The call from Zhang Chulan.

Once again, Mo Lin confirmed that it was right for him not to join Nadutong.

Although Nadutong was given the power to manage and maintain the balance of the alien world by the country.

But because all the people in it are aliens.

So no matter what they do, they still have some alien thinking and considerations.

Just like this time, Feng Baobao went to Zhang Chulan, and Mo Lin didn't believe that Xu San and Xu Si didn't know.

Or Feng Baobao's action this time.

It was instructed by Xu Si or Xu San.

So before the two of them instructed, did they not consider what Feng Baobao would do to Zhang Chulan?

It's impossible that they didn't consider it.

If not, it means that they didn't think much of Zhang Chulan in their hearts.

For them, as long as they could get Zhang Chulan into the company, it would be fine.

As for the process, it was not that important.

But what Feng Baobao did to Zhang Chulan.

Threatening, forcing him to kneel down and call him master.

Otherwise, she would let Zhang Chulan run naked in the school and make him socially dead.

In anime and comics, it looks quite funny and interesting.

But in Mo Lin's opinion.

This is naked bullying.

It is personal coercion and humiliation.

Anyone who sees it will only hate this kind of abuser.

Don't say Feng Baobao doesn't know how to be a human being.

This is not a reason for her to do such a thing.

What's more.

If Xu San and Xu Si usually teach and instruct Feng Baobao the normal concepts commonly seen in society.

Even if it is just rote memorization.

How could Feng Baobao force people to be slaves?

And as the coerced party, how could Zhang Chulan feel good?

"Forget it, find a method like the closed-yuan needle that can seal the alien's Qi channel as soon as possible. No matter how troublesome and laborious it is, we will not send the alien criminals we catch to Nadutong."

Mo Lin thought to himself.

He completely gave up the idea of ​​cooperating with Nadutong.

Although for Mo Lin's golden finger.

Putting alien criminals in Nadutong also has benefits. He can throw any alien who breaks the law into Nadutong.

There is no need to worry that the alien criminals will run away.

But he thinks that some things cannot be judged only by interests.

If Mo Lin only wanted benefits, he would not refuse the Jia family's goodwill and pursue Jia Zhengyu's responsibility for assaulting the police.

After all, even if he did not pursue it, Jia Zhengyu would have to be imprisoned for at least two years.

But he still refused.

Therefore, he offended the Jia family and even Jiajia Village.

But for Mo Lin, even if it is troublesome, thankless, or even possible to get injured or even endanger his life, he wants to put all those who violate the law, whether ordinary people or aliens, into the police station and get the due judgment and punishment of the law.

Instead of just giving some compensation and walking away.

"And if there is a chance in the future, take Xia He out of Nadutong and put her in prison to receive a normal judicial judgment."

"As for Feng Baobao..."

"If Xu San and Xu Si don't care about you, I will."

Noodles and fried pork were served.

Mo Lin thanked him, put the vegetables into the noodles, stirred them, and lowered his head to eat.

After eating.

Mo Lin returned to the house and prepared to practice.

If he wants to enforce justice and do what he wants in the alien world where rules are followed everywhere.

He must have a strong enough fist.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Mo Lin closed his eyes, calmed his mind, adjusted his mental state, and began to practice the Golden Light Mantra.

And this practice.

Mo Lin was completely immersed in it, not knowing the passage of time.


Mo Lin's mind was moved.

It was "The Record of Crimes and Prisons".

Mo Lin came out of the state of tranquility, but did not open his eyes, but focused on the latest information of "The Record of Crimes and Prisons".

[40 days of cultivation, do you want to receive it? ]

[17 days of cultivation, do you want to receive it? ]

[18 days of cultivation, do you want to receive it? ]

Seeing three information prompts.

Mo Lin was delighted.

"This is the cultivation gain of Jia Zhengyu, Liu Yanyan, and Xia He for the whole day today."

"75 days, two and a half months."

The cultivation can increase by two and a half months in one day.

Who can have such a fast progress as him?

"Receive it."

Mo Lin's heart moved.

He chose to receive it.

At the same time, he chose the route of the Fire Escape Technique.

In an instant.

It was as if he had taken the Dragon and Tiger Medicine and began to press

Follow the new exercise route.

And the speed is quite fast.

In the outside world, Mo Lin's body temperature also rose rapidly.

From 36 or 37 degrees, it directly came to 52 or 53 degrees, and it was still rising.

But when it was about to reach 60 degrees.

The temperature suddenly stopped rising.

Mo Lin's true Qi was still running fast, and the Qi of the heart fire was constantly tempered and extracted, but because the Qi of the spleen and earth protected the meridians around the body, it was not burned by the Qi of the heart fire, but was stored by the method of fire escape and could be used at any time.

If someone was in the living room at this time.

You will find that the temperature in the house has risen a lot.

Ten centimeters outside Mo Lin's body, a wisp of small flames burst out of thin air, which was very strange and beautiful.

When the true Qi in Mo Lin's body finally passed the "excitement period" and returned to calm.

Mo Lin slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Opened his eyes, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"It turns out that even if the foundation-building fire control chapter of the Fire Escape Technique has been practiced to the top, it can still be strengthened again."

"And... this improvement in skill is also counted in all my cultivation."

Mo Lin looked at the page of "The Record of Sin Prison" that belonged to him.

[Prison Master: Mo Lin]

[Cultivation: 7 years and 5 days]

[Skills: Golden Light Mantra (realm: superb), Fire Escape Technique (realm: perfect), Flowing Palm (realm: perfect)]

[Available cultivation: 0]

Mo Lin's cultivation was 6 years and 10 months before, and now it is 7 years and 5 days.

This proves that the two and a half months of cultivation are counted in the total cultivation of the Golden Light Mantra.

"It took me more than six years of cultivation to break through the Golden Light Mantra realm."

"Then if I gain 75 days of cultivation every day, it will take at least a month to break through the Fire Escape Technique and successfully generate the Golden Fire."

"But considering the danger of generating the Golden Fire, it may be more difficult to break through than the Golden Light Mantra."

"So I will conservatively use seven or eight years of cultivation to break through."

Mo Lin calculated in his mind.

If it takes seven years of cultivation to reach the Golden Fire realm.

It will take about thirty-four days to gain 75 days of cultivation every day, and about thirty-nine days for eight years.

In short, it will take more than a month.

"It won't take me much time, and if I master the Golden Fire, I can have an extra trump card to decide the outcome at a critical moment."

Feeling the strong beating of the heart and the burning vitality of the heart fire.

Mo Lin smiled slightly.

This feeling of becoming stronger is indeed happy.

More importantly.

The stronger he is, the more confident he will be in catching those powerful aliens who commit crimes.


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