One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 0100 Eight masters from Longhu Mountain took refuge, and the Heavenly Master urgently urged

When Zhao Fangxu heard this, a look of indifference appeared in his eyes.

Then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said in a deep voice:

What Li Tiance did was indeed against the rules, but... this was the decision from above.

If you are dissatisfied with the arrangements from above, you are not willing to let Li Tiance lead the Eighth District to go out independently.

Please also go to the higher authorities to reason.

The main discussion of the interim board of directors today is not Li Tiance!

But Nason Island, which has long been undercurrent!

As soon as these words came out.

All the alien bosses who attended the meeting also stopped talking.

They all lowered their heads and became silent.

When Zhao Fangxu saw this, he continued to speak:

In the past few years, we have had many wanted strangers come up here in search of a little peace.

At the very least, this kind of behavior is a challenge and discredit to the head office.

On a larger scale, it is a bad behavior that endangers national security and social integrity.

The leaders above have given orders to dispatch a joint detachment within seven days to destroy the fugitive aliens hiding on Nathan Island in one fell swoop.

What! ?

Zhao Fangxu just finished speaking.

All the strangers who came to the meeting showed a look of surprise.

You know, although the aliens on Nathan Island are a mixed bag.

But Nathan Island itself is a legal existence recognized by many countries and organizations.

It doesn’t matter whether they are from a well-known and upright family in China, or they have access to companies everywhere.

They don't have the conditions to go directly to other people's territory to arrest people.

Don't worry.

After seeing everyone's reaction, Zhao Fangxu also waved slowly.

His eyes moved slightly, showing a meaningful expression.

Then he continued to add:

I know what you're worried about.

It's just that this time we go to the island, it's not that we go to warm up our faces and lick our cold butts.

But King Nathan invited us there.

On the island...someone broke a golden branch, and the Behemoth Company of Beautiful Country also sent people.

It's going to be a free-for-all.

I want you to escape intact on Nathan Island.

We must also bring all the wanted strangers back to China!

the most important is......

Don't let Behemoth Corporation's conspiracy succeed, Nathan Island...has never belonged to them from ancient times!

That’s it for me, Lao Zhao, if you don’t have any objections.

You can withdraw from the membership.

The remaining details include the formation configuration of each region.

I'll have my secretary sort it out and send it to you.

Zhao Fangxu said.

Everyone left the meeting one after another.

Seeing this, Zhao Fangxu also slowly picked up the phone put aside.

After turning off the screen mode, a line of Call in progress was written on the phone.

Tiance, what is the attitude of the heads of each region towards you now.

It should be clear to you now.

The situation at Nathan Island and Behemoth Corporation is complicated.

Since this matter is inextricably related to Yaodao Hirumaru and Japanese ninjas.

Then the Eighth District will also form a team of its own and head to Nason Island together in seven days!

By the way, the approval process for the independence of the eighth region has already begun.

Presumably, it won't take long.

The eighth district can officially become independent.

Zhao Fangxu smiled kindly into the phone.

Li Tiance, who was on the other end of the phone, heard this.

A relieved smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for your help.

The company is going to settle Nason Island, and I, Li Tiance, will definitely help with this matter!

Seven days later, it was time to set off to Nathan Island.

Director Zhao just needs to inform me as soon as possible. My people are on standby at any time!

After Li Tiance said that, he hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards.

Li Tiance put down the phone, looked at the eight plain-robed Taoist priests in front of him, and couldn't help but ask:

Taoist priests, are you serious?

Coming down from Longhu Mountain just to defect to the Eighth District?


You are all Taoist priests at the high level.

In terms of individual strength, you are probably stronger than the temporary workers in other major districts.

If you come down from the mountain so rashly to seek refuge with me, what should I do if Heavenly Master comes to me to ask for an explanation?

Li Tiance rubbed his brows with lingering fear.

There are eight Taoist priests in plain robes in front of them.

All are the achievements of Longhu Mountain.

Among them are four Taoist priests, who are Zhang Lingyu’s senior brothers!

Just look at the metaphorical power hierarchy in the comics.

These masters from Longhu Mountain who are the same generation as Zhang Lingyu all possess the fighting power to dominate one side!

Just relying on the golden light spell that has been tempered to the extreme, this group of Longhu Mountain masters are enough to be regarded as the best in the world!

What's more, there is a giant Buddha like Lao Tianshi sitting behind them.

Looking at the entire Chinese alien world, who dares to provoke it?


The Laotian Master is still an unshakable leader in the current alien world.

Tianshidu has been passed down for more than three hundred years, and the secrets contained in it are definitely powerful enough to reach the heavens!

Now these high-level experts from Longhu Mountain went directly to the Eighth District, asking for job changes in person.

If the Heavenly Master knew about this matter.

Then what would the Heavenly Master think of himself and the Eighth District?

The current eighth district has just begun to show some signs of independence.

If there is a conflict with Longhu Mountain at this time.

That is undoubtedly self-defeating.

But just when Li Tiance was still suspicious.

However, Wang Ye rushed in furiously, pushed open the door, and said breathlessly to Li Tiance:

Mr. Li... Master Tian, ​​Master Tian has called you.


When Li Tiance heard this, his face tightened and he said, What did Heavenly Master say? Did he ask these Longhu Mountain masters to go back?

Li Tiance didn't expect the call from Master Tian to come so quickly.

He did not dare to neglect and asked Wang Ye repeatedly.

When Wang Ye heard this, he waved his hands to Li Tiance in front of him and said:

No, not Mr. Li.

The Heavenly Master did not let these masters from Longhu Mountain go back!

The original words of the old Celestial Master were that you are now half of the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain and a hero of the younger generation.

Tianshi Mansion and the Eighth District are the same family!

These masters from Longhu Mountain were sent by Heavenly Master to seek refuge with you!

These nine disciples of Longhu Mountain will be controlled by you and the Eighth District from now on!

What! ?

Hearing this, Li Tiance was slightly startled.

There was a bit of astonishment and surprise in his eyes.

But he didn't wait for him to recover.

Wang Ye on the side spoke again and continued to add:

By the way, Mr. Li, Heavenly Master also said that.

The position of Heavenly Master is ready.

The Heavenly Master was anxious to go down to the mountains for sightseeing and did not want to get involved in the chores of the alien world.

His old man specially called you to urge you to go up the mountain to accept the position of Heavenly Master!

He also told the Chinese alien world that the Luotian Festival would not be held in the next ten years.

Just waiting for your arrival!

This position of Heavenly Master probably belongs to you!


【Today’s gift is 37/50! Chapter 100 celebration! 】

The old pig kneels down and begs for five-star reviews, and the adoptive fathers are using their little hands to make a fortune~

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