One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 081 Zhang Lingyu glances at the Demon Sword, and the defector Chen Duo appears

That night.

The fact that Yaodao Zhiwan was broken and taken away from the Northeast caused a storm in the city!

The entire Chinese alien world, and even the Japanese alien world on the other side.

Because of this, the undercurrent surged!

To know.

Demon Blade Hirumaru was in Japan at the time, but it was a cursed object that could affect the entire alien world!

Later, the war of aggression broke out.

Only then will the Demon Sword and Leech Pills flow into the land of China!

It is said that there is a sword spirit in Yaodao Zhiwan, which is cruel in nature and likes to kill!

As long as someone holds a sword, they will be affected by the sword spirