One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 040 White Tiger General Xue Rengui and three thousand strangers took refuge!

Not long after.

In a foreign hotel in the outer suburbs.

Li Tiance and Wang were also crowded in the same room, sitting on the floor.

The whole body is surrounded by majestic Qi.

Wang Ye glanced at the big round bed behind him, and murmured to Li Tiance in a low voice:

Mr. Li, do we two gentlemen have to share a room?

And it’s a really pink romantic-themed hotel...

You talk about practicing cultivation, are these whips and handcuffs also part of the cultivation?

Shh, stop talking, it's coming out!

Li Tiance closed his eyes tightly and frowned slightly.

He said with a slightly trembling tone.


When Wang Ye heard this, he couldn't help but a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

He subconsciously retreated, covered his chest, and said jokingly:

Coming? Mr. Li, are you a little too quick?

He came out without doing anything! ?

But the words just fell.

A burst of extreme cold.

Then it burst out all over Li Tiance!

The biting chill makes the August sun eclipse.

Wang Ye took a breath and shuddered.

Li Tiance was calm and composed, and with a wave of his hand, an unknown wind surged up instantly!

Ding! The guardian spirit extraction is in progress!

In this guardian spirit drawing, the probability of obtaining a divine martial spirit is 20%, and the probability of obtaining an immortal martial spirit is 15%!

On the system panel, a line of small characters pops up as a prompt.

Li Tiance stared intently at the blue panel that was only visible to him.

The pointer on the turntable is spinning crazily.

Hundreds of heroic souls from the Tang Dynasty appeared in front of Li Tiance one by one again!

The next second!

The extreme cold is coming again!

He actually jumped directly across dimensions and froze the pointer on the lottery wheel!

A cold electronic sound then poured into Li Tiance's ears:

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the lottery!

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Divine Martial Spirit!

This guardian spirit ranks 38th among the divine martial spirits!

If you use this guardian spirit to fight within Shanhaiguan!

The destiny buff that will activate combat power three times!

This divine martial spirit is the one who fixed the Tianshan Mountains with three arrows, took off his hat to defeat all enemies, and frightened Liaodong with his bravery—

Ying Mengxianchen, Yizi King, White Tiger General, Xue Rengui!

The words just fell.

The surroundings are cold again!

Waves of ice mist visible to the naked eye instantly spread throughout the alien hotel!

The passionate young couple next door were all turned off by this sudden drop in temperature!

The passers-by, mother and son, couldn't help but stop and take a closer look at this small hotel that was air-conditioned in the summer!

Immediately afterwards.

The cold energy condensed at one point and transformed into a tall and looming human figure, appearing in front of Li Tiance!

Tiger-backed, wasp-waisted, mantis legs!

The white armor is particularly chic!

A sharp spear looks like the Five Tigers General Zhao Zilong!

Xue Rengui's eyes were sharp, and after seeing Li Tiance, there was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

A certain general, Xue Rengui, met Emperor Tang again after a thousand years!

What a blessing for Rengui!

Born to be the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and conquer all directions!

Even if I die, I will fight for the Tang Emperor!

Emperor Tang, please accept Xue’s worship!

Xue Rengui said and knelt down to Li Tiance.

When Li Tiance saw this, a touch of admiration suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Xue Rengui is the reincarnation of the White Tiger General!

When he was alive, he was an innate and extraordinary person!

He is also the dream minister of General Tiance Li Shimin!

Attack Liaodong and conquer Goryeo!

Thousands of years ago, the foreign tribes in Nagada in the northeast lived under the fear of Xue Rengui all day long and could not sleep at night!

A white dragon rises into the sky, and the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty is coming soon!

Now that he has such a brave general, why should Li Tiance worry about his unification of the alien world?

Rengui, please get up quickly!

Li Tiance gathered his true energy in his hands and pulled Xue Rengui up.

