One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 002 Guardian Spirit Li Yuanba, the first battle against Wudang King

Li...Li Yuanba?

Li Tiance was stunned when he looked at the names on the virtual panel.

The king is no better than a king, and the strength is no more than a hegemon.

They are talking about Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba, the two strongest congenital beings in history.

Li Yuanba is the reincarnation of the golden roc in the sky. His arms have the invincible power of the four elephants. He holds a pair of eight hundred kilograms of drums, urns and golden hammers. He is extremely powerful!

Thousands of years ago, when the Sui and Tang Dynasties were fighting for hegemony, Li Yuanba killed a million troops with one man and one horse. He killed the unparalleled acquired stranger Yuwen Chengdu with two moves!

The scenery was infinite for a while, and the heroes all over the world were shocked by it!

From the perspective of a stranger, this Li Yuanba is an innate stranger with extremely strong spiritual energy!

Invincible in the world, he raised his hammer to fight the way of heaven, trying to break the barrier between immortals and human beings!

But he angered the sky and sent down hundreds of thunders, but he could not fight the sky with his flesh and blood.

A spirit body can obtain an SSS-level combat power rating comparable to the Eight Wonders.

This shows Li Yuanba’s terrifying combat power!

Just when Li Tiance was shocked, the system panel in front of him changed, and an electronic sound entered his ears again:

Ding! Li Yuanba has entered the body of his host, the God of War!

Guardian Spirit Li Yuanba's proficiency: 30%!

System prompt: Each time you defeat an alien, you can gain one point of proficiency. If you defeat special aliens (eight magic skill holders, ten people, masters of all genders, etc.), you can gain up to 99 proficiency points!

After the current guardian spirit's proficiency reaches 100%, the next guardian spirit can be drawn!

Note: Among the guardian spirits that descendants of Li Tang can draw, there are divine martial spirits and immortal martial spirits!

I wish the host will gather the twenty-four generals as soon as possible, start transforming into a martial god, and dominate the alien world!


Having said this.

The system panel disappeared.

Inside the house, there was only endless darkness.

When Li Tiance saw this, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

By defeating the stranger...can I gain proficiency to draw the next guardian spirit?

If he were outside and attacked strangers at will, then Li Tiance would most likely be regarded as a full-blooded monster, and would be hunted down by the company and other prominent figures.

But now, he is in Luotian Dajiao.

All fighting in the ring is allowed.

What's more, the contestants in Luotian's great ceremony are not just ordinary strangers.

There are as many as four holders of the Eight Magic Skills!

Zhang Chulan, Wang Ye, Feng Xingtong, Wang Bing!

These four people each have eight unique skills. If you defeat one of them, you will get a chance to extract the guardian spirit!

Wang Bing and Feng Xingtong's Ju Lingqian generals were like a grandson meeting his grandpa in front of his own martial god body.

Although Taoist Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen is evil, the guardian spirit Li Yuanba is composed of divine souls, so he is not impossible to fight.

Zhang Chulan has been recommended by Heavenly Master to enter the finals. Facing a stranger who has a ten-year training window, as long as he advances to the finals, he is bound to gain these 99 points of proficiency!

As long as the dog luck is gone, after this Luotian feast, Li Tiance's body of the God of War will have at least two or three more guardian spirits!

Immediately afterwards.


Li Tiance had a flash of inspiration, exhaled a breath of turbid air, closed his eyes tightly, and circulated the spiritual energy around the world.

A faint blue figure slowly appeared in front of Li Tiance.

The powerful aura compressed the surrounding air, hot spiritual energy spurted out from the blue figure, and a powerful voice came from it:

The last...the last general, Li Yuanba, does not...not protect the Tang Dynasty or Chang'an, he is only willing to go through fire and water for the Li family for generations to come, even to the death!

The giant sky bow of the second brother (Li Shimin, the second oldest) is here. Yuanba offers it with both hands, and begs the second brother to lead Yuanba to fight for another ten thousand years!

The blue figure condenses into a domineering face.

Li Yuanba knelt down on one knee, and the pair of drums, jars, and golden hammers behind him kept ringing.

A blue bow and arrow nearly two meters long was presented by Li Yuanba with both hands.

Li Tiance couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this.

This giant sky bow is based on the Xuanyuan Bow. During the forging process, several top strangers from the Sui and Tang Dynasties used the art of refining weapons to take shape in ninety-nine and eighty-one days.

You can protect yourself from enemies when you are close, and you can seal your throat with an arrow from a hundred miles away!

The Juque Heavenly Bow is the bow of the king, and ordinary weapon refining objects cannot even exert their own effects in front of it.

This artifact has long become a legend in the alien world.

With this bow, he, Li Tiance, can remain invincible in the Luotian Dajiao even without a guardian spirit!

Li Tiance took over the giant sky bow, and powerful Qi continued to erupt.

Right now.

A series of rapid knocks on the door came one after another.

Li Tiance immediately put away his guardian spirit and sent the giant sky bow that the spirit had transformed into into his body, nourishing it with energy.

Opening the door, Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao stood in front of them.

Feng Baobao stared straight at the room behind Li Tiance.

Those returning to nature eyes seemed to have discovered the existence of the guardian spirit.

Zhang Chulan scratched his head in embarrassment and said: Li Tiance, Brother Li, right?

My name is Zhang Chulan and I am an employee of Tongwu. This is Feng Baobao, who is from the company like me.

Have you encountered any danger? We live next door to you and have felt some strange energy fluctuations.

Based on the principle of protecting strangers, we are here to care and care.

When Li Tiance heard this, he felt regretful.

Li Yuanba was the one who just told him to calm down.

There are Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao next door, and each of them is better than the other.

If his martial arts body was exposed before the fight started, then Li Tiance would definitely become the target of public criticism in the alien world.

The body of a martial god and a guardian spirit. A guardian spirit can be worth the power of one of the Eight Wonders.

During the Jiashen Rebellion, how many of the Thirty-Six Thieves and Eight Magic Skills holders met a good death?

Ten guys, companies, Quanxing, various sects, the forces in the alien world are complicated.

Those who survived among the thirty-six thieves either abandoned their dignity or had a wealthy family as their guarantee.

But he, Li Tiance, is just an ordinary person with no backstage and no background. He only has a divine bow and an SSS-level guardian spirit. If he, Li Tiance, faces the crusade of the entire alien world, he will undoubtedly be asking for his own death!

You are caring? Feng Baobao pointed at Li Tiance and said with a slight accent: We suspect that he is a full-blooded demon. Aren't we here to investigate him? How did he become caring?

As soon as these words came out, the embarrassment on Zhang Chulan's face became even more serious. He pushed Feng Baobao aside repeatedly, Brother Li, don't listen to her, she is not smart.

The company knows that you are a casual cultivator with no family and no sect, and they are afraid that you will be controlled by a full-blooded monster. As long as you are fine, it will be fine.

By the way, you have advanced to the next round, right? Who is your opponent?

Zhang Chulan changed the subject.

Li Tiance let out a long sigh, took out the Zhuque Lotus, and looked embarrassed.

My opponent in the next round is Taoist Wang Ye from Wudang. I just hope that Taoist Wang can be merciful.

Daoist Priest Wang Ye? Zhang Chulan looked at his watch and said suspiciously: It's seven o'clock in the morning... Daoist Priest Wang Ye's competition has already started.

We were about to go watch the game, you...Brother Li, are you sleepy and misremembering the time?

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