One Night Bride

Chapter 636

No one can answer him They had long known that King Qin had a big ship, but when they saw King Qin's five tooth warship, it was bigger than the imperial ship, and they thought it was the legendary "big ship" Who knows, there is a big ship in the world that is hundreds of times bigger than the five tooth battleship?

It was king Qin's cruiser that came The commander of the cruiser is Liu Wu, and his deputy is Liu Zhiyong

In the war with Jin Wushu, King Qin used himself as a bait and left Liu Wu as a surprise soldier to turn defeat into victory In this war, he repeated his old skills As the saying goes, Zhang Jun ate all over the sky, and he didn't fight with him. How can he know his habits? According to the Convention, I only know that the commander-in-chief will not commit risks alone and catch thieves and kings. How can I expect that King Qin only left 20 forces for himself, and the rest is in the hands of Liu Wu

All of a sudden, large and small warships burst out, full of strength, shooting desperately in the dark, shooting all kinds of firearms King Qin and others made a killing noise. He personally raised a deer cutter and stood on the deck to command the counterattack

The Imperial Navy has never participated in such a battle in recent years. Even in the Dongting Lake war in the past, Yue Pengju mostly attacked and disintegrated. There are not many really large-scale wars Over the years, they neglected training and showed off their prowess. At the sight of such an array, their legs were already weak, and the ocean was no bigger than a lake. No matter how vast the Dongting Lake was, there were stockaded villages along the way. However, the vast sea, except for an isolated Island, could no longer be seen, and there was no way to escape

In the chaos, someone suddenly shouted, "we have caught Zhao Deji..."

"Hahaha, look at Zhao Deji's dog head..."


I saw a huge flag hanging on the other side's mast. On it was a crowned head. Faintly, it was Zhao Deji

Where can people tell the true from the false? But when he saw the crown, although he guessed that it was the other party's deception, he also messed up his hands and feet

What's worse, because of the rest of the night, how can the several ship camps gathered to prevent the storm be solved so easily in a moment? The sulfur bombs and rockets of the other side came swishing, and Zhang Jun had already prevented the "burning of Red Cliff" - which was finally unavoidable As soon as the fire spread, it was even more routed

Diving, on fire, shot to death... 100000 troops seem to have become cabbage and radish that can be hacked by others, with countless deaths and injuries As king Qin had already issued a must kill order, never giving everyone a chance to flee, and determined to completely destroy all the naval forces of Zhao Deji, the pirates who had the upper hand would not tolerate it. In the sea of fire, only the sound of killing was heard, and the sound of plopping into the water was heard

The wine cup in Zhang Jun's hand had already fallen and broken, and Kang Gonggong's face was as pale as earth, while in the enemy camp opposite, King Qin was still rushing like a lion, taking the lead, which was even more powerful

The two of them never dreamed that there would be a commander willing to sacrifice like this, and would not hesitate to lure the enemy with his body. In a hurry, Zhang Junli immediately recovered his true colors as a fleeing general: "quickly, withdraw immediately..."

His ship was surrounded in the middle, originally to protect the safety of the commander. This mess could not be killed at all, and the fire was about to spread

"Quick, cut the rope, quick..."

"Guard Zhang Xianggong quickly..."

Everyone was in a mess, and no one noticed that a small boat rushed out of the chaos from the flank. The navy was busy running for their lives, and no one did sniping at all. Besides, everyone saw that the commander-in-chief wanted to flee, and he couldn't work hard. He only hated that his parents had lost a pair of legs and couldn't run fast

Even Zhang Jun's bodyguards were out of proportion. At this time, a large ship approaching recognized Zhang Jun's handsome flag and wholeheartedly fired rockets on the ship. The bodyguards caught fire and kept jumping and rolling. In panic, Zhang Jun was also on fire

"Hurry... Help Ben Shuai put out the fire..."

Father Kang screamed miserably, "save me, save me..."

Two bodyguards rushed up, rolled and fought, and finally put out the fire on Zhang Jun Zhang Jun tumbled down the cabin. At this time, the bodyguard had grabbed an escape boat

"Xianggong Zhang, get on the boat..."

Kang Gonggong stumbled behind: "wait for me... Wait for me..."

Before his words fell, he screamed and fell into the sea with a crooked step

Zhang Jun hurriedly fled to the boat. Before he stood still, he heard a "whoosh" sound, and a rocket shot right at his waist. He only felt a sharp pain all over and staggered and fell into the cabin

King Qin laughed: "Zhang Jun, dog thief, anyway, you won't live long. Go back and tell Zhao Deji to be careful of his dog's head."

The soldiers didn't dare to stop at all and drove the boat away

King Qin didn't catch up. Looking back at this vast sea, the whole sky had been red by the sea of fire, people were upside down, and blood flowed into a river

This was the first time he had experienced such a war. He commanded it personally and planned it comprehensively. Behind him was the cruiser with years of hard work. He made an extraordinary achievement for the first time

Liu Wu stood in the bow and shouted, "King..."

He laughed, and the pirates immediately turned around and headed for the cruiser

He jumped up, Liu Wu and others saluted immediately: "see you."

"Haha, Liu Wu, you did a good job, well done!"

Liu Wu was very modest: "where? Thanks to your wonderful plan."

