One Night Bride

Chapter 642

Hua Rong and xiaohutou joined the children's playful team from the morning The more such a moment, the more people can not panic Lu Wenlong, on the other hand, was taken by King Qin and attended all military meetings without landing King Qin has treated him completely as an adult

She picked up her long lost pen and taught the children to write and sing some songs on the beach

Children are the most susceptible and easy to adjust their emotions. Soon, laughter broke out again

King Qin came out of the big room where the meeting was held, and his eyes were red

Little tiger tiptoed and quickly tipped off, "Mom, dad is out."

Come out so fast? I thought there was at least half an hour left

Hua Rong smiled and said to the children still around, "I'll stop here today. Your mother called you home for dinner."

"Will you teach us tomorrow?"

"Teach, teach every day."

The children scattered happily, and King Qin and Lu Wenlong had marched over

She smiled: "are you tired? It's time for us to go home for dinner."

Lu Wenlong first murmured, "Mom, why don't you have a good rest at home?"

King Qin stared and was about to attack

On his arm, he was slightly twisted He had to stare, drag her arm and walk away, saying in a muffled voice, "I'm really hungry."

Little tiger followed his brother, envious: "brother, can I go to the meeting tomorrow?"

"You can't, you're too young..."

"Alas!" Little tiger head was so distressed, "why don't I grow up quickly?"

"Eat more and soon grow up."

King Qin ignored the two boys and first pulled the flowers into the house

Fresh sea breeze, tidy house, rich and delicious dishes

His face was more gloomy: "girl, who told you to do this? For your health, I didn't ask you to discuss matters, so you don't know to be idle? Don't you want to get better?"

She still smiled: "first, these meals are cooked by the cook; second, of course, I will live until I catch Zhao Deji."

He was angry: "Why are you still sophisticating? Why are you teaching those little rabbits to write? It's not a bother?"

"That's rest. That's the best relaxation, you know?"

He picked her up and gently put her on the bed: "this is rest!"

Head pillow on a soft pillow, so comfortable She was dumbfounded, but took his hand, eyes soft, soft voice: "every day like this, it will become a pig."

"That's my pig, too."

She laughed, and his face eased a little: "girl, your body is the first; whatever war it is, what Zhao Deji, if you don't have a good body, what's all this? What's the meaning?"

She was taught like a child: "I know, I know."

"That's good."

He turned to get the boiled medicine: "girl, it's time to drink the medicine today... By the way, this time it's Polygonum multiflorum, with black hair..."

She quietly stuck out her tongue: "I didn't expect you to be so wordy. If I had known so wordy, I wouldn't marry you..."

King Qin's ear tip: "what did you say?"

She immediately shut up and smiled

At this time, a notice came out of the door: "Your Majesty, we have caught a strange spy. He said he had important news for you..."


"Bring it up."


Hua rongben lay down and walked out together

King Qin sat on a high backed chair and looked at the man who was brought up. He was short and smart. At first glance, he should be a fisherman along the coast

"Your Majesty, this man is so clever that he has to see you..."

"Bold, who are you? What's the matter?"

The fisherman's eyes were a little flustered, and Hua Rong looked at him carefully, but seeing the rough and long-term sun marks on his hands and feet, it must be the fisherman's no doubt

The fisherman knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the villain was ordered to send you something."


The fisherman took something from his arms and handed it to King Qin. At first glance, it was all ornaments played by children, seemingly boys For what?

"Shit, what is this?"

"The villain doesn't know. The uncle just asked the villain to give you such a thing."

"Who asked you to hand it over?"

"I don't know the villain. Looking at his clothes, he looks like a sour scholar. But he is very generous..."

"How to be extravagant?"

"This..." the fisherman trembled, afraid that King Qin would have his idea

Hua Rong smiled: "it's all right, you say, we'll reward you if you say it."

He looked at Hua Rong, as if to measure whether what the woman said was very reliable. Then he trembled: "thank you, madam. The scholar rewarded the villain 20 liang of gold... Otherwise, the war is in chaos, and the villain won't come..."

20 liang of gold, at this time, is already a lot of money for ordinary people. If you live frugally, it is enough for a small family to eat for twoorthree years No wonder this fisherman was willing to take such a big risk, sneaking through the blockade of the Imperial Navy and sneaking in to inform the public

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, King Qin said, "take it down and give him some travel expenses."

"Thank you, king."

The fishermen made two extra money and left happily

King Qin took that thing. It was two small toys. Who spent 20 liang of gold to send such two strange things?

The flower dissolved and looked closely, but her face changed: "this kind of thing is the stuff of golden children..."

"Ah? Those little golden dogs? Who joked and sent them?"

Hua Rong frowned slightly. She went to the kingdom of Jin twice and stayed for a long time, especially twice in Yanjing. When she was together with Zha, she was very familiar with the living conditions of the lower Jin people. This kind of thing is exactly what ordinary people's children like to play with

At this time, xiaohutou and Lu Wenlong ran in, and xiaohutou jumped and said, "Dad, mom, I'm so hungry. Have I eaten? Yeah, what's this? Mom, show me..."

He stretched out his hand and took it, but Lu Wenlong was the first to take one: "Hey, isn't this a thing of the kingdom of gold? Why is it also on the island?" He said, spinning the toy habitually, "little tiger head, you see, it's like this..."


Xiaohutou imitated his appearance. As soon as he rotated, the flowers dissolved into his sharp eyes, and immediately saw something slowly falling inside

She immediately picked it up. It was a very small piece of paper This is a strange paper made of sedge by savages Rolled into a ball, even if it falls on the ground, most people just think it is a miscellaneous leaf

King Qin was very curious: "girl, what is this?"

She took the papyrus, spread it out on the table, and said, "bring some wine."

Lu Wenlong first understood and immediately went to get a small Baijiu Hua Rongli immerses papyrus in Baijiu, and the words immediately appear on it:

A small gift is no respect

Tell Zhao Deji that the two sons of Empress Dowager Wei are in your hands

In a short line of words, Hua Rong's face changed greatly. She knew this handwriting:

It turned out to be the autograph of the fourth prince

In fact, she didn't see much of the autograph of the fourth prince. The first time was when the young Yanqiao met, he left a note His kind of Chinese characters written by foreigners, with a kind of military hurry, dazzling and rough style, is unforgettable

Lu Wenlong also whispered: "God, this is my father... It was written by the fourth Prince..."

King Qin was stunned: "what conspiracy does the fourth Prince have? Is he on the sea again?"

Now, the fierce battle with Zhao Deji is in full swing. If the fourth crown prince intervenes again, it will be really difficult to deal with

"Girl, what does the fourth Prince mean?"

Hua Rong thought, "Qin Shangcheng, do you still remember the two sons of Empress Dowager Wei in the kingdom of Jin?"

"So what?"

"Did the fourth Prince bring these two children to the state of song?"

"Isn't God helping us? If we get these two children, we can just threaten Zhao Deji."

Lu Wenlong looked happy: "ah? Does the fourth Prince want to help us?"

King Qin stared, and he immediately shut up

Everyone was puzzled. Is the fourth Prince really so kind? Besides, is it too timely?

Hua Rong frowned, "no, if the fourth prince came to the sea, wouldn't he find Zhao Deji in internal friction with us? If he took this opportunity to order the Jin army to go south, and the border of the song state was empty, wouldn't he be invincible and kill the general?"

King Qin shook his head: "girl, you worry too much. The kingdom of Jin is not what it used to be, and you don't necessarily have this courage. In particular, the wolf Lord's stab is completely a confused king, and it's not enough to be afraid. The kingdom of Jin is just a fourth Prince..."

Just a fourth Prince is enough

If Jin Wushu had not been prepared, what would he do southward without permission?

But why did he send this gift?

Lu Wenlong couldn't help asking, "Mom, don't you think? Dad must want to help us..."

Hua Rong looked at his eyes full of hope and expectation, and shook his head. "The fourth prince thought that we had no advantage against Zhao Deji. Maybe he didn't want us to fall down too fast. In this way, he had a chance to calmly deploy the attack, so that Zhao Deji fought on both sides and was tired of dealing with it..."

King Qin deeply thought, "shit, I said, how can the fourth Prince be so kind? Moreover, if he is really kind, why don't the two golden sons of Empress Dowager Wei see a hair?"

Hua Rong sighed that these two children must be regarded as rare goods by Jin Wushu Threatening Zhao Deji lightly like this is obviously not a means

Lu Wenlong's eyes slowly showed deep disappointment Dad - he still called that person dad in his heart, thinking that he was coming to help himself and his mother. That was a fantasy hidden in his heart, and he never believed that he was a bad person

Hua Rong looked into his eyes, and his tone became slightly soft: "of course, the fourth Prince's move is only good for us, not any harm..."

He raised his head, and his tone was also light: "really? Mom, is this true?"

"Of course it's true. If Zhao Deji fights on both sides, he simply can't give consideration to both sides."

"Girl, since the fourth Prince has arrived, we might as well play it by ear. It will always be of some use."

Hua Rong nodded. Anyway, it was a happy event

Little tiger head listened to the adults' discussion, and he couldn't get in his mouth at all. He was angry: "what's the beauty of this note? Eating, I'm so hungry... Mom, I want this thing..." with that, he grabbed it

Hua Rong laughed, destroyed the note immediately, took his hand again, and said softly, "little tiger head, this thing can't be played, mom has great use."

He asked curiously, "what are you doing?"

"This? It's a weapon, a powerful weapon. Dad will use it to kill the enemy in the future."

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