One Night Bride

Chapter 644

Wu jinnu lowered his voice, "because Yue Pengju's widow Hua Rong is in the hands of the pirate. It is said that he has married King Qin."

Empress Dowager Wei was shocked, and the flowers melted!

She had seen this woman and had tried to save herself from the kingdom of gold at great risk

She trembled and asked, "why does your majesty want to destroy Hua Rong? What is Hua Rong's fault? Doesn't it mean that Hua Rong saved his life?"

Wu jinnu was speechless, which was a very embarrassing ugliness In fact, she knows that Wang Jixian, a medical officer, knows everything from Wang Junhua's early mouth

Your Majesty's move is to kill King Qin, not Hua Rong

He is young and strong, so he can't have a son. It's useless to ask God to worship Buddha

But his mother, who was already past middle age, gave birth to sons one after another in the kingdom of Jin. It was useless to beg God to worship Buddha

Asking for benevolence and getting benevolence, in fact, is what you ask for and what you can't get

Zhao Deji's evil thoughts rose, relying on a strong military to attack King Qin, just for his son; Now, King Qin really sent him two sons——

His two younger brothers!

This is how to face the world?

How can empress dowager Wei stand in the harem?

Mother's world has become a mother's world!

Wu jinnu was even more frightened than empress dowager Wei. She knew the stakes better. If she didn't do well, it would be a huge palace coup, which would even endanger her Majesty's Dragon chair status

Empress Dowager Wei saw that Wu jinnu's face changed greatly, and she was even more confused: "Empress Wu, how can it be good?"

Wu jinnu stabilized his mind: "empress dowager, this matter must not be made public."

"My palace knows, so I asked you to discuss... What should I do?"

Wu jinnu was also confused: "empress dowager, those two... Children, are you sure they are children's keepsakes?"

Empress Dowager Wei burst into tears. At this time, there can be no taboos or concealments at all. She can only tell the whole story: "these two purses are embroidered by myself. The two children are one by one. Look, there is a word in their names on them..."

Wu jinnu looked carefully, and sure enough, under the secret pin, there was a word on each purse, which was the middle word of the two children's names: De and Han; The two children are from the Jin family name of Nvzhen veterans, one is Jinde and the other is Jinhan

Although after a few years, we can also see the mood of Empress Dowager Wei at that time, with dense stitches

Before leaving, there are dense seams, and I'm afraid I'll return late

Not to mention knowing that it is farewell

At this time, suddenly there was the whereabouts of the child. For a moment, she didn't know whether she was more happy or more afraid. She unexpectedly said, "when the old man goes out, talk to that person in person..."

Wu jinnu was shocked: "the Empress Dowager must not. The enemy is waiting for you to fall into the net..."

"What should I do?"

Of course, Empress Dowager Wei was not as smart as Wu jinnu. At this time, everything depended on Wu jinnu's ideas

"The empress dowager, this matter can't be spread out at first, and even your majesty can't tell."

"But what if the enemy really killed two children?"

Wu jinnu laughed bitterly. It would be easier if the enemy really killed the two children However, since King Qin is so deliberate, it is obvious that being two children is the most powerful weapon. He will not kill them, but will definitely ensure their safety

She gritted her teeth: "empress dowager, in that case, we simply don't do it or not..."

"In the opinion of Lady Wu, what should I do?"

"Never admit the two children, let alone let them threaten your majesty..."

Isn't this obviously pushing the child to a dead end? Empress Dowager Wei threw a rat repellent and was flustered: "this... They will definitely kill the child..."

"Empress dowager, think about it. You came back to the great song dynasty after a narrow escape. Now everything is stable, and you are the queen Dowager's honor. Some personal feelings have to be put down. Otherwise, how can you face your majesty and the people of the great song dynasty?"

Empress Dowager Wei only shed tears. Of course, she understood the warning in Wu jinnu's tone. If she took a wrong step, she would not only fail to save her son, but also lose her dignity and status Over the years, she also knows the style of her son, Zhao Deji At the critical moment, even his biological mother may not be able to make him change his mind

"I don't understand why your majesty insisted on attacking King Qin?"

Wu jinnu could no longer hide: "because her majesty wanted to take back Hua Rong. At first, Hua Rong was injured and sterilized, and all the Royal doctors went out, but she was never cured. Later, she somehow recovered by herself and gave birth to a son, so her majesty decided that she could be pregnant, so..."

The ambition of emperors must be passed down from generation to generation

When empress dowager Wei heard of her son's thoughts for the first time, she was surprised and said, "isn't your majesty afraid of being blamed by people all over the world?"

Wu jinnu sneered, monarchy is supreme, who dares to accuse your majesty? Moreover, your Majesty's idea, I'm afraid that if you have children, you will kill Huarong

Empress Dowager Wei understood her terrible situation at this time, and it was absolutely impossible for her son to compromise on this matter Looking at Wu jinnu, she understood what Wu jinnu meant. Wu jinnu and Zhang Yingying each adopted a child. Naturally, each of them wished their own child could inherit Datong and be made Prince If your majesty really has her own son in the future, their status will be in jeopardy

The two people are of the same mind, and they all know that your majesty had better not attack King Qin again. However, it is impossible to stop it. Your majesty will be furious as long as he listens to the female family members' more wordy political affairs

"Strange, how could King Qin ever go to the kingdom of Jin to take the children?"

