One Night Bride

Chapter 640

And the flowers dissolved on the island, even unconsciously, quietly changing the king's temperament, but also transforming the residents' consciousness Otherwise, how can King Qin or anyone make such a strong "general mobilization for war" today when the enemy is present?

The two of them were awestruck, especially Ma Su, who took another look at Huarong quietly, and they felt more impressed

King Qin thought of Hua Rong's earlier strategy of "building walls high, accumulating grain widely, and slowly becoming king", and quietly squeezed his eyes at Uncle Yang, saying, "look at the old man, this is a good wife I married..."


Everyone's mood was completely mobilized and they were discussing fiercely. At this time, they suddenly heard a notice: "Your Majesty, we have captured a key criminal..."

"Bring it in!"

Two sailors escorted a trembling Eunuch in. It turned out to be Duke Kang His clothes were wet and dry, and his body smelled of sweat,

King Qin saw father-in-law Kang and immediately said, "this is the discussion today. Let's rest early and discuss it tomorrow."

The crowd retreated, and King Qin looked at his old friend, "senior official Kang, are you all right?"

Kang Gonggong knelt on the ground and kowtowed like garlic: "forgive your life, your life... It's me, it's Lao Kang..."

King Qin laughed: "senior official Kang, I know it's you. Come on, come on, please sit down."

Father Kang just sat down and saw Hua Rong again. He was surprised and happy. He was about to say hello to her. He just wanted to say "Yue... Madam..." but immediately changed his words, "I've seen madam."

Hua Rong smiled: "senior official Kang, you and I are old friends. Don't be polite. By the way, why are you on the sea?"

Duke Kang hated: "to tell you the truth, I was forced by the faint king to suppress the bandits this time... No, to deal with the king's supervisor, I followed Zhang Jun's ship. As soon as the war began, Zhang Jun was as timid as a mouse and left me to escape alone. Fortunately, I was rescued by all the heroes after I fell into the water..."

He was rushed into the water at that time. A careful pirate saw him dressed in unusual clothes and guessed that he was a big man, so he immediately fished him up and imprisoned him, hoping to wait for the fall of King Qin

King Qin and others were worried about not being able to inquire about Zhao Deji's most detailed situation. When they met father-in-law Kang, it was a super gift package from heaven, and they were ecstatic: "senior official Kang, you don't have to be polite. I don't think you can go back to Zhao Deji. If you don't dislike it, this island can be a place for you to provide for the aged. I've always kept your box of belongings in those days, and never touched you..."

Kang Gonggong Jian burst into tears. "Thank you, king. I really can't wait. As long as the king wants to ask, no matter what the situation is, I'll tell you everything."

"Lao Kang, why are you so polite?" He casually asked, "who else did Zhao Deji arrange this time?"

"Your Majesty, Zhao Deji personally enlisted this time..."

"Ah?" Hua Rong uttered a low exclamation, her heart surging, and she almost jumped up Zhao Deji personally!

So Zhao Deji is on the sea?

"Zhao Deji has an evil intention. He sent 100000 water troops to fight, with Zhang Jun as the pioneer. However, the main force is Liu Ning... King, you must be careful..." he said in great detail, describing Zhao Deji's military deployment, including various generals, the number of troops, and how to distribute them in super detail

Sure enough! It's just as good as what you expected Zhao Deji is very smart at this point. He knows that Liu Ningyuan is better than Zhang Jun, so the essence is in Liu Ningyi

She simply couldn't wait: "Zhao Deji is also in Liu Ning's army?"

"No. he hid on the coastline, which is hongyagang town."

Hongyagang town was the beach swept by the Jin army southward At that time, only dozens of old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers of the Imperial Navy were stationed It was later named hongyagang town

King Qin was overjoyed: "Zhao Deji dared to send him to the door. It was heaven's help."

"The king can't be careless. Zhao Deji has been unwilling to go to the sea. On the night of the expedition, Zhang Jun once persuaded him to take part in the expedition, but he refused in the name of risking sea spirit. Now, he has mobilized 100000 troops around Hongya port, and continues to deploy manpower..."

