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“Spike Yi easily cracked the three-man bag and shot two points from a long distance!”

The Staples Center commentator was horrified: “Oh my God, I’m not mistaken, that’s a three-person bag!” ”

“Spike’s dribbling just now is too smooth, and it is estimated that few people in the league can achieve that level of dribbling operation in that situation!”

Another commentator looked more thoroughly: “The Clippers fielded three of the team’s best defensive players. ”

“Bamot is in charge of the close defense, Chris Paul is ready to make a break, Griffin is using the bounce to limit Spike Easy to shoot, they have done their best!”

“But Spike alone finished these three people!”

The two commentators looked at each other, and then smiled helplessly.

Yi Tian, this is also too terrible!

Staples fans didn’t dare to speak either.

The special three-person bag is like playing, what are they comparing?

“Bamot, why are you being passed so easily!”

On the court, watching Yi Tian score two points so easily, Griffin directly vented his anger on his teammates.

Bamot was also helpless: “I don’t even know which way he will break through, he dribbles too fast!” ”

740 This is really the truth, Yi Tian’s back and forth direction, Bamot can’t react at all, he is also afraid that he will become the opponent’s block if he moves twice casually, so he can only choose to stand still!


Griffin could only scold angrily: “Chris, give me the next ball, I’m going to dunk!” ”

The unhappiness in his heart gave Lifen nowhere to vent, he could only find the opponent’s soft persimmon pinch!

Paul was also very upset in his heart, just now after Yi Tian made a series of dribbles, he actually shook himself into his block!

You must know that Paul himself is also a dribbling master, Yi Tian took the dribbling level, he looked envious!

“You have to be ready for an empty pick-up at any time!”

Since dribbling is not as good as Yi Tian, Paul directly changed his strategy!

The Los Angeles Clippers are known as the air relay team, whether it is Griffin or Jordan Jr. are good air relays!

Coupled with Paul’s brilliant passes, it’s almost a bunch of empty catches every game, and the fans who watch are bloody!

Jordan Jr. sends the ball out and Paul steadily holds the ball forward.

While looking at the position of his teammates, Paul also paid attention to Yi Tian’s position.

That’s what head coach Doug Rivers asks of Paul.

As long as he holds the ball, he must always pay attention to Yi Tian’s actions!

“Block demolition!”

At the same time, Paul circled around the three-point line, and Griffin waited for the opportunity to move, sideways to help him block.

“It’s going to be empty!”

Seeing Griffin and Paul blocking, the fans at the scene instantly sat upright.

They have seen this scene too many times, this is the starting style of empty connection!

Paul blocked the demolition while looking at Yi Tian on the other side.

No problem!

Yi Tian is still near the three-point line, and Griffin has already basketped!


With a rare chance, Paul threw the ball into the air!

“The City of Empty Connections!”

Staples’ Clippers fans got up with Paul’s passing basket.

“This is what fans buy tickets to see!”

The commentator on the sidelines was also looking forward to it: “I love watching this too!” ”

Griffin jumped straight up and saw that he was about to catch the ball in the air and dunk it into the basket!


At this moment, under the gaze of tens of thousands of fans in the field, a pair of arms suddenly poked out, like a moon in the air, and directly took off the empty catch that Paul passed!

“It’s Spike Yi!”

The commentator on the sidelines directly roared: “God, Spike actually took the empty pass down in the air!” ”

“My God, isn’t he still on the three-point line, how did he do it!”

Another commentator paid attention to Yi Tian’s position long before Paul passed the ball, and saw that Yi Tian was a certain distance from the basket, and he returned his attention to Griffin.

As a result, this ball was actually rushed over by Yi Tian to jump up and grab it!

Paul was also stunned, he didn’t think that this ball would be interfered with by people (CBFJ), let alone by Yi Tian!

“How is this possible!”

With a roar, Paul had just come back to his senses, and Yi Tian had already roared away from him!

The Clippers point guard just wanted to chase and defend, and when he turned around, Yi Tian had already waded through the middle line!


From the midline to the three-point line, Yi Tian only dribbled once, and then took two steps to step on the free throw line and soared into the air!

Grab a small windmill with one arm and put the ball into the basket!

“Free throw line one-armed windmill dunk!”

The commentator was blinded by Yi Tian’s dazzling dunk: “Spike Yi blocked the Clippers’ air connection, turned around, and staged a dunk contest-level performance!” ”

“This is a provocation, you must know that Griffin was the champion of the Slam Dunk Contest that year!”

The two commentators directly pointed out the purpose of Yi Tian’s button, and many Clippers fans were instantly indignant!

“This is the city of empty connections, and Griffin is the king of dunks!”

“Buckle back one! Griffin dunks the Nets! ”

“MD, even little Jordan can be more wonderful than Spike Easy Buckle!”

“Buckle it back!”

The faces of the whole Clippers team are not good-looking, and even if their own empty connections are cut off, Yi Tian actually performed directly!


This time the ball was sent, and Paul directly smashed the ball to the ground!

The basketball rebounded very high, re-held the ball, and Paul directly accelerated!

Jack was overwhelmed, and one step was directly passed by Paul!

Thaddeus Young saw this situation and hurriedly let go of Griffin and pounced.

Just kidding, Paul is also a player with strong shooting ability, he can’t let Paul shoot!

When he came out, he caused Lopez under the basket to be very embarrassed.

On the left stands Griffin, on the right stands Jordan Jr., he is one on the defensive, the situation is not too stiff!

Paul also saw the situation of the two teammates on the inside at a glance, and the afterglow from the corner of his eye swept Yi Tian on the other side, and Paul made a passing motion in the direction of Griffin.

“It’s Griffin!”

The commentator on the sidelines echoed, and then Lopez pounced on Griffin.

But Paul didn’t pass the ball at all, shook a shot, and saw Lopez pouring out, he directly hit the ball into Jordan Jr.’s hands!

This time the pass Paul fooled everyone, confident that Jordan Jr. will be able to dunk easily and score!

“Fake move, Paul finally passed to little Jordan!”

Even the commentator was tricked by Paul, this action is too realistic!

Little Jordan holds the ball, his brain circuit is relatively simple, that is, the dunk is over!

Soaring into the air, his hands violently slammed the frame, little Jordan was already thinking about how to celebrate after his dunk!


However, before Little Jordan could dunk the ball into the basket, it was Yi Tian who nailed the ball directly from behind Little Jordan to the rebound!

Landing, looking at Little Jordan and Paul with a confused look, Yi Tian shook his head lightly: “Today, the city of air contact, no flying!” ”

(Today’s seven more, stable one ratio, slow down a few days and then liver ten more!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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