One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 065 Zhang Lingyu goes down the mountain to rob the execution ground, and mad dog Lu Ci comes

I have read all the content sent by the Eighth District.

Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadutong, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

A look of embarrassment flashed on his face.

The reason why he established a separate region in the first place and asked Li Tiance to serve as the temporary regional head.

In the final analysis, it is just to retain the talent Li Tiance.

Set up a one-year gambling agreement.

It was also to allow Li Tiance to do something serious within this year.

This will not let Li Tiance, who has the body of a martial god, go astray.


Zhao Fangxu rubbed his brow slightly in embarrassment and showed a wry smile.

But he really didn't expect it.

Li Tiance's ability to do things is actually so strong.

First, most of the high-level cadres of the Quanxing sect were escorted to Beijing.

Zhao Guizhen, Bi Yuan and other wanted criminals were also captured alive.

In fact, the top management of the head office had already heard about Biyou Village.

However, we know very little about Biyou Village and Ma Xianhong.

Therefore, the head office has never dared to act rashly.

After all, there are dozens of desperadoes with extraordinary combat capabilities in Biyou Village.

Not fully prepared.

If the company attacks rashly, it will definitely suffer considerable losses.

But now.

Li Tiance only spent two days and one night.

Convenient in an instant.

They wiped out dozens of people in the entire Biyou Village.

From a procedural point of view, Li Tiance, as the interim head of the region, did nothing out of the ordinary.

From an overall perspective, what Li Tiance has done has brought benefits to the head office.


Li Tiance's move must be rewarded!

Secretary, reply to an email to the Eighth District.

According to the highest standards of the head office, a verbal honor is awarded to the eighth region.

In addition... give Li Tiance another 15 million subsidy.

At the end of next month, the company’s seven major districts will have a regular meeting. Let’s invite Li Tiance to come too!


at the same time.

The convoy escorting the Quanxingyao and Biyou Village's twelve powerful weapons set off from the Eighth District in a hurry.

The entire escort convoy consisted of 30 strangers from the Eighth District and 20 special employees from the head office.

The strangers in the car are also distributed in different directions according to their threat level from high to low.

As a temporary worker in the Eighth District, Wang Ye even shouldered the responsibility of being the person in charge of escorting in the Eighth District!

Brother Wang, we will be out of the eighth district in twenty minutes.

I'll leave it at the station for you in a while, and you can take the bus back.

The driver of the first car said to Wang Ye next to him with an attentive look.

The section of road that Wang Ye is responsible for escorting is only within the Eighth District.

After leaving the border of the Eighth District.

The head office will directly send someone to take over.

Well, thank you for your hard work.

Wang Ye nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

But the words just fell.

A man in plain clothes suddenly rushed in front of the convoy!

With a sullen face, he waved his hand and stopped the convoy!

When the employees responsible for escorting saw this, they got out of the car one after another and immediately became alert around them.

But he didn't wait for the employees to react.

The man in plain clothes trembled!

It seemed like I felt something.

He ran directly towards the escort vehicle at the end!

All employees! Enter level one combat readiness state!

Following the shout from the cadre in the car behind, everyone turned their attention to the man in plain clothes.

Only Wang Ye looked at the man in plain clothes who always lowered his head with a hint of suspicion.

This guy...have I seen him somewhere?

Wang also slowly opened the door and got out of the car, wanting to find out.

But the driver on the side grabbed Wang Ye and persuaded him: Brother Wang, you don't need to take action for such a small character.

If he dared to rob the court alone, even if he was really capable, he would be unable to defeat four people with just two fists.

Just take a look here!

But the next second!


A bolt of thunder struck the ground, hitting the last prison car!

The powerful thunder and lightning directly formed a protective circle, preventing all employees from getting close.

The company employees could only watch helplessly as the plain-clothed Taoist priest rushed into the prison car to look for someone.

Thunder Technique? This kid actually knows how to use Thunder Technique? Is he a Taoist priest?

Which Taoist priest? Boy, I see you are not very old. Don't go astray. You will regret it later!

He's out! There's an extra...a woman in his arms! This guy kidnapped Xia He, one of the Four Mad Men!

When all the employees saw this, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Xia He, one of the Four Mad Men, is a Class A wanted criminal who has committed many serious crimes such as deliberately instigating strangers, endangering the safety of ordinary people, and besieging Longhu Mountain!

What if such an important prisoner was kidnapped on the way to be escorted?

Then they won’t be able to keep their iron rice bowl!

Today's carjacking has offended me a lot.

I will pay for the damaged car.

Don't chase me, I don't want to hurt anyone.

The man in plain clothes still lowered his head and said in a calm tone.

But right now.

Wang Ye slowly walked to the front line.

He looked at the familiar plain clothes and the dark thunder method.

Already know the true identity of this plain-clothed Taoist priest.

Master Lingyu, if you are not on Longhu Mountain, you can practice Taoism with peace of mind.

Instead, he came here to rob the law field.

Why, the Heavenly Master’s slap wasn’t loud enough.

Or does Master Lingyu also want to be expelled from his master's sect and return to the world like me?

King Ye!?

Zhang Lingyu was slightly startled when he saw Wang in front of him.

Wang Ye and Li Tiance were important figures who saved the siege of Longhu Mountain at that time.

He knew that Wang was also a temporary worker in the Eighth District.

But unexpectedly, Wang Ye would actually appear on the escorting convoy.

And when the employees heard about it, they came to rob the execution ground.

It turned out to be the young martial uncle Zhang Lingyu who was a master of Longhu Mountain and the proud disciple of the old Heavenly Master.

All the employees showed a look of astonishment and ridicule.

Is this the real Lingyu who inherited Yin Wu Lei? He actually came to rob the law field!

My family is unfortunate! Heavenly Master has been upright all his life, why did he teach such a disciple!

Brother Wang, have you admitted your mistake? How could Zhang Lingyu from Longhu Mountain go down the mountain to rob someone for the sake of a full-blooded monster?

The driver who got off the bus with Wang Ye was the first to ask questions.

But before Wang Ye could answer.

Zhang Lingyu took the initiative to respond:

I, Zhang Lingyu, will take responsibility for today's matters!

Wang Ye, I don’t want to fight with you. If you know what’s going on, take these people and get out of the way!

I, Zhang Lingyu, promise not to attack anyone!

You can leave if you want, have to put her down.

Wang Ye pointed at Xia He, who was stunned by the secret technique, and said calmly.

Zhang Lingyu stopped talking nonsense after hearing this.

He took out his belt and tied Xia He to his back.


Zhang Lingyu activated the golden light spell again, used the Yin Wu Lei, and attacked Wang Ye directly!

at the same time.

the other side.

The Eighth District Administration Building.

Dozens of strangers in plain clothes were gathering downstairs in the administration building.

Those who drink tea drink tea, and those who play chess play chess.

It seems to have the atmosphere of a community garden.

Li Tiance stood by the window, looking down at the chaos downstairs.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and forced a wry smile.

He slowly turned around and said to the mad dog Lu Ci in front of him:

Head of the Lu family, you are deliberately making things difficult for me.

Everyone is already dead, how do you want me to explain to you?

But when Lu Ci heard this, he just touched the scar on his eye and responded in a deep voice:

District Chief Li, Lu Liang is the most talented junior in the Lu family.

Eighteen strangers came to Quanxing, and only one of them died.

And there weren’t even any signs of struggle on the body!

And he was killed by your District Chief Li’s sharp arrows!

How could I not be suspicious?

If District Chief Li cannot give me a reasonable explanation today.

For generations, the Lu family will never let you go, Li Tiance!

Even if I become a ghost, I will still haunt you until death!

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