Hua Rong was surprised. Zhao Deji was encircling but not attacking, trying to cut off his supply line completely

King Qin also immediately said, "no, Liu Ning must be destroyed!"

Zhao Deji occupied the Red duck port town and sealed the port of purchase for the maritime porcelain trade; Liu Ning's secret exit to the sea is a fast way out

If these two aspects are blocked, let alone food and grass, even if the island can be self-sufficient, it is even more difficult to replenish weapons

No matter how strong the financial and material resources on the island are, they cannot compete with the financial support of a country

King Qin hated and said, "if Zhao Deji wants to drag this guy, we won't drag him. Let's make a quick decision and fight to hongyagang town immediately to catch this guy alive..."

Hua Rong shook his head: "today's song army is not what it used to be. Zhao Deji is as timid as a mouse. If he hadn't arranged extremely strong troops, he would never dare to speak so loudly."

"Yes, madam is right. It's right for him to reuse Zhang Jun, but he's enlightened. What he uses is Liu Ning... His intention is sinister, that is, to catch madam..."

King Qin angrily said, "what else do you want to do with this impotence?"

Kang Gonggong knew he was speechless, but he had to tell the truth: "Your Majesty, you don't know that the impotence of the dizzy king could have been cured, but your dose of medicine completely cut off his sons and grandchildren..."

King Qin hated and said, "didn't the old Yelv thief say that the medicine will kill you?"

"Maybe it's different between men and women. And HunJun took it separately from little lady Liu, which may reduce the medicine..."

King Qin paused: "this Yelv old ghost, pretending to be a ghost, nothing is reliable. Even the medicine is fake, and I'm so angry..."

"Calm down, king. Due to the pressure of the ministers' advice, Zhao Deji had to adopt the two children of Taizu as a prince, but he refused to announce the establishment of a crown prince for a long time, and delayed for a long time under the excuse of comparing kaoxian. In fact, everyone knows that he has been trying to find opportunities to give birth to his own children..."

King Qin said strangely, "this dog emperor, if he goes to the sea to fight, he can fight his own son?"


"Why on earth?"

"Zhao Deji saw that his wife had been sterilized, but he could still give birth to a son... He... He..." father-in-law Kang looked at Hua Rong and dared not say any more

King Qin immediately understood that Zhao Deji went up the mountain and down the sea to catch Hua Rong and have a son for him? He was so angry that he slapped it on the record with a heavy slap: "if I don't kill Zhao Deji, I swear not to be a man!"

Hua Rong almost fell into the tiger's mouth that year. How can he not know Zhao Deji's despicable mind? Over the years, unexpectedly, the thief was still unfaithful

Seeing her pale face, King Qin grabbed her hand: "girl, don't worry, since Zhao Deji dares to come this time, we won't kill him, we're sorry for him."

With such a tone and expression, she smiled, and unconsciously relaxed in her heart: "yes, he has a better chance to fight here than we do to Lin'an. Maybe it's God's blessing, or Peng's spirit in heaven, who wants him to deliver it to the door."

After receiving such important information as Duke Kang, they immediately decided to adjust their strategic arrangements

At this time, Hua Rong's face was slightly tired. King Qin said softly, "girl, you can't be tired. Go to rest first. When I arrange it, I'll tell you everything, okay?"

She did not refuse, and her heart kept a strange mood, eager and jumping She knew it was bad for her body, so she stopped insisting and went to rest immediately

That night, King Qin summoned Ma Su, Liu Wu and other main confidants to discuss until midnight. When he returned to the house, he saw Hua Rong not sleeping, but sitting on the bed and staying in his hair

He went to bed and put his arm around her shoulder: "girl, what are you thinking? Why don't you rest?"

"I was thinking that we should find a breakthrough for Zhao Deji."

Does King Qin not think about this problem? However, in a moment, where can we find Zhao Deji's breakthrough?

PS: since the last chapter is extremely unreasonable, there are some changes in the plot of the last chapter. Start from here The update time in the future is basically set at 9-10 a.m. or 2-3 p.m., not at night It's really hard to stay up late, so everyone doesn't have to stay up late Thank you very much

In addition, remind again: please don't chase the article until the last chapter Thank you

Dear uncle se!


Night fell

The sentry tower in hongyagang town has already started singing and dancing

Zhao Deji held up his wine glass and hugged two fisherman's women newly presented by local officials Fishermen's women are no better than those in Jiangnan water towns. Although they have thick hands and big feet, they also have a kind of rich and beautiful beauty Zhao Deji was used to eating delicacies, and suddenly tasted these "wild vegetables", naturally happy

At this time, the spy urgently reported: "Your Majesty, the emergency military situation..."

"Come on, is it General Zhang Dajie?"


"Speak quickly..."

"General Zhang was defeated... Smoke billowed on the sea, and a large number of imperial ships were burned..."

Zhao Deji was stunned. His hands loosened, and the two women fell to the ground, but he didn't dare to cry. He was stunned: "where is this guy Zhang Jun? Where is Liu Ning?"

"There is no news from General Liu... Zhang Xianggong has also temporarily lost contact..."

"Your Majesty... Your majesty... My minister is back..."

There was a tumbling sound at the door. Zhang Jun was carried by several bodyguards and collapsed on the stretcher. He was hit by an arrow on his back, so he could only lie on his stomach, embarrassed, and his hair was on fire. He was burned East and West, as if he had been bitten by a dog

Zhao de Keaton said, "why did Aiqing get so embarrassed?"

"King Qin this guy..." he was panting like an ox, his breath was weak, "Your Majesty..."

Seeing that he couldn't speak, Zhao Deji turned to a bodyguard and said, "you say!"

The bodyguard was trembling: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that King Qin had a huge sea ship to help, and we fell into his trap... Your majesty forgive..."

"What big ship did he use?"

"He's a ship, bigger than our 1000 ships, like a mountain..." Zhang Jun had breathed a little more evenly at this time, drank some water, stabilized his mind, and was afraid of being punished by Zhao Deji, deliberately exaggerating, "King Qin didn't know where to get such a big ship, and there were no less than 100000 excellent soldiers on board..."

Zhao Deji was shocked, "so many?"

"Maybe there are more than these people. At first, we had a great advantage, and we had forced King Qin to the island of Wang Erqi, and were preparing to siege. Unexpectedly, the huge strange ship came out of nowhere and attacked us..."

"What kind of strange ship is it?"

"It's not a boat, it's a monster... It's very big. There are many boats on the boat, just like boats. There is an endless stream of boats, and the soldiers are killed in armor..."

"God! How could King Qin have such a systematic army?"

"Exactly! Your majesty, there is nothing you can do..."

The naval battle was not as good as the land battle, and Zhang Jun could not escape. This time, in a hurry, he couldn't find any excuse, so he had to keep kowtowing and begging for mercy

"How about Liu Ning?"

"There is still no news."

Zhao de was basically full of confidence, but at this time he was quite timid I had expected that Zhang Jun might lose, but I didn't expect to lose so badly Rao was slightly flustered when he was escorted by 100000 troops

"Zhang Jun, in your opinion, what should I do?"

Seeing that Liu Ning had no news, Zhang Jun lost so badly this time. If Liu Ning won, wouldn't he be unable to lift his head in the future? He even said, "General Liu was cautious in his use of troops. Maybe he didn't meet King Qin's army. He led a water army that is good at fighting. It's better to take advantage of this war to completely eliminate this great trouble for the imperial court..."

His idea was to let Liu Ning also encounter the huge strange ship of King Qin, and it was best to annihilate the whole army, so that his position could be firmly maintained

Zhao Deji pondered for a while. After years of development and expansion, he was certainly not the ninth Lord who ran away after hearing the wind Now that the army is in control, Liu Ning has no news, and catching Hua Rong has retreated to a secondary position - if the army retreats this time, King Qin will continue to develop and grow, I'm afraid it will be more harmful than Zhong Xiangyang Yao at the beginning

"Order immediately and send another 100000 troops to reinforce, and be sure to wipe out all the pirates."


The eunuch who ordered the eunuch just left, only heard the bodyguard announce: "Your Majesty, General Liu is back..."

