On the other side.

Mo Lin was patrolling the streets with the auxiliary police in pairs.

The auxiliary police was a man in his late thirties.

He was neither fat nor thin.

He followed Mo Lin around the streets.

"Brother Mo, it has to be you. Those two almost got into a fight just now, and no matter how you persuaded them, they wouldn't stop."

"As soon as you stood there, those two wilted."

"To be honest, I've been an auxiliary police for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen two road rage drivers so easily resolved."

The auxiliary police gave Mo Lin a thumbs up and praised him.

The two had just mediated a conflict between two drivers who almost got into a fight because of a quarrel over a traffic jam.

The two drivers were a man and a woman.

It was said that the male or female driver honked the horn wildly because the car in front was moving slowly.

Then the other person cursed, "You are stupid."

It happened that the windows of both cars were open.

He heard it.

Then they started to curse each other.

Then they got out of the car and cursed each other.

Mo Lin and the auxiliary police arrived in time and pulled the two apart.

But somehow, it seemed that because someone was holding them, the two cursed more vigorously and even spit at each other.

It seemed that the two were about to fight.

Mo Lin's expression sank, and with a breath of release, he immediately calmed the male and female drivers.

As an extraordinary person, the Qi in his body keeps flowing, lively and natural.

It is this liveliness that brings vitality to life.

And this vitality that keeps emitting changes is also called atmosphere.

Even if ordinary people are sensitive, they can only feel it vaguely.

But Mo Lin is an extraordinary person, with a cultivation level that ordinary people don't have.

Therefore, the atmosphere that ordinary people can hardly detect.

When Mo Lin intentionally released it.

The two drivers who were about to quarrel and fight immediately felt a chill that made their hair stand on end and their skin covered with goose bumps.

Seeing Mo Lin's expressionless face again.

The two drivers suddenly woke up from their anger.

Even the female driver, who is more emotional than men, no longer got angry and impulsive, and shouted that she wanted to slap the male driver.

And the male driver didn't roll up his sleeves to beat people.

They all admitted their mistakes and left.

This made the auxiliary police next to them stunned.

For a long time, conflicts caused by this kind of road rage have been difficult to mediate, because both sides have a tough attitude and refuse to give in, and it is difficult to be satisfied with the so-called mediation results.

So even experienced veteran police officers have a headache when they see it.

But they didn't expect that Mo Lin, who was only 23 years old, didn't say anything.

Just by sulking his face, he stopped the conflict that could have escalated into a physical fight.

This made the auxiliary police full of admiration.

"Maybe they knew they would be caught if they started fighting, so they took the initiative to give in."

Mo Lin smiled and said.

But the auxiliary police didn't believe it.

These days, there are many cases of people being sent to the police station for fighting, and drivers who are caught in road rage are not afraid of this.

Not to mention fighting, there are even murders.

So the auxiliary police can only think that Mo Lin is not simple and has majesty.

Mo Lin couldn't tell the reason, so he just found a reason to fool around, and the two walked and patrolled.

Suddenly, lively and cheerful music came from not far ahead.

When the two walked over, they saw that it was a shopping mall holding an event, and there were several people dressed as cartoon characters standing at the door handing out flyers.

Many parents and elderly people with children were gathered over.

The children gathered around the cartoon characters and jumped.

"There's an event going on on Jinzhan Street."

The auxiliary police said as they looked at the lively scene.

Mo Lin nodded: "Then we'll watch here for a while."

The more lively and crowded the place is, the greater the possibility of emergency and sudden situations.

So they have to stay here for a while.

At this time, a little girl, about 11 or 12 years old, wearing a white skirt and a bun, came over.

"Uncle policeman, can I take a photo with you?"

The little girl looked up, her face full of shyness and nervousness, and looked at Mo Lin with expectation.

"Take a photo with me?" Mo Lin was a little surprised.

"Yeah!" The little girl held her two little hands nervously in front of her chest, and it can be seen that she made a great determination to come here.

Mo Lin looked at the parents who took out their mobile phones behind the little girl and smiled at him embarrassedly.

He smiled, bent down and said to the little girl: "Of course."

The auxiliary police stood aside when he saw this.

Looking at the sparkling light in the little girl's eyes when she looked at Mo Lin.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It's good to be a handsome guy, even children are

"After Mo Lin took the photo with the little girl, the little girl said shyly, "Thank you, police uncle." Then she ran to her parents. Her parents also thanked Mo Lin. Mo Lin watched the little girl's family leave, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another family came over and asked if they could take a photo. Then the third and fourth families came. Soon, Mo Lin was surrounded by many children. Mo Lin was a little confused. He immediately realized that he had to pay attention to safety in such a situation where children gathered. So he hurriedly said loudly, "Children, uncle can take a photo with you, but don't run around. "

Seeing Mo Lin was a little flustered.

The auxiliary police laughed on the side, and then stepped forward to help.

At the same time.

On the opposite street.

Black Tube put one hand in his pocket, holding a grilled sausage in the other hand and walking aimlessly.

When he heard what Mo Lin said.

He couldn't help but look over.

He saw a tall and handsome young policeman standing with a group of children, and next to him were pairs of parents taking pictures with their mobile phones.

The young policeman shouted: "Come on, 1, 2, 3, eggplant~"

Then the children made weird and cute expressions, and the young policeman also made a yeah gesture.

Seeing this scene.

Black Tube's rough face showed a smile.

Although he has experienced many things and seen many dark sides.

But he is still touched by such a scene.

He became a temporary worker, mostly for himself.

But what he did was also contributing to maintaining social stability.

"Suddenly I feel that this job is also good. "

Clarinet whispered softly, took a bite of sausage and chewed it in his mouth, then immediately set his eyes on the young policeman.

"Really, the aesthetic taste of children nowadays is too one-sided."

"Obviously, an old man like me should have a more attractive face, why do they like handsome boys instead?"

Clarinet stroked the beard on his chin.

After observing Mo Lin for a while, he let out a light exclamation.

"He's actually a martial artist? "

Hei Guaner noticed that Mo Lin's spirit was more vigorous than that of ordinary people.

Especially, his eyes had a brighter luster than that of ordinary people.

Ordinary people would feel uncomfortable after being seen with such eyes for a long time and would subconsciously avoid such eyes.

Obviously, it was not a look that ordinary people could have.

Therefore, Hei Guaner guessed that this young policeman should also be an extraordinary person.

But he was not very surprised.

After all, the country is so large, and there are more or less extraordinary people in all walks of life.

And this person is a policeman.

From the temperament, he should be a very good person.

Stopped and observed for a moment.

Hei Guaner left.

He had to hurry up to eat, drink and have fun, otherwise his short vacation would be gone if Ren Fei called.

As for when Ren Fei would call.

It depends on when she finds other masters.

Anyway, Hei Guaner doesn't bother to care about these.

"Slip away."


Thank you all readers, please give me a free gift~

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