Đọc tại sangtacviet.tk

“You read it right, Yi Tian really turned around and stretched directly after the three-point shot!”

Su Qun next to yoga was stunned: “I have only seen the direct celebration after the shot, and this is really the first time I have seen the lazy waist after the shot!” ”

“Don’t say it, I guess all Boston fans are seeing it for the first time!”

Yoga said and smiled as he spoke: “Look at the expressions of the fans on the sidelines, they must not have thought of it!” ”

As Yoga said, the Celtic fans at North Shore Garden Arena were all dumbfounded.

They have watched the game for so many years, what big scene has they not seen?

But Yi Tian stretched his waist after three points?

They’ve never seen it before!

Bradley himself was dumbfounded.

He has defended countless players, that is, James Kobe Curry Durant’s level, he has defended!

These big guys will also celebrate after scoring a goal.

Bradley has been abused a lot, so it’s not strange.

It was also the first time he saw Yi Tian like this, the ball had not yet scored, and he stretched his waist directly!

“What are you doing as my defense!”

Unable to help it, Bradley roared.


Yi Tian, who stretched his lazy waist, obviously heard the roar of the green army quarterback behind him, scratched his ears and turned around: “Was there a defense just now?” ”

Was there a defense just now?

Listening to what Yi Tian said, Bradley chuckled in his heart, and just wanted to refute, but found that Yi Tian had turned and left.

Don’t look back!


Scolding, Bradley knew that he was not Yi Tian’s opponent, but he was determined that the next ball must not give Yi Tian a chance to score!

Even if it costs a foul, don’t let him score easily!

The Green Army attacked, Thomas Jr. easily walked to the middle distance with the help of Amir John’s block, and took advantage of Yi Tian’s lack of coming, and the emergency stop was a shot.


It’s a pity that the Green Army point guard’s attention is on Yi Tian when shooting, and this ball is slightly shorter.

Watch the ball jump out of the frame and be collected by Lopez

The Nets center didn’t want to think about it, and his first reaction was to send the ball to the sky.


The Celestial Empire rookie held the ball and just adjusted.

Beside them, two players wearing green army jerseys came up!

“Thomas Jr. and Crowder are pressing very fast, Xiaosi just missed the ball and is now on the defensive!”

Yoga praised the defensive execution of the Celtic players: “You can see that it doesn’t matter to the current Celtics. ”

“The important thing is that they want to do everything they can to prevent Yi Tian!”

At the same time that Thomas Jr. and Claude entangled Yi Tian, behind Yi Tian, Bradley suddenly shot out and directly reached out towards the position of Yi Tian’s dribbling!

“Bradley walked up from behind and tried to steal!”

Su Qun saw Bradley’s chicken thief’s stealing action at a glance, and couldn’t help but exclaim: “His judgment is too perfect, now Yi Tian’s attention is on the two defensive players around him, and he doesn’t have time to notice that there are people behind him!” ”

That’s what Bradley had in mind.

Since the team has sent a double bag to deal with Yi Tian, Yi Tian’s attention must be on the main defensive players!

Wait for the opportunity to move, maybe you can break Yi Tian’s ball!

Although Bradley’s actions at this time are very risky, if he is not careful, he will touch Yi Tian’s hand and be blown into a foul.

But now is a godsend, he can’t miss it!

Most importantly, Bradley felt that he had the right timing for this tackle.

Simply perfect!


However, at the moment when Bradley reached out and was about to touch Yi Tian’s basketball, the Nets also moved!

On the side of the body, Yi Tian controlled the ball with both hands, raised it sharply, and directly made contact with Bradley’s outstretched arm!


The referee on the sidelines clearly saw what happened and directly sounded the whistle!

At the same time as the whistle, Yi Tian’s raised arm did not recycle, but simply jumped up, twisted his body in the air, and threw the ball “barely”!

The basketball drew a smooth arc in the air, and then, under the gaze of tens of thousands of Celtics fans on the court, the hollow ran through the Nets!


In the studio, Yoga and Su Qun almost jumped from their seats!

Especially Su Qun, who was still analyzing how resourceful Bradley’s steal was this time just now, directly touched his chest: “I didn’t expect Yi Tian to shoot this ball, let alone that he could still shoot!” ”

“Incredible Celestial Empire kid, Yi Tian’s three-point shot in this game is getting harder and harder, shooting farther and farther!”

Yoga also couldn’t help but sigh: “Terrifying as Si (Zhao’s)!” ”

Of course, Yi Tian’s ball is still controversial, and the referee on the sidelines needs to confirm whether it is a coherent shot through replays.

Otherwise, only three free throws will be given, instead of giving Yi Tian a chance to play.

The fans on the sidelines were hanging in their throats.

If it’s just three penalties at a time, then they can barely accept it.

If this is an opportunity, then they basically know that this game is going to be cold!

The fans held their breath, and in the next second, the three referees on the sidelines nodded to each other, confirmed the situation, and gestured towards the scene!

“Yi Tian’s three points are effective, and there will be an additional penalty!”

(There is another one today, maybe after 0 o’clock, you can wake up and watch again, stay up late and hurt your body.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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