Zhang Jun ran away first, and the distance was very close. However, he was injured and afraid of turbulence, which delayed him for many days On the contrary, Liu Ning, who made a detour of hundreds of miles, arrived just a few hours behind him

Zhao Deji was overjoyed and immediately ordered, "General Liu, please come in."

Liu Ning came in and saw Zhang Jun lying on the stretcher in a mess

"See your majesty..."

"Aiqing exempted..." Zhao Deji personally lifted him up, but seeing that he was free of scars and had good time to rectify, he immediately had confidence, "Aiqing, how is the war situation in your army?"

"Return, your majesty. I sneaked into King Qin's nest at night, but I met his left behind army. The two sides fought fiercely, and King Qin rushed back to reinforce. In a hurry, I had to retreat. Fortunately, I retreated quickly, and this trip lost 20% of my military strength and 30% of my ships..."

Zhao Deji breathed a sigh of relief, only 20% of the loss, is already a great luck

He was overjoyed: "Aiqing is really brave. In your opinion, can you take King Qin as long as you reinforce him?"

Liu Ning stood sideways and thought for a long time before he said, "I dare not speak nonsense. I have never heard of King Qin's huge ship before, and I can't find a way to retreat from the enemy for the time being. Moreover, in that sneak attack, I watched Changlin Island, which was heavily guarded, and all the people were soldiers. It was really difficult to deal with, and we were forced to withdraw from the sea for 200 miles, basically losing the advantage of the secret Road, and we really couldn't attack directly..."

"In your opinion, how can you annihilate King Qin?"

"I think we should fight from the front, but we need a lot of ships and excellent naval forces."

"I can immediately order people to deploy more ships and 100000 more troops to mobilize all the naval forces that were incorporated into Dongting Lake earlier..."

Liu Ning bowed: "my minister bravely suggested that this island is far away from the mainland, and it is not the important place for the imperial court to pay taxes. Over the years, King Qin and the imperial court have been mutually exclusive. Even if they win, the imperial court will pay a huge price, and the human and material resources needed are immeasurable. Why..."

Zhao Deji interrupted him unhappily: "Aiqing, this is shortsighted! Dongting water thieves used to harm one side. Since the Jin people occupied the two rivers, the former silk road of Song Dynasty has also been blocked. Now, I heard that King Qin's sea passage is smooth, trade is rich, and invincible. This is the best way for us to obtain taxes. How can we say that it is useless to suppress them? Otherwise, why should I send such huge human and material resources and drive the imperial expedition?"

Liu Ning was speechless. Even if this excuse is very high sounding, how many years will it take just the attraction of maritime taxes to make up for the financial and material resources consumed today?

Accompanying a king like a tiger, he never dared to refute

Zhao Deji coughed, "Aiqing, have you ever seen any strange people in this campaign..."

Strange people?

"Er... Some rebellious ministers of the former imperial court?" Zhao Deji tried to be euphemistic, and he was very eager. Can Hua Rong be on the island?

Liu Ning observed his words and expressions carefully and said, "I didn't see any strange people. However, during the fierce battle, I saw a woman on the other side, very brave..."

"Ah?" Zhao Deji was overjoyed. "How could that woman look like? But the widow of the former rebel Yue Pengju?"

In a hurry, he blurted out Speaking out, he felt inappropriate and coughed dry: "Yue Pengju's widow heard that he was in collusion with the bandit leader King Qin..."

"Your Majesty, I don't know Yue Pengju's widow. However, the woman seems to be an old woman with white hair and white head..."

"God, is it an old woman?"

If it's an old woman, how can it be flower dissolving?

Zhao Deji thought of his beautiful face in the past and was disappointed: "is there any other woman besides this old woman?"

"No. besides, I never saw any women again."

In fact, Liu Ning had guessed that the woman was Hua Rong. At that time, it was clear that although the woman had white hair, her face was young, and she was completely a young woman. She was valiant and valiant, especially when sending signals on the mast and waving flags. It was simply unforgettable

He was the most outstanding general in Song Dynasty However, they are all fighting against the Jin army and taking safeguarding the country as their own responsibility Who ever thought that now he came to hunt down Yue Pengju's widow? However, he naturally didn't dare to deceive the king, so he returned that he was an old woman. Of course, this is not a lie. A white haired woman, who would think it was an old woman, plus it was dark and far away, even if the emperor investigated, he also had an excuse

Disappointed, Zhao Deji suddenly turned his head and said loudly, "Liu Ning listens to the order."