Emperor Tang, Xue has sensed your determination to dominate the world. Although Rengui is weak, he hopes to ensure eternal hegemony for the descendants of Li Tang.

Give your life!

Xue Rengui raised his hands and held his chest high, showing the air of a general in every word and action!

Your words are enough.

Li Tiance nodded, then changed the subject and said, Rengui.

As a general, do you have any ideas for the next expansion?

east? west? southward? To the north?

Hearing this, Xue Rengui was silent for a moment, and then said lightly:

“If we have strong soldiers and strong horses, we should attack the capital directly, cause chaos in the world, and win in troubled times!

But now, the power of Emperor Tang is still weak, and although the body of the God of War is powerful, he cannot achieve hegemony alone.

If you follow Rengui's advice, don't worry about the expansion of territory for now.

The best strategy should be to recruit troops and expand our strength!

When Li Tiance heard this, he suddenly became enlightened.

After winning the eighth district and having Lu Linglong in charge of the decoration.

He has been thinking about which direction to expand next.

But they completely forgot that the most important thing to do is what the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang also mentioned before -

The word soldiers and horses!

It all depends on human effort.

Without people, where would the grand hegemony come from?

Without people, where would thousands of generations come from?

I understand, Rengui, you should return to the body of the God of War first.

Many brothers are here. You go and catch up on old times first. I will call you out when needed!

Li Tiance said softly.

A certain general will obey your orders!

Xue Rengui immediately agreed, and then turned into a beam of extremely cold energy.

Directly poured into Li Tiance's body of the God of War!


The moment when Xue Rengui, who is a divine martial spirit, merges into the body of a martial god.

An unprecedented energy with ice attributes was integrated into Li Tiance's bloodline!

In addition to the originally strong muscles and bones, and the majestic energy and blood bonus!

Li Tiance's true energy has another attribute power!


Li Tiance spit out a breath of cold energy and looked at Wang Ye with a calm expression: Wang Ye, did you hear what I just said?

Open the recruitment email of the Eighth District.

As long as they have no criminal records and are young and powerful, they will all be recruited.

The Eighth District needs employees, we need our own troops!

When Wang Ye heard this, he was slightly startled at first, then nodded absently.

Then react.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and opened his company email.

The sudden appearance of Xue Rengui just now really shocked the king.

If we say that what Wang Ye cultivates is the ability to glimpse gods and steal heavenly secrets.


The general Xue Rengui in front of him knows the source of divine magic and the secret of heaven itself!

It's incredible, no wonder there is such a light group in the interior scene...

Wang Ye muttered as he opened the company's recruitment mailbox in the eighth district.

But the moment he clicked into the mailbox.

A series of prompts sounded!

It even knocked off the speaker of the phone!

Until three minutes later, the sound gradually stopped.

Wang Ye just took the phone closer and looked at it again.

But the next second, Wang Ye shouted in astonishment:

What the hell!? Mr. Li, do you really want to recruit people indiscriminately according to the standards you just mentioned?

What's wrong? Li Tiance asked suspiciously.

This...the mailbox of the Eighth District has been open for a day and a half, and three thousand non-resident cultivators have already submitted their resumes!

They all meet the criteria.


Among these three thousand casual cultivators, more than two hundred have been marked with notes.

It means that they are not willing to follow the company, but are only follow you, Mr. Li! ?


[Combat power issue: Everyone has recently reacted to whether the combat power will collapse. Let me briefly explain.

Only in Zhenhun Street can the guardian spirit exert its 100% strength.

The alien world is the real world, and the guardian spirit exists in a blue spirit state.

In this state, the guardian spirit's strength is greatly reduced.

Moreover, summoning a guardian spirit will greatly consume the spiritual energy (spiritual power) of the person sending the spirit.

In the future, I will consider giving the male protagonist the ability to summon Li Tang Zhenhun Street

Pull the enemy into the realm and let the guardian spirit fight in its strongest form]

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