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“López’s advantage against Emil John is still clear.

In the studio, Yogi said as he locked his gaze on the players on the other side of the court.

“The Nets dominate the first attack of the opening game, and according to international practice, the first ball should be given to Yi Tian!”


Just like yoga says.

People all over the world know who the Nets’ first attack will be dealt with!


Jack hit a straight pass, and the basketball fell into Yi Tian’s hands.

The latter took the ball, inertia framed, and three defenders instantly appeared next to him!

“The Celtics opened with a three-man clip on the first offense?”

Seeing the three Celtic players blocking in front of Yi Tian, Su Qun was dumbfounded: “This is the defensive strategy Stevens said before the game!” ”

“The first goal in the opening game, directly against Yi Tianshang’s high-intensity defense!”

Stevens paced on the sidelines, and the team’s first attack was on the three-man 21 clips, he wanted to disrupt his first attack with an oppressive defense while Yi Tian was not yet in shape.

For Yi Tian’s first defensive deployment, Stevens felt that his players were very efficient!

Bradley, Thomas Jr. and Claude, the familiar green army outside trio, immediately blocked the breakthrough route of Yi Tian’s three sides!

The voices of the fans at the scene gradually became smaller.

Everyone knows that defense puts a lot of pressure on the ball carrier, and even if it is Yi Tian who is holding the ball now, Nets fans are a little panicked.

After all, this is only the first attack of the opening!

The green army’s outside trio did not dare to snub in the slightest, and Bradley’s defense against Yi Tian was even on the verge of a foul!

“Boom, boom, boom.”

It’s just that Yi Tian, who dribbled, didn’t look panicked at all.

With a quick shake of his shoulders, Yi Tian directly scared Claude back!

Crowder’s retreat gave Yi Tian room to dribble and take a step forward, and the Nets pulled back with the trend!

The basketball walked away on the tip of Thomas Jr.’s right finger, which he tried to steal, and deftly swam away from Yi Tian’s back!


Yi Tian’s extremely skilled back dribbling easily bypassed Bradley!

One over three!


Yi Tian’s series of dribbling performances made the originally quiet Barclays Center explode instantly!

“Oh my God, look what this is, what I see!”

“This is God’s most outstanding work, and the dribbling has been perfected to the extreme!”

The fans fell out directly with all kinds of praise, and Yi Tian disappointed the fans.

One step outside the three-point line, the emergency stop dry pull.

The basketball draws a perfect arc and falls firmly into the net!

“Yi Tian shook over the three people, and easily hit the dry pull!”

The yogic voice fell, and the faces of the Celtic starters were a little surprised.

The reason is simple, they see too many such balls!

At the same time, Bradley’s eyes were still looking at Stevens on the sidelines.

The head coach of the Green Army pressed down with both hands and shook his head.

Soon, the Celtics sent the ball out, and Thomas Jr. easily passed Jack and split the basket for Olynyk.

The latter rolled over to pick up the basket, and the basketball fell very lightly into the basket.

The Celtics’ opening first shot also paid off.

Back on the defensive end, Lopez delivers the ball to Jack, whose task is to dribble through the halfway and pass it to Yi Tian.

The Nets rookie gets the ball, and he is still surrounded by a familiar trio!

“Another three-person bag!”

Su Qun was a little puzzled: “Could it be that Coach Stevens means that all the defensive rounds in this game are to let Yi Tian have three defensive players around him?” ”

“Wouldn’t the Nets have two players being empty every round?”

In other words, the Nets have an open opportunity to score every round.

To be honest, Stevens couldn’t wait to pass the ball.

Compared to Yi Tian’s never-ending shots, he would rather see the rest of the Nets shoot empty!

It’s just that Yi Tian has no intention of passing the ball.

An easy dribbling operation, throwing off the three defenders, Yi Tian easily shot.

Three-point hands up and down!

Bradley looked at Stevens again.

The young marshal of the Green Army gesture remains.

Press down!

Stopping, Stevens put his eyes on Yi Tian, who was back on defense.

Seriously, he really wants to have a player on his team who can change the game by scoring ability.

But now that such a player is his opponent, then Stevens must do everything to get him!

The three 740 people who kept opening were not to prevent Yi Tian.

It’s to consume Yi Tian’s physical strength!

Consume enough Yi Tian’s physical strength to increase the intensity of defense.

Success is just around the corner!

Seeing that Yi Tian once again got rid of the three-man bag and scored a three-pointer, Stevens continued to press down with both hands!

Fourth time.

The fifth time.

Sixth time!

Yi Tian has dealt with Thomas Jr., Bradley and Crowder six times in a row.

The Nets also took only three minutes into the first quarter: lead the opponent by eleven points!

As Thomas Jr. shot the iron, the basketball was pushed through the halftime under Jack’s control.

Stevens waved his hand at the players on the field!


Meanwhile, Jack has delivered the ball to Yi Tian’s hands for the seventh time.

The Nets held the ball steadily.

In front of you, green flocks!

“What do I see!”

In the studio, Su Qun, who had been praising Yi Tian’s sharp dribbling, suddenly roared: “The Celtics took a four-person bag clip on Yi Tian!” ”

(Today’s update is all before 0 o’clock, so you don’t have to stay up late!) )_

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