One Night Bride

Chapter 638

It was the cry of little tiger's head, who fell down in front of her bed and wiped her tears on her face: "Mom, my mom..." even children intuitively realized that some things were more terrible than seeing their mother's white hair for the first time

Lu Wenlong also burst into tears

Hua Rong smiled, but the smile was related to the pain all over her - as if some things in her body were broken and could no longer spell She opened her mouth slightly, but could not speak. She could only stare at the vicissitudes of the face, with such deep fear and worry

"Qin Shangcheng..."

King Qin couldn't help it any longer, tears streaming down his face, and the soft hands he held tightly seemed to be cooling slowly, bit by bit

He hissed, "girl, Zhao Deji is not dead... How can you die?"

Her eyes darkened, but it was not despair, but relief Since ancient times, countless famous generals have been wrongly killed. It is difficult to revenge There has never been a successful case!

At this time, I just want to hold these warm hands for a long time It was a kind of steadiness, a restart of a happy life, and a kind of peace she really hoped to have After this war, Zhao Deji's naval forces were completely destroyed, and he dared not take half a step again for at least a decade or two! The best way to revenge is to live longer than the enemy and watch the enemy die in front of him one by one!

At this moment, I just hope I can live and live well

However, the strength in the hand, like the energy in the heart, dissipated bit by bit When did it start? The war on the grassland? The pursuit of the fourth prince? Peng Ju's hematemesis in front of the crown tomb? This time, the climbing shot suddenly exhausted a little bit of Yuanshen, which was hard to accumulate. Like a candle, it finally came to an end

She had known for a long time that even if there was no such war, it was just because of the painstaking care of King Qin that she would endure for another three or five months

King Qin burst into tears and leaned over and hugged her body: "girl, you can't be so cruel... I've only had a few good days, you can't sorry me..."

She breathed faintly, but smiled: "I really want to live... Qin Shangcheng, I really don't want to leave you at all..."

In front of me, there were a lot of Venus popping up, with sinister faces, Zhao Deji, Qin Hui, Wang Junhua... And even the fourth prince! Fourth prince!

Peng Ju, I tried my best! It's up to you to kill Zhao Deji!

She murmured, as if praying for an ideal, an agreement, and a promise in her next life

In this life, I only hope to live well and forever

Her hands gathered her last strength, and her lips wriggled: "qinshangcheng... I want to live..."

"Girl, you can't die... I can't let you die!"

She laughed like a group of angels spreading their wings and flying above her head In the waves, shells bloom, colorful roses rise from the sea, the wind blows from the left, and flowers bloom on the right

"Girl... Girl..."

She stared at the eyes on the verge of despair, and the numb pain instantly woke up, as if to the top of the saddest, but fell silent, exhausted the last bit of strength, and held him with her backhand: "I want to live, want to live... Live with you..."

Black clouds are pressing on the top, and the wind suddenly rises. This spring's first thunder, the first storm The pouring rain drowned all the voices in the world. Only the God of wind roared alone, sweeping all the roses in the world. He came and went in a hurry. Soon, the rain cleared up and the sun came out

A soft hand slowly dropped and brushed the tears on the little tiger's face; The other hand, however, fell into a pair of palms, slowly dissipating the heat given by this world, like a flower, slowly withering

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