One Night Bride

Chapter 633

"Haha, uncle Si's handwriting is really beautiful. It's really not like the handwriting of a female immortal. It's almost as good as Yuwen Xuzhong in those years. Uncle Si, you're really good at calligraphy. When did you start practicing? You must have worked hard to write this? Ah, it's still the Su style you learned... Su Dongpo's poems are my favorite, 'I hope people will last a long time, and they will be beautiful together for thousands of miles', lingering and artistic conception..."

Jin Wushu listened to his endless appreciation of his calligraphy, not only did he not have the slightest pleasure, on the contrary, the inner flame was like the fire in the imperial study, which was about to extinguish the flame in his heart

In those days, the 13 cavalry of the old wolf Lord started his career. What a brilliant talent, I didn't expect the heir to be so impeccable He is very melancholy. Is the state of Jin going to follow the old path of the state of song? Suddenly I remembered the old saying of the Han people: the princes and generals are kind!

All dynasties have changed so fast that they have been leading the way for hundreds of years or only decades What about Daikin? Can Dajin's rivers and mountains last forever?

"Your Majesty, please carefully refer to the" three policies to the Song Dynasty "in the future. Now, the situation of the song and Jin Dynasties has quietly changed. The song state is partial to the south of the Yangtze River. Over the years, economic production has been greatly restored, taxes are sufficient, the source of troops has increased, and Qin Hui has died again. The situation in the middle of the dynasty has greatly changed. Some generals such as Liu Ning have been placed in important positions, which may endanger the safety of Da Jin in the future..."

"Fourth uncle, why worry? As long as you are here, the state of song will never dare to act rashly. Zhao Deji is a coward! Big deal, give him a search of mountains and seas again..."

Jin Wushu spurted blood at one mouthful, but it splashed on his dark marten cloak

"Fourth uncle, are you so ill?" This is the first time that he CI witnessed the condition of Jin Wushu, but when he saw his blood spitting like gold paper, he hurriedly said, "I will send the royal doctor for you right away..."

"No!" Jin Wushu waved to stop him and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth

"It's a pity that the fourth uncle is still offering advice to the kingdom of Jin when he is ill. The loyalty of the fourth Prince is really rare in the world."

"Thank you for your admiration. Your majesty, let go of song sance and leave first!"

"Fourth uncle, I sent a sedan chair to take you back! Now the weather is cold, and I go in and out in a sedan chair. You are sick, and you can't hurt yourself..."

Jin Wushu's eyes moved down slightly, looking at his increasingly emaciated body like a hemp pole, a typical posture of a weak scholar in the Song Dynasty Although fighting the world at once can't cure the world at once, the wolf Lord and the thorn have lost all the brave advantages inherited by the Dajin nation

He shook his head, turned and strode away

His waist was so straight that he even forgot his hematemesis: the fourth prince was still in his prime. With him, he could have fun for a few more years

At noon, the wind and snow slowly decreased, and then stopped

At the end of the long street, Jin Wushu reined in his horse

Wu Qimai chased up: "fourth prince, this is not the direction to return to the mansion. You are going the wrong way."

"That's right."

"This weather is not suitable for hunting."

"No hunting! Let's travel."

Wu Qimai was so strange: "in this weather, go traveling? Where? Not very good? It's better to go out after spring."

Jin Wushu laughed: "winter night outings are unique. Wu Qimai, a Southern Dynasty person, has a story that a famous scholar Wang Ziyou of the Wei and Jin Dynasties lived in Shanyin. Once it snowed heavily at night, he woke up from sleep, opened the window, and ordered his servant to pour wine. Looking around, it was white and bright, so he got up, walked slowly, and recited Zuo Si's" hidden poem " . Suddenly I thought of his friend Dai Kui, who was far away in Shanxian County on the upper reaches of Cao'e River Wang Ziyou immediately went by boat overnight After a night, I arrived at Dai Kui's house, but turned around and returned When someone asked him why he did this, prince you said, "I went there in my interest. My interest was exhausted and I naturally returned. Why do I have to see Dai Kui? '..."

Wu Qimai couldn't understand: "is this prince you a psychopath?"

Jin Wushu laughed: "the crown prince has never been insane. This time, why not be insane? Let's go, hunt along the way, and enjoy the ice and snow scenery. Isn't it happy?"

Thirty horses and ten others were all loaded with good wine, food and strong tents

Wu Qimai saw that the fourth prince was indeed going out to hunt

But why do you bring so many things when hunting? There are even a few horses, specially carrying clothes and bedding

Seeing his doubts, Jin Wushu asked, "Wu Qimai, is the special 'gift' that the crown prince asked you to prepare ready?"

"It has been sent to the border, and there is a special person in charge. Please rest assured, crown prince."

"OK, let's go, Wu Qimai. Don't look worried. You haven't had any fun with the crown prince for many years. Why don't you put everything down and enjoy the happiness of life this time?"