Liu Ning immediately knelt down

"Zhang Jun is useless, and the defeated general is not brave enough. Today, I order you to be the Grand Marshal of this bandit suppression. Allocate another 100000 troops and 200000 grain and grass, and be sure to destroy King Qin within a month!"

Liu Ning secretly complained, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I'm afraid that the ship can't be mobilized within a month..."

"That's limited to two months!"

Liu Ning couldn't, so he had to kowtow and take orders

The night is as cold as water

Several fast horses are approaching the beach

They took a short cut, which was exactly the route they retreated from Unexpectedly, today's revisit to the hometown is in the way of sightseeing

In front of it is a row of tall coconut trees, which secretly shelter this deserted beach

Looking ahead, it is boundless. There are no people, but also far away from the war and smoke of gunpowder. It is not noticed by anyone, as if it were a primitive wasteland

It used to be muddy. After escaping in the early years, there was no trace left. It was very barren and no one moved here Coupled with a huge storm, the terrain here was greatly changed, and even the silt River irrigation that escaped disappeared without a trace

A black figure dismounted slowly and stopped riding a fast horse one after another behind him In order not to attract people's attention, they scattered their followers after Huaiyang Although these people are few now, they are all one in a million masters, and horses are also one in a million good horses

The man in black stood on the beach, looking at this familiar land - it was very strange, and he could only hear the sound of waves hitting the rocks

It's a lazy feeling that your feet almost sink when you step on such a beach again, rather than the solid feeling of standing on high mountains and solid land

He sat slowly on the beach and said to himself, "unexpectedly, when we went out, it was still icy and snowy. Only for more than a month, when we arrived here, it was sunny. Even at night, we only need to wear a sweater. The same world, but different skies, is really wonderful."

Wu Qimai also felt strange. The fourth prince was originally ill to the bone, but he went all the way south, bathed in the sunshine of the ocean, as if he had taken some panacea, which not only improved his spirit, but also his body

But he was still a little worried: "fourth prince, don't you notice? The terrain here seems to be wrong, and it doesn't look like the old times."

"I also found it. However, I'm afraid that this ocean is only temporarily quiet."

Wu Qimai was always uneasy when he arrived at the beach. "Fourth prince, we went south along the way. Zhao Deji sent so many people to attack King Qin. If only they could lose both sides..."

Jin Wushu laughed and looked at the vast sea level in the distance: "Wu Qimai, maybe I'm wrong. You see, the ocean is boundless, and maybe no one can occupy it."

"According to the information we got, Zhao Deji sent at least 200000 troops on this trip. No matter how powerful king Qin is, he can resist 200000 troops? Well, it's also a great good thing for Zhao Deji to clean up King Qin..."

He hated King Qin more than Zhao Deji This pirate not only seriously injured the fourth Prince and stole the tribute silver of the Golden State, but also took away the woman whom the fourth Prince loved - who will die if he doesn't die?

"Wu Qimai..." Jin Wushu was in high spirits. "Didn't you find that this is a great opportunity?"

"What opportunity?"

"Zhao Deji mobilized heavy troops to encircle and suppress King Qin. The troops of the state of song must be empty. In those days, Yue Pengju recruited Dongting water thieves as the main force and stationed in Xiangyang along the way. Now, to encircle and suppress King Qin, he will definitely dispatch this army... If Xiangyang's troops are weak..."

Wu Qimai was shocked: "fourth prince, what do you mean?"

Everyone understood and was very excited. Sure enough, it was the best time to counter attack the song state

Jin Wushu was not so eager, and smiled faintly: "when I came out, it was for distraction..."

However, it is the nature of a general and a politician Originally, I was holding a distraction, traveling all over the north and south of the river, completely avoiding the ice and snow in the north. Unexpectedly, I accidentally encountered such a big secret

"Fourth prince, shall we go back immediately?"

He shook his head and pondered for a moment, "there is also Song Jin peace!"

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