Fishing is easy, but waiting is boring.

I waited for a week on a desert island, and no boat passed.

Not only is the location of the desert island remote, but more importantly, it is windless.

The windless zone full of sea kings is generally rounded by ships, and few ships dare to cross the windless zone.

Therefore, Xiao Li naturally will not easily wait for the ship passing by here.

And just like that, two weeks, three weeks, more than a month passed.

After fishing in this deserted place for more than a month, Xiao Li felt that he was about to become a wild man. Sleeping on the reef every day, there is not even a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and he has long been tired of eating sea king meat.

“Forget it. Otherwise, just fly out of here with the imperial sword, and fly wherever you can. ”

One day, Xiao Li was really impatient and prepared to leave the desert island alone.

But at this time, the shadow of the ship was glimpsed in the distance.

After more than a month of traveling, Xiao Li finally saw the ship!

And this time there was more than one, and two ships were approaching the desert island.

Ahead, there is a large wooden ship with a skull flag on the mast, which is undoubtedly a pirate ship.

Behind, there is a warship with a blue seagull emblem on the white sails, which is a naval ship.

Between the two ships, the flames converged, and a large number of shells and bullets flew, provoking explosions on the sea.

It seems that the navy and the pirates are at war.

“Keep firing, don’t let them escape! Third and fourth shifts, speed up the shooting! On the deck of a naval ship, a man with purple hair was directing the battle.

“It’s already the limit, Zefa-sensei!” The navy shooting on the deck was in a hurry, a little unable to keep up with the commander’s command.

“Damn, this group of navies. Gotta give them some color and see! Vidal, load those heavy guns on the port side and fire them with all your might! On the other side, the captain of the Black Dog Pirate Regiment did not give in, pouring all the weapons on board and shooting at the navy.

The stance of the two sides was very fierce, and for a while the originally calm windless belt was drowned out by the sound of artillery fire.

Navy and pirates fighting in the windless zone, but it is rare. The reason for this situation is also accidental.

Originally, the ships of the Black Dog Pirates passed through the edge of the windless belt, and did not mean to drive the ship in.

As a result, on the way to sail, he met Zefa, who led the training students on the practice ship.

Seeing the navy’s warship, the captain of the pirate regiment, “Black Dog” Dorgo, immediately ordered the ship to sail into the windless zone, wanting to shake off the navy. The general navy gave up the pursuit after seeing the pirates sailing into the windless zone.

But who knows, Zefa, who has a sense of justice, directly let the warship chase into the windless zone, and fought with the black dog pirate group.

As a result, Xiao Li saw the scene of the navy and pirates fighting in the windless zone.

“It looks like they’re having a good time.” Looking at the shells flying around the sea, Xiao Li scratched his head.

He understood that it would certainly not be appropriate to disturb the warring sides in the past at such a time.

But he had been stranded on a desert island for more than a month, and finally encountered two ships. If these two ships are allowed to leave, the next ship may have to wait a long time to meet.

Such a precious opportunity, Xiao Li did not want to let it go. So he still approached the two fighting ships.

Adjusting the breath in his body, Xiao Li was like walking on flat ground, riding the waves towards the two warring ships.

Completely unconcerned about the cannonballs flying in the air, Xiao Li walked through the flames and walked to the sea between the warships and the pirate group. Then he raised his hands and greeted the people on both sides of the boat.

The inseparable navy and pirates were immediately attracted to attention.

Because they saw that on the rolling waves, Xiao Li actually stepped smoothly, just like walking on land. It is strange that a person who can walk on the sea suddenly appears in the center of the battlefield and does not attract attention.

“Who is that?”

“What’s the matter, he can actually walk on the sea!”

“Devil Fruit Ability?”

Discovering Xiao Li’s figure, there was a commotion and movement on both sides of the boat.

Because of the appearance of this strange figure, the busy artillery and the navy and pirates couldn’t help but slow down, and the sound of gunfire on the sea gradually thinned.

Seeing Xiao Li slowly raise his hands, both the pirates and the navy tensed their nerves, thinking that this mysterious figure who suddenly appeared was going to make some amazing move.

As a result, Xiao Li just put his hand to his mouth and shouted:

“Hey~, can you take a boat?”


Hearing Xiao Li’s shout, the navy and the pirates all spewed out.

With this guy braved a hail of bullets to enter the battlefield on the sea, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura, just to get a boat?

“Damn, leave him alone. Keep firing, fire! Finding that Xiao Li seemed to be just a soy sauce maker, Dogo, the captain of the Black Dog Pirates, waved his hand sharply and continued to let the pirates attack.

“Abominable, fight back! Give those pirates some color and see! ”

Seeing that the pirates had relaunched their offensive, Zefa also immediately ordered his soldiers to counterattack and continue to devote themselves to the command of the battlefield.

The two sides fought fiercely again, shells and guns flew all over the sky, and no one paid attention to Xiao Li, who wanted to take a boat.

Standing silently in the center of the battlefield, Xiao Li’s face was full of black lines.

Just now, he thought that he had successfully attracted the attention of both sides. As a result, after discovering that he was just a passing boat, the navy and pirates instantly ignored him and fought on their own.

None of the people on both boats were willing to free their hands to help him.

This is also a natural thing. After all, the two sides are at war, and if you run up to ask for a boat, no one will pay attention to you.

“Alas, if this battle is not over, I will not be able to get on board?” Looking at the pirates and navy who were fighting happily, Xiao Li sighed.

In that case, I had to find a way to get the battle over quickly.

With such thoughts, Xiao Li drew and took out the knife at his waist.

Just defeat one of the pirates or one of the navies, and the battle will be over.

The question is, which side should he help?

Xiao Li felt that the pirates were rude and rude, and they were not necessarily good people. In contrast, the Navy is more reliable. So he decided to help the Navy a little.

At this time, the pirate ship and the naval warship were still shooting fiercely, and the battle scene was very chaotic. The combat effectiveness of both sides is relatively well preserved, and it stands to reason that it will take some time to decide the victory or defeat.

However, from the moment Xiao Li decided to help the Navy win the battle, the situation changed completely.

Raising his humble weapon, without even pulling out its scabbard, Xiao Li gently swung his knife towards the pirate ship.

A knife was slashed out, and the roar exploded through the air.

It was a huge crescent-shaped sword qi that swirled across the sea and rushed straight to the pirate ship a hundred meters away.

The cannonballs fired from the pirate ship met the blade of the sword qi and instantly turned into powder. The fire caused by the explosion was also eclipsed by the powerful impact of the sword qi.

The crescent-shaped slash cuts sideways through the pirate ship, leaving a sharp blade.

The entire large ship with a length of more than fifty meters was split in two along the cut, and then collapsed into countless fragments in successive impacts. The pirates on the ship fell to the surface of the sea one after another, making panicked cries.

The navy who witnessed this scene were stunned one by one.

At the last moment they were still anxious to shoot at the pirate’s ship, but the next moment a huge sword qi flew out, and the entire ship was blasted to pieces!

The pirates on the ship all fell into the sea during the impact, and the battle ended in an instant.

The sea, which had been filled with shelling and gunfire, became silent.

“Hey, can you give me a ride now?”

On the suddenly quiet sea, Xiao Li withdrew the knife from his waist and asked again.

The navy watched Xiao Li’s action of collecting the knife in amazement, and then looked at the pirate ship that was cut to pieces in the distance, and then slowly understood what happened.

“It won’t! Was the pirate ship destroyed by this person just now? ”

“How is that possible? I saw that he just waved the knife lightly, why is a ship gone? ”

“But he did it! I saw with my own eyes that the sword qi just now emanated from him. ”

“What, what?! Is it just a knife? ”

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