When the fourth Prince spoke, his attitude was calm and calm, but Wu Qimai felt particularly wrong However, when I think of the fourth Prince's mansion and the 28 women who make noise and ask the LORD every day, I am relieved again. It's better to go out for a walk than to stay at home. Maybe the fourth Prince's condition will improve


After a heavy rain, the temperature on the island decreased slightly, but there was more fresh air The rain washed leaves are verdant and dark green. For Lu Wenlong, who grew up in the icy north, he can't feel the weather of winter at all Even forget the season of winter

This half month was the happiest day of his life. The marriage of my father and mother swept away the last haze that had settled in my heart in the past, and everyone became so happy, especially my mother. He had secretly observed and found that her smiling face was full all day, and it was by no means hidden sadness in the past, completely from the heart Moreover, he obviously found that his mother's body had changed a lot. She was no longer as often as before, hiding alone for a period of time - this was what he later learned. At that time, because of her pain attack, she didn't want anyone to know

If she doesn't hide, it means that everything is getting better

The morning sun, the emerald coconut trees, the waves gently patted the rocks, the sea breeze blew the fresh air with a faint fishy smell, and some shells were rolled onto the beach, reflecting the sun and colorful

Little tiger head and Lu Wenlong, as well as many children on the island, ran and cheered, picking up all kinds of shells and conch Play and fight with each other

Hua Rong walked barefoot on the beach in shallow water, just below her ankles, with a slight chill Far away, King Qin strode forward and shouted, "girl, girl..."

His shouts stopped and his steps stopped

The woman opposite was wearing a light green shirt, a light red dress embroidered with dots of brocade, and a light red scarf of the same color was tied to her head. Up and down her body, there was the celebration of her bride, but it showed infinite freshness and vitality of life Under her feet, there is a large open shell, silver, as if she was a pearl just born from the shell. Behind her, the sun slowly rises, rendering the sea water as if thousands of roses were in full bloom, the spring breeze blowing on the left, and the flowers blooming on the right

Like a goddess of spring, riding the wind and waves, rising slowly from the sea

King Qin stood motionless, as if he had seen her for the first time, as if she were the best beauty in the world——

"Girl, girl..."

She was still barefoot and walked towards him, with snow-white ankles, a gentle smile, and a trace of anger in her eyes: "what's the matter? Silly?"

He grabbed her hand, full of excitement unspeakable, with her every day, as if it passed so fast, time flies, like a long dream, indulged in the meantime, always afraid of waking up suddenly

"Little tiger head, Wen long, eat..."

Two children ran over, holding a lot of bright red shells

"Mom, do you like it?"

"Yes, I like them all."

"Dad, what about you?"

"I like it too."

On the table

A bulky square table still exudes the fragrance of logs and the saltiness of the sea breeze

A few dishes, a big pot of sea fish, fresh venison, roe shreds, sea sheep bacon Next to it, there is a big vase with only three or two green banana leaves in it, which adds a scene and makes people hungry

Hua Rong picked up chopsticks and distributed them to his sons, and added rice to King Qin This is one of her happiest things these days. She occasionally cooks a few dishes and watches her most important relatives eat so happily. Such a mood is really happier than anything

"Girl, I'm going out for a few days." King Qin's voice was very calm, "you have a good rest at home."

Hua Rong hasn't answered yet. The two children asked first:

"Dad, where are you going? Aren't we going together?"

"Dad goes out to deal with some things and will come back soon. You two should stay with mom and take good care of mom, you know?"

"Can't we go with mom?"

"No!" Hua Rong smiled softly, holding a piece of meat for Lu Wenlong and a piece for Xiaohu's head. "Dad is going to deal with things, not play. He will come back soon. If you go, it will increase trouble."

Lu Wenlong was silent

King Qin looked at Hua Rong and their eyes met. She nodded slightly and fully understood his intention During this trip, the imperial water army pressed the border. It is said that Zhang Jun and WAN Jiyu were the first to command the army, and they must defeat the sea "water tyrants"

"Girl, you can rest assured these days. When I come back, you may be completely better."

She smiled and nodded, knowing that he didn't want to let himself have any more trouble In the past, she would have insisted on going, but now her body can't stand any damage King Qin not only wants a victory, but also a wife who can accompany him for a long time

She no longer insisted, almost from the beginning she meekly promised

King Qin's tone was very consultative: "girl, I want to send you back to sunset Island first. The scenery there is more beautiful, and your mother and son should also take a vacation..."

Hua Rong stared into his eyes. King Qin, he is really a very selfish person - without any hero and selfless feelings With the war looming, all the families of the soldiers, wives and children stayed on Changlin island At this time, what he wanted was not his wife and children to advance and retreat together, but repeatedly made up his mind to quietly transfer his wife and children

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