some strange toys brought back by Ma Su and other long-distance voyages Dad is also happy every day, as if he had never been so happy in his life

Everyone is immersed in joy, only flowers dissolve

Early in the morning, the boat started

On the four-wheel drive express, in addition to the sailors, only she and xiaohutou, Lu Wenlong This trip is to sunset island

The sea was calm, and the two brothers frolicked for a while. Suddenly, they found their mother particularly silent Lu Wenlong stopped and asked with concern, "Mom, are you uncomfortable?"

She shook her head

"Where are we going?"

"Go to sunset island to worship my father."

Little tiger head ran over, stood in front of his mother, patted his hands, "is it to worship that dad?"

He is still laughing Dad died early, and he was no longer impressed. At this time, he clapped his hands, but he was very happy, thinking it was an interesting trip

Hua Rong stared at his childish expression, reached out and touched his hair braid, and sighed long

With this sigh, Lu Wenlong also became heavy, and suddenly realized that his mother was not as happy as she thought on the way She still has a lot on her mind

The boat stopped

sea and sky merged into one.

There was no winter atmosphere on the island. The waves gently beat the rocks, and some seabirds lined up to walk around the beach The fine white sand is boundless, even those dense Island jungles

Several bodyguards greeted him with great joy, "madam, are you back?"

They are all old people at the beginning King Qin has never changed anything on this island However, things are different from people, and everything rests She nodded her head, and her steps became heavier

"You go down first, don't worry about us."

"Yes, madam, I'll prepare the meal right away."

"Thank you."

As soon as the bodyguard left, she took her two sons by the hand and went straight to the secret place

After the narrow exit, a green world

"Brother, shells, many shells..."

Little tiger broke away from her hand and ran to check the bright shells. Even Lu Wenlong was excited. The lush water and grass, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers here were far better than the beauty of any place he had ever seen

He ran a few steps and looked at the birds singing and flowers fragrance in winter. As in a dream, he said to himself, "Mom, is this heaven?"

Before he heard his mother's answer, he saw a tomb in his sight. The fluttering prayer flags were a tomb of clothes That's Yue's tomb!

When he walked over, he saw that his mother had knelt down and cried silently

He couldn't help kneeling down and crying

"Mom, brother..."

Little tiger head picked up a bright red shell and ran over. Seeing that his mother and brother were like this, even the little child knelt down, and the shell in his hand fell to the ground with a bang

Hua Rong looked at the bright red shell, and there was a trance in front of her, as if time was going back, as if the brave boy of that year, said:




She threw herself to the ground and could no longer suppress all the sadness and pain in her heart I originally thought that after so much experience, I could forget and no longer hurt. However, I can't do it. Why can't I do it until now?

The greatest pain in life is not losing someone, but never seeing him again. No matter how much I miss him, no matter how much I yearn for him, I will never see him again

On the poor blue water, down the yellow spring, two boundless places are missing

Seeing his mother crying like this, xiaohutou was stunned. He just knelt to one side and looked at it foolishly, but he didn't dare to speak Of course, Lu Wenlong was much more sensible. He kowtowed respectfully and immediately stood up to help his mother

Hua Rong was still kneeling on the grass, crying loudly, and he couldn't help him up for a moment

"Mom, don't be sad. I'll try my best to avenge Yue's father..."

Not for revenge, not for anything else, even at this moment, I just want to see him once - goodbye to the person in my heart However, this is more hopeless than not being able to take revenge. It has been a lifetime of despair. No matter how long you live, you will never see Zhao Deji and Qin Hui again... Never again

"Mom, mom, don't cry, don't cry..." xiaohutou was even more afraid

She couldn't hear any cries, but cried bitterly

"Mom... Brother, I'm so afraid..."

"Mom, mom..."

With tears in his eyes, he felt that his warm little hand touched his forehead. It was soft, and the little tiger's head also cried. His tears were pouring: "Mom, mom, I'm afraid... Don't cry..."

Hua Rong finally woke up. Hearing the anxiety of the two children and trying to stabilize her mood, she raised her head and wiped the corners of her eyes

"Mom, don't cry... Mom didn't cry..."

Xiaohutou breathed a sigh of relief. His big eyes were still soaked in tears, but he laughed again: "Mom, I will listen to you in the future..."

Hua Rong looked at the increasingly familiar face. His outline was already the same as his father's. she suddenly felt comforted and wanted to smile at the child. However, she could no longer help the sweet smell of her throat. As soon as her lips trembled, a mouthful of blood vomited out


"Mom, mom, what's the matter with you..."

Her lips were full of blood, and she didn't realize it. Xiaohutou was even more frightened this time, and immediately cried, "Mom, mom, don't die, don't die..."

Hua Rong couldn't answer him and couldn't lift it up in his throat at one breath Just stretched out his hand to hug him and told him not to be afraid, but he couldn't say it. His body softened and he sat down on the grass again

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Let's go back immediately and ask dad to find a doctor... Only a doctor can be found in Changlin island..." Lu Wenlong hurried to hold her and was about to take her back

Her breath was weak: "son, don't be afraid, I just want to lie down for a while... I'll be fine in a moment..."

Lu Wenlong gently held her to lie flat She closed her eyes and just held the tiger's hand, soft, as if holding the powerful hands of the past After thousands of mountains and rivers, I was finally able to lie beside him again

The naughty little tiger didn't dare to make trouble any more, or even cry or shout. He just timidly snuggled up to his mother for fear that if he moved, his mother would never wake up again

At this time, Lu Wenlong vaguely understood why his mother would only bring her two brothers, and not king Qin When setting out, Dad repeatedly said that he would accompany their mother and son to come to worship, but Hua Rong was determined not to allow it, saying that the island was busy, and he should deal with the affairs of the island first And myself, just taking the children out for a walk, is also a trip on the sunset island

At that time, Lu Wenlong was wondering why his mother didn't want him to participate in everything he did along the way?

Now Fang understands that from the attack of Hailing to the siege of the fourth Prince... After life and death battles, my mother has long been seriously injured However, she suppressed her scars all the way, so that they all thought it was just a trauma, but recovered

She was as if nothing had happened all the way. She tried her best to take care of King Qin and the two brothers. No one saw anything wrong with her

It turned out that she had been holding back, trying not to show any pain and despair However, in front of Yue's father's grave, she relaxed and couldn't bear it anymore Like the yellow flower after frost, it has come to the end of life, but it has been repressing itself and striving for the final bloom

Lu Wenlong's face changed greatly, and he was even more frightened than little tiger's head. He almost knelt on the ground and cried, "Mom, let's go back and find a doctor..."

Hua Rong closed her eyes, and Venus appeared in front of her It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't She knew her situation long ago, but she was suffering with a last breath It's not a bone cutting injury, nor a broken hand or foot injury, but years of accumulated large and small rush, toil, pain... Finally deep into the marrow, like an old stupid car, turning day by day, a little wear and tear, finally, it's completely broken, and it can't be repaired anymore

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