"In this battle, 100000 naval divisions of the imperial court were completely wiped out. Let me think, is there really so much? Anyway, it can be counted tomorrow..." as he spoke, he looked at the situation in the sea, and suddenly felt a little surprised. He saw a flame across the western sky, and then exploded crackling

His face changed greatly, which was a signal arranged along the way. He was afraid that Zhao Deji and other strange soldiers would make a detour and sneak attack, because there was also the gap where Jin Wushu escaped

He had already deployed defense, and he expected that the Imperial Navy would not attack long distances. You need to know where to bypass, which would take up to three months

Unexpectedly, Zhao Deji really did this

However, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the terrain is dangerous. With Zhang Jun and his company, it is impossible to have such skills? Who will lead the team this time? He just remembered that in Zhang Jun's army, there had been no waiting for him

He shouted, "go back to the rescue."

Liu Wu also found it, and his heart was cold. Is there any outstanding figure in the Imperial Navy this time?

King Qin had no time to speculate. He didn't think the cruiser was slow. He immediately jumped off a five tooth warship placed next to him. With a wave of his hand, the sail quickly sailed towards Changlin island in the dark

This is the best time of winter. The sea has been calm and there are no signs of storm

The two children were already asleep in the cabin. Hua Rong listened to their even breathing before slowly getting up and walking to the deck outside The shadowy figures are the soldiers on duty. They patrol the sea meticulously. Small boats patrol the sea from time to time. When there is wind and grass, they will send special signals

The silver moonlight spread all over the sea. When she looked, she found that it was the first quarter moon, so bright in the sky, and the new moon was like a hook

Suddenly, a flame sounded in the distance, and then there was a snort She was surprised and immediately found that the enemy situation was found dozens of miles ahead, and then three fireworks exploded in a row, indicating that the enemy situation was very serious

Ma Su ran out at the first time. He was wearing armor and his military appearance was neat. Seeing Hua Rong, he immediately said, "madam, there is an enemy coming."

Uncle Yang has also got up. He is old and strong. He accidentally gave up his crutches and is also wearing armor

Hua Rong wears a night suit and holds a pair of bows and arrows in her hand - this is the dress she has only recovered these days

"Prepare for battle immediately. Masu, you are responsible for all arrangements."

"Yes, madam."

She looked at Uncle Yang and was supposed to persuade him to go back. After all, a 70 year old man, no matter how old and strong he was, couldn't do it However, she opened her mouth and found that uncle Yang was also trying to persuade herself, so they both shut up

She smiled and said in a deep voice, "uncle, you believe me, I have no problem."

"OK, madam! Since your majesty asked me to be on duty on the island, I have to guard this stall. This is where I provide for my old age. I don't want to be damaged by Zhao Deji, a thief."

She perked up and immediately said, "well, since Zhao Deji dares to come, we don't have to be polite to him."

All soldiers, assemble immediately

Hundreds of warships were lined up in the moonlight

At some time, Lu Wenlong was standing behind his mother with a long gun In case of accidents, Hua Rong has already acquiesced, and he is also a suit of armor Just like a real soldier

"Wen long, look at your brother."

"No problem, little tiger head is asleep, and thunder won't wake up."

Indeed, xiaohutou was tired of playing during the day. He slept. Even if it was thunder and rain all night, he would not wake up Hua Rong was slightly sad. "Wen long, hope drove away the enemy, and little tiger head was still sleeping."

"Mom, I haven't fought at sea yet. Today is the first time."

Hua Rong heard his eagerness and expectation, and there was no time to answer him. He saw flames in the distance, and his side had fought with the incoming enemy She could see clearly that it was a warship with a very neat military appearance As soon as he opened his mouth, he made an earth shaking fight, overwhelming his opponent in momentum

Such a habit, as far as she knows, is a feature of the famous general Liu Ning's military training in recent years Did Zhao Deji send Liu Ning to attack secretly? No wonder we can overcome the heavy blockade

"Ma Su, the visitor must be Liu Ning! Although Liu Ning is a marine general, he uses accurate troops and cannot be underestimated."

While talking, I saw the opposite ship, arrow clusters shooting like raindrops, unexpectedly invincible Liu Ning used a strange tactic. The battleships at the head and tail were connected in a line, which was a violent impact on the small boats on the island Although there were few casualties on our side, we couldn't stop the other side's offensive at all. Seeing that, the main ship braved the wind and waves and came directly to the five tooth warship where Hua Rong was located

In the night, I saw a big flag with the word "Liu". It was indeed Liu Ning Although he led only 5000 sailors, his combat effectiveness and combat effectiveness far exceeded that of Zhang Jun's 100000 troops

Ma Su saw that the comer was not good. Although his side was well-trained, he had never seen such an array. He made a quick decision, immediately jumped off a warship, waved the flag himself, sounded the horn loudly, and immediately had a crazy reflection on the five tooth warship

This round of attack slightly stopped the progress of Liu Qi's military ship However, he soon changed his strategy and focused on the small boats escorted around

These boats were dispersed, each in formation, and they were even more irresistible

Hua Rong was secretly frightened. Although the distress signal had been sent, but the vast sea, who knows whether King Qin and others were trapped by Zhang Jun's army? Moreover, under the bloody battle, how can we rush back to rescue?

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