Đọc tại sangtacviet.tk

“Spike, how does it feel to lead the team to a winning streak?”

“Spike, how does it feel to make history?”


Yi Tian had just woken up from his confusion, and in front of him, there were already groups of reporters around him, throwing various ~ kinds of questions towards him.

“Come one by one.”

Scratching his head, the Nets rookie rubbed his eyes again.

Immediately afterwards, the first reporter quickly asked: “Spike, first of all, congratulations on winning your opponent, how does it feel to win at the North Shore Garden Arena?” ”


The reporter’s question obviously made many Green Army fans on the sidelines who had not yet left the field unhappy for a while.

Many fans booed Yi Tian’s side!

“You should give the fans on the sidelines a close-up.”

A smile gradually appeared on Yi Tian’s sleepy face: “I just like the way these people can’t get used to me and are helpless.” ”


The reporter who asked the question was visibly frightened by Yi Tian’s answer.

It’s one of the greatest stadiums in history, and it’s home to the greatest teams in history.

Their fans are not joking, and they are proud of themselves.

But Yi Tian’s answer directly stunned all Celtic fans!

Big news, absolutely big news!

“Spike, how do you feel about your opponent’s defensive deployment today? They come up with a threesome clip to deal with you at the beginning of the first quarter! ”

The first question was answered so explosively, Yi Tian instantly aroused the reporters’ desire to ask, and the second reporter followed up to ask questions.

“How many points did we win in the first quarter?”

Faced with this question, Yi Tian’s answer was even more crisp: “I alone seem to have won their entire team points.” ”

“Such a defense… No, this doesn’t count as a defense at all. ”

Yi Tian shook his head towards the camera and pouted!

Not considered defensive?

All the reporters surrounding Yi Tian on the sidelines were stunned.

The Celtics today are recognized worldwide as one hundred percent defensive readiness.

This can be seen in the two different modes of double bag clipping.

And after the first timeout in the first quarter, the Green Army very decisively took a three-person bag, which was beyond everyone’s expectations!

This level of defense, in Yi Tian’s eyes, can get an evaluation that is not considered defense?

Big news, absolutely big news!

“So, how do you feel after winning thirty straight games?”

The third reporter couldn’t wait: “You are already the second team in history to win thirty consecutive victories!” ”

“Did the last team get a forty-game winning streak?”

Yi Tian directly ignored the reporter’s question and asked rhetorically.

“Eh… They took a winning streak, which is already a winning streak. ”

The reporter was a little confused by Yi Tian’s rhetorical question.

“Then when we become the only team in history, you are asking me how I feel.”

Dropping this sentence, Yi Tian stood up and waved at the reporters, ending the post-match interview.

His wave can only be described as an understatement.

But the content of his last interview shocked the whole network!

“Spike Easy Picks Boston, Brooklyn Doesn’t Win Enough!”

“Forty straight wins is the ultimate goal? Spike Easy post-race interview revealed the goal in mind! ”

“Is it really possible to win streaks? , Schedule analysis of the Tiantuan! ”

Major media in the United States have published headlines on the front page with bold headlines, which really attract the attention of fans.

·· Ask for flowers…

On the other side, on a certain pounce forum of the Celestial Empire, it was directly slaughtered by Yi Tian’s name!

“‘Did the last team get a winning streak?’ Yi Tian post-match interview, what is the level of this sentence? ”

“The green army has no defense, just want to see the opponent’s helpless look, today’s Yi Tian, how do you blow?”

“Celestial Empire fans’ new home team, Brooklyn Nets win streak!”

“The strongest rookie in history? The first 30 races set many historical records! ”

The fans of the Celestial Empire blow Yi Tianlai, which can be described as unambiguous at all.

……….. 0

“I don’t think it’s completely impossible for Yi Tian to get forty consecutive wins!”

“Don’t say forty consecutive wins, it’s fifty consecutive wins, I believe it!”

“Don’t blow it, Yi Tian you guys only got points today!”

The last one doesn’t look like a blow, but if combined with Yi Tian, he only played for less than six minutes.

This score is already amazing!

Celestial Empire fans and American fans reacted violently.

Adidas naturally will not miss such a marketing opportunity.

The limited edition of the Cosmos Easy Generation Streak was officially released in the early morning of the next day.

In just one minute, 14,000 pairs of limited editions were directly seconds!

With the limited release of the Cosmic Easy Generation streak, the year has also come to an end.

The calendar turned to January of the year, and there was no Yitian game on the first day.

But Yi Tian’s name still appears at the top of the hot search lists of major social platforms.

The reason is simple.

(The third is sent, everyone, and finally ask for a ticket and flowers!) Corpse)_

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