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In the home arena of the Dallas Mavericks of the NBA team, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

All the Mavericks fans watched the scene happening on the court, speechless!

“Spike Yi flank kills, big hat Novitsky’s golden rooster independence!”

The commentator on the sidelines was the first to come to his senses, facing the court, and was surprised: “It’s unbelievable, the golden rooster independence that claims to never eat hats was actually directly capted off by Spike!” ”

“Incredible defensive ability, how did Spike do it, he was obviously taken away by Matthews!”

Another commentator was also surprised: “All this happened so quickly, Spike Yi is always so surprised!” ”

Just like the commentator said, Yi Tian always took him by surprise, flanked and sent the “seven four zero” hat!

There are too many players and teams who have suffered this loss, and today, it is finally the turn of the Dallas Mavericks and Dirk Nowitzki!

On the court, the old driver looked confused, he used his most skilled posture to shoot, the most comfortable feel to shoot, but at the moment when the ball was about to fly to the basket, Yi Tian’s arm appeared on the ball!

Immediately afterwards, as everyone saw, his proudest Golden Rooster independent shot was flown by a rookie, a big hat!

The good news is that the basketball was flown out of bounds by Yi Tianfan, and the ball is still Maverick’s.

“Dirk, what’s the situation?”

Taking advantage of the dead ball, Baria quickly walked to Novitsky’s side: “Why did he cap you?” ”

“I don’t know what’s going on.”

The old driver himself was still a little confused: “This is simply impossible, didn’t Matthews take him away?” ”

“And I have a big backlash on this ball, and it is impossible for ordinary people to cap!”

The driver who won the championship with this move was so confident that he gestured to Zaza Pachulia who served.

The meaning is obvious: serve me!

Although Zaza Pachulia kept making small movements, his passing awareness and team consciousness were still okay, and he passed this ball towards the old driver without saying a word.


The driver took the ball firmly this time, and while his back was against Thaddeus Young, the afterglow from the corner of his eye swept directly towards Matthews.

Not surprisingly, the Nets who choose the tactics of staring at people, Yi Tian must be the one who follows the opponent’s quarterback.

So Matthews successfully took Yi Tian away from the driver’s side.


With a long breath, the driver, who was slightly determined in his heart, dribbled the ball again, then turned sideways, got up, leaned back, and raised his legs!

“It’s Golden Rooster independence again, Dirk Nowitzki is going to be a good teacher for Spike today!”

“This move of Thaddeus Yang has no temper, it is too strong!”

In the live broadcast room of the network, there were more and more discussions, and they all sighed that the old driver was really a trick to eat all over the world!


However, the fans in the live broadcast room blew vigorously, and it was a familiar figure, and he shot out from the driver’s flank and sent a flying hat again!

The basketball was directly fanned out of bounds again, but the difference was that the attack was twenty-four seconds and had come to an end!


The cue light on the basket is on.

Dallas Mavericks offense for twenty-four second violations!

“Spike Yi once again caps Dirk’s Golden Rooster Independence!”

The commentator on the sidelines was not calm, and he felt that his lips were a little shaky: “At the same time, it also caused the opponent’s twenty-four-second offensive violation, and he did all the work alone!” ”

“Apart from being incredible, I don’t know any other words to describe his defense!”

Another commentator was horrified: “In my years of commentatorship, maybe it has happened in games where I don’t comment, but in all the games I commented on, Dirk’s Golden Rooster Independence has never been hatted!” ”

“But today, he was in a game, the Golden Rooster was independently capped twice!”

The two commentators were surprised, and the fans on the sidelines and those watching the live broadcast online were even more surprised.

Many of them also saw the old driver’s trick for the first time, and they were prevented by the opponent to death!

Say that the good trick is eaten all over the world?

Isn’t Yitian a day?

The fact is that Yi Tian is really not a day!

Twenty-four seconds for the Mavericks, the ball belongs to the Nets, the sideline ball is issued, Jack takes the ball and walks to the front, and the tactics of crossing the middle line are very simple…


Yi Tian took the ball again, only this time, he was one step away from the three-point line!

“The Mavericks players have significantly strengthened their defense against Spike.”

The commentator saw the change in the Mavericks’ defense at a glance: “Baria is wrapping his body around Spike, while Matthews is constantly trying to steal, Spike Yi is now inch!” ”

“And this is also a step away from his independent position of the golden rooster, he is not good at shooting!”

The two commentators were puzzled by the defense Yi Tian was facing at this time.

This defense is too tight!


It’s just that the defense of Baria and Matthews is almost equivalent to none in Yi Tian’s eyes.

Again sideways, again leaning back, again golden rooster independence!

Yi Tian was close to the middle line and once again made Novitsky’s signature move!

“Is it Golden Rooster Independence?”

“Still coming? This time is a lot farther than the previous two times! ”

“The arc of this ball is too high, will it not be stained!”

Many fans in the live broadcast room have issued barrage comments.

In their opinion, Yi Tian’s shot was too reluctant!

Although they all know that Yi Tian has the ability to shoot three points in this position, it is not a problem to shoot three points in the whole game.

But now this is the golden rooster independence at the middle distance!


However, the sound of 5.9 basketball brushing the basket into the net answered the fans’ questions.

This ball is still a steady hit for Yi Tian!

Under the basket, watching the basketball fall into the net, Dirk Nowitzki was silent.

Yi Tian’s previous two goals, the distance is already beyond the reach of the old driver.

Now, the distance he shot is that it is impossible for the driver to choose the position of the Golden Rooster independent shot in his life.

As the master of this trick, what the old driver did not dare to do was actually completed by a young man in front of him and in his home field!

This made the old driver’s heart stunned, and for a moment, he felt that he was much older!

At the same time, Yi Tian, who had never spoken, finally slowly spoke towards the lonely old driver.

“We, continue?” _

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