One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 026 The first temporary worker in District 8, the finals will end as soon as they begin! want to join Jiadutong?

When Li Tiance heard this, he couldn't help but have a look of astonishment in his eyes.

These words came from Wang Ye's mouth, which was really surprising!

In the original work.

King Wudang is also a monk who is extremely casual.

Even after being expelled from Wudang Mountain for exposing Fenghou Qimen.

Wang Ye just returned to his hometown in the capital. Later, because of his obsession, he set out to find the secret of the Jiashen Rebellion.

He is not an alien who can stick to the system.

The king should be like a wisp of light hair in this world, moving with the wind without any restraint.

But now, he bluntly said that if he wanted to join Anywhere, would he forcefully put a layer of shackles on himself?

No, Xiaodao doesn't want to join Nadutong, Xiaodao just wants to join Donor Li's eighth district.

To put it bluntly, Xiaodao... the person I want to seek refuge with is you, Donor Li!

Wang Ye arched his hands and put a casual smile on his lips again.


Li Tiance took a deep breath, looked around and saw no one around, and then invited Wang into the room.

Is it possible that Taoist Wang Ye, the descendant of Fenghou Qimen, is the right-hand person Yuan Tiangang said he was close at hand?

Is it me who has taken refuge? Wang Yedao, don't be joking.

Didn’t I also enjoy the shade under the big tree called Dutong?

Li Tiance sat opposite Wang Ye and said calmly.

But when Wang Ye heard this, a smile that saw through everything flashed in his eyes.

Then he said softly to Li Tiance:

Tongwang is just a springboard for you, Donor Li.

I can see it.

In the future, you will no longer be constrained by being able to access anywhere.

You will follow what you want and truly grow into an overlord who can shake up the alien world!

Sometimes in life you have to have it.

My king is not willing to go against the will of heaven, let alone run exhausted.

I just want to find the most suitable hole to lie down and fish under your big tree, Donor Li.

Hearing this, Li Tiance chuckled lightly, and then said calmly to Wang Ye:

It seems that Taoist Master Wang Ye has made up his mind.

Then congratulations to Mr. Wang for becoming the first temporary worker in the eighth district of Nadutong!

Is this the end?

Wang Ye looked a little suspicious and said: Joining the just a matter of one sentence?

You also need to send a resume to this email address. Just write it in a similar way for your files.

As Li Tiance spoke, he took his Smartisan mobile phone and showed Wang Ye the email address.

Wang also followed the address and quickly edited a simple resume:

[Name: Wang Ye]

【Sex: Male】

[Age: 26 years old]

[Sect: Formerly affiliated with Wudang Sect]

[Superpower: Tai Chi Cloud Hand, Qi Men Technique]

[Work history: None]

Is this okay?

Wang Ye showed his edited resume to Li Tiance.

“Okay, send it to the email.

I will log in to the company's backend in a moment and enter some information for you.

Li Tiance said, and also logged into the recruitment email account.

But the next second.

Ding ding ding!

A series of beeps immediately resounded throughout the room.

Looking at the resumes popping up one after another in the recruitment mailbox.

Li Tiance was stunned.

The king on the side also saw this and leaned over. When he lowered his head and looked down, he took a deep breath:

What the hell? Mr. Li, you can do it.

Less than half a day after the eighth district was established, there were already more than a hundred employees looking for jobs.

I say if your personality is strong enough.

Several black lines appeared on Li Tiance's face, and he shook his head helplessly: Most of these strangers come to me to pick up things.

They are not as sincere as Taoist Wang.

This is my phone number, Mr. Li.

I will be your employee from now on.

Don't exploit me, or I'll go live in seclusion.

Wang also sent his phone number to Li Tiance.

Li Tiance was silent for a moment, holding his mobile phone and saying with a smile:

“Hermitage is shit.

You are now a temporary worker in the Eighth District.

The information has been entered into the website of Nadatong Corporation.

From today on, if you follow me, the secret of the Jiashen Rebellion will be solved, and all the strangers in the world will be in my hands!

Come on, Mr. Li, remember to pay me a salary, don't starve me to death.

Wang Ye yawned, and after achieving his goal, he lay down on the bed.

When Li Tiance saw this, he turned over and went to bed.

The next day.


Li Tiance slept until now.

The sun was shining brightly, and the sound of gongs and drums kept rising and falling outside.

Countless strangers are gathering at the Luotian Dajiao venue.

Get ready to watch the finals!

Whoever wins will get the inheritance of the Heavenly Master!

If the winner does not want to get the inheritance of the old master.

Then you can get one of the eight magical skills given by senior Lu Jin, the Tongtian Ru!

Li Tiance is late again? The game has already started, why hasn't he come yet?

No way... The handicap I set for Li Tiance today is 200 to 1. If he doesn't come, I will lose everything. I will have to sell my kidneys!

Li Tiance is also from the company, and he is also the person in charge of the region. He must have helped send Zhang Chulan to the finals!

Darkness! What a damn darkness! Longhushan, a noble and upright man, actually cheats and helps the evildoers!

Damn fat man, what are you doing? Didn't you submit your resume to the Eighth District? You're just a wallflower here. Be careful, Mr. Li will come and put you on the blacklist!

Hey! Here we come! Li Tiance is here, and he seems to have someone with him? Who is that?

Wudang King? How come he appears with Li Tiance?

Under the gaze of everyone present.

Wang Ye dragged Li Tiance, who was still sleeping, into the finals.

Finally before the last countdown from the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain.

Made it to the finals.

Contestant Li Tiance is here, please ask those who are not involved to get out!

The young Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain said to Wang Ye.

After Wang Ye left the field.

Li Tiance then rubbed his eyes and stood up slightly sleepily.

Wang Ye snored loudly last night.

He looks like a lazy person.

But the energy is so strong.

I declare that the finals of the Luotian Dajiao have officially begun!

As the little Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain raised his voice, he roared.

This much-anticipated final also officially kicked off.

On one side is Li Tiance, who acts like a dark horse, changes his fate against the odds, and becomes a huge upset!

On the other hand, there is Zhang Chulan who is sneaking around and using random moves to avoid Bi Lian!

The final Luotian Dajiao champion.

Who will win is the most important thing for everyone present!

Someone is waiting for the handicap to turn around in this game!

Some people are waiting to besiege Longhu Mountain after this game is over!

Someone is waiting for the grand plan to unify the alien world after this game is over!

Under the backlog of various emotions.

The more than a thousand strangers present tensed their nerves and stared at the two people on the field with all their attention.

at the same time.

In the center of the ring.

Li Tiance also walked up to Zhang Chulan with a gloomy face.

A powerful stream of true Qi kept bursting out from Li Tiance's body!

The Qi is so strong that it is several times more powerful than the bloody battle with Zhang Lingyu yesterday!

But the strangers on both sides of the stands were shocked!

Li Tiance flicked his fingers and winked at Zhang Chulan.

Seeing this, Zhang Chulan gestured OK, then jumped and flicked his tail, and immediately lay down on the ground.

Zhang Chulan made an expression of extreme pain, and with a helpless hooligan tone, shouted to the Taoist judges:

Ah...I can't do it anymore...I can't breathe. Mr. Li is too strong. I...I, Zhang Chulan, give up!

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