The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

"I surrender."

Xia He opened her hands above her head, crossed her straight white legs, and said in a soft voice.

Because of her good figure.

Even if she was just lying flat, she could clearly see the perfect curves.

In addition, because she was extremely embarrassed by Mo Lin's pursuit, her body was covered with dust and stains, and her beautiful face gave people a pitiful and broken feeling, so that she couldn't help but have evil thoughts.

Even Mo Lin couldn't help but flicker his eyes and be attracted by Xia He after seeing her like this.

"With this kind of temperament, no wonder even Zhang Lingyu, who has been practicing Taoism since childhood, can't control it."

"Too charming."

Mo Lin sighed in his heart. Fortunately, because of his breakthrough in the Golden Light Curse, he has made great progress in his meditation skills, so that his state of mind is much calmer than before.

Otherwise, it is hard to say whether he will have some evil thoughts.

But even if he has evil thoughts.

Mo Lin is not ashamed. After all, the seven emotions and six desires are part of a person. Just let it go and grasp the right measure.

However, when he walked to Xia He and saw Xia He winking at him, Mo Lin couldn't help but smile: "Your name is Xia He, how old are you this year?"

Xia He lay on the ground and observed Mo Lin from bottom to top, and smiled slightly: "Are you interrogating the prisoner?"

"I'm only 24 years old. I don't know how Officer Mo wants to deal with me?"

She said softly.

Mo Lin looked at her: "24 years old?"

I didn't expect Xia He to be only one year older than him.

With this old lady-like appearance, I thought she was about 27 or 28 years old.

Clap, clap.

At this time, the sound of applause came from not far away.

Mo Lin turned his head and saw Xu Si and Xu San coming over, and the one who applauded was Xu Si.

"Awesome, Mo Lin, I didn't expect you to deal with Xia He, the 'bone scraper'."

"You are stronger than I expected."

Xu Si said in admiration.

"Lucky, I just had a breakthrough tonight." Mo Lin shook his head.

Xu Si and Xu San looked surprised, it turned out that he had a breakthrough, no wonder they were still wondering, Mo Lin had such strength, why did Feng Baobao run back a few days ago.

Now they know the reason.

It was because Mo Lin had not broken through at that time, and he couldn't catch Feng Baobao even if he wanted to.

"Brother Mo!"

Zhang Chulan was supported by two Nadutong employees and walked over. He said with gratitude: "Brother Mo! Thank you for saving me!"

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chulan wanted to choke up.

He was still an ordinary person two days ago, but he was suddenly involved in the world of aliens.

In just a few days, he encountered several dangerous situations.

Even this time he was directly kidnapped by Quan Xing, and even his soul was searched.

Thinking of those movies, TV dramas and novels, people whose souls were searched either became idiots or vegetative people.

Zhang Chulan's expression flashed with fear.

Therefore, he was even more grateful to Mo Lin for coming to save him.

Lying on the ground, Xia He, who felt better, sat up with her hands and couldn't help laughing: "Don't be afraid, little brother, that little bastard Lu Liang won't do such a thing."

"Who knows? I don't dare to bet, do you dare to bet?"

Zhang Chulan sneered. He was extremely disgusted and afraid of Xia He now.

Even if Xia He looked pitiful at the moment, it still couldn't erase his psychological shadow.

Mo Lin shook his head slightly when he saw this.

Poor Zhang Chulan, I guess he won't dare to date his sister online in the future.

Xu Si threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. He first looked at Xia He, then looked at Mo Lin and asked: "How are you going to deal with her?"

Mo Lin looked thoughtful. In fact, he wanted to send Xia He to prison.

But Mo Lin also knew that in front of Xia He's ability, even going to prison was almost like a vacation.

Unless he could find a way to ban Xia He's ability and block the flow of her Qi.

The ability of the aliens depends entirely on Qi.

However, he didn't have such means, so now he could only...

Seeing Mo Lin in deep thought, Xu Si happened to say: "Our company has ways to restrict the means of aliens. If you think it's difficult to arrange, then lock her up in our company first."

"Well, that's troublesome."

Mo Lin nodded and sighed in his heart.

The ones caught before were all aliens with minor crimes and their positions belonged to famous and upright people.

Zhang Lingyu, Hong Bin, Jia Zhengyu.

As long as these three people don't want to become common people,

Wanted criminals cannot resist when they are caught.

But what about Quan Xing?

These lawless people don't care whether they are wanted criminals or not.

Or, many of them are wanted criminals.

They have countless lives on their hands.

Take them to the police station and send them to prison.

It can only be irresponsible for the lives of the police and the criminals in prison.

Mo Lin has no way to solve this problem for the time being. He can't just catch decent and illegal aliens, but not lawless monsters like Quan Xing, right?

That would be too hypocritical and violate Mo Lin's principles.

"Or, after catching the strange people in Quanxing, send them to Nadutong for detention."

"I just don't know if the strange criminals caught in Nadutong will be registered in the "Record of Crimes and Prisons."

"And it's not just the monsters in Quanxing. There are also many strange people with bad intentions in those so-called famous sects. These people may not abide by the rules. They may also use tricks to make trouble after entering the police station."

"As ordinary police officers, they can't resist it at all. It's hard to find out if they are caught. There will be no evidence and they will not be able to complain if they suffer losses."

Mo Lin thought in his heart, watching the female employees of Nadutong help Xia He up. An employee took out a long black needle from his sleeve and inserted it into the Du channel at the back of Xia He's neck.

Xia He's expression changed slightly, and the Qi that was still running actively was blocked.

The Qi that could arouse other people's evil thoughts also dissipated.

"Let's go."

The two female employees took Xia He on each side and walked towards the car of Nadutong.

Although her Qi channel was blocked, Xia He still didn't take it seriously. When she passed by Mo Lin, she smiled and said, "Officer Mo, it's a pity that the reward I wanted to give you is gone."

I wanted to wait for Mo Lin to answer, but Mo Lin just smiled and didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Xia He suddenly felt bored and let the female employee take her into the car.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but said, "Let her go up like this, what if she struggles and escapes?"

Xu San smiled and said, "Don't worry about Zhang Chulan. Did you see the needle just now? It's called the closed-yuan needle, which is specially used to deal with aliens. As long as it is inserted along the Du channel, the Qi channel will be blocked, and no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless."


Zhang Chulan opened his eyes slightly. It turned out that there was such a thing.

Mo Lin pointed in the direction of Xia He: "Do you sell that closed-yuan needle?"

Xu San and Xu Si heard this and immediately knew what Mo Lin was thinking.

The two of them looked at each other and felt that this was an opportunity.

Xu Si smiled and said, "We can discuss this question in the car. How about Mo Lin, Zhang Chulan, do you want to go to our company?"

Zhang Chulan looked at Mo Lin: "Brother Mo, I listen to you."

Mo Lin nodded slightly: "Then go and have a look."

He also wanted to know, no matter where Xia He was imprisoned, would she appear in "The Record of Crime and Prison"?


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