"This is not surprising. It is said that he stole all the 200000 silver gifts we gave to the Golden State last year, not to mention two children."

"Lady Wu, what should I do?"

"Wait and see what happens before you see what those people do."

However, the waiting of Empress Dowager Wei and others did not last long, because two days later, she received another mysterious gift It was two strands of very fresh hair, obviously just cut off, and then there were portraits of two children The painting skill is not good, but the child's face and clothes are all lifelike, and even a mole in the corner of his left eye has been painted At the same time, a note is attached:

Empress Dowager Wei told her personally that if Zhao Deji did not withdraw quickly, your son's portrait and your secret history of romance would be thoroughly circulated in the great song dynasty

At this time, Wu jinnu and Empress Dowager Wei understood that they could not delay any more

King Qin is about to begin

After their discussion, they sent a secret history that night and rushed to the front to secretly report Zhao Deji

Hongyagang town

Zhao Deji called all the generals to hold a military meeting overnight to listen to the opinions of the people Towards evening, he couldn't help yawning again and again, and summoned geisha to entertain him

Although there was a failure in the first attack, with the arrival of reinforcements and the mobilization of ships, people were not very depressed. It was certainly not so difficult to attack a pirate with the power of the imperial court

Among all the generals, only Liu Ning was unhappy and had been preoccupied

Zhao Deji wanted to rely on him, and was even more kind to comfort him. He rewarded many beauties and instruments such as purple crystal lanterns

In the sound of the banquet, a spy came in: "tell your majesty, there is news coming..."

"What news?"

The eunuch with him presented the secret letter. Zhao Deji was so surprised that he almost fell off the wine table

Seeing that Zhao Deji suddenly changed color, all the generals looked at each other Zhao Deji waved his hand, "you step back first."

Everyone hurried back, and Zhao Deji hurried into the inner room before launching the secret letter again

It's a portrait and a letter

It was sent by King Qin

There are two children in the portrait. Although they have half the blood of the golden man, Zhao Deji found that the two children are five or six points similar to himself - they are the two illegitimate children of Empress Dowager Wei

He clenched his teeth and hit the table with a heavy punch

What made him more angry was later. The letter described in detail the living situation of Empress Dowager Wei in the kingdom of Jin, and threatened that if Zhao Deji did not withdraw, he would publish these things and portraits to the north and south of the river

Moreover, judging from the symbol of the keepsake, it is by no means a false threat. There are really those two children in their hands

This kind of thing is originally King Qin's specialty. When he got the keepsake of Jin Wu Shu, he naturally wanted to make good use of it Unexpectedly, Hua Rong said another word and drew a picture of him himself

That is the portrait of the son of heaven today, and his two golden brothers

Hua Rong is familiar with Zhao Deji, and his portrait is very lifelike, while the portraits of the two golden children are based on the reference sent by Jin Wushu

During the portrait, she deliberately strengthened the similarity of the three brothers, and Zhao Deji stood in the middle

Zhao Deji unfolded the scroll and trembled with anger. Although he didn't write an inscription, he certainly knew that it came from Hua Rong More importantly, if this portrait is circulated, people in the world, even pigs, will believe the scandal of Empress Dowager Wei in the past

His biological mother's scandal!

At the beginning, under the pressure of the subjects, they often made war mobilization orders with the slogan of "welcoming the two saints back" Of course, he didn't want to have any two saints. Helpless, he paid half the price and only welcomed his biological mother back

At this time, there was simply bitterness and hatred. If I had known this, my biological mother should not have taken it back. It was completely wrong!

It's really better to let her die in the Golden State at the beginning, otherwise, why is there today's endless trouble?

He was so confused that at this time, he couldn't summon his ministers to discuss How can such a scandal be well publicized? If you let others know, wouldn't you slap yourself in the face

He slumped in his chair for a while, and suddenly had a great doubt. How could King Qin take two children as a handle? Is there any force behind him?

The more so, the more it is necessary to completely destroy King Qin, otherwise, will there be endless trouble? However, how can we start easily without destroying these evidences?

He thought about it. He had arranged a rapid attack, but at this time, he had to put it on hold If you don't deal with these things and rush to do it, I'm afraid that King Qin will really announce the world. At that time, how will you deal with the dignity of the son of heaven?


Two bodyguards came in

These bodyguards were inspired by the dead soldiers raised by Qin Hui. Over the years, he has vigorously cultivated his absolute confidants, sublimated them from the original Taizu's spy agency, and has established a secret spy force subordinate to him in the imperial palace

He picked up the portrait in his hand, tore it in half, and then tore off the middle of himself, leaving only two "brothers" on the left and right, and then pieced together the portraits of the two children

Those are two children in their early teens, both with braided hair and left lapel One person's left hand was torn off, and the other person's right hand was torn off. His curious eyes were facing him, as if asking this unknown "brother", why did he tear off his own hand

After reading it for a long time, he handed it over: "return to Lin'an immediately, and kill the two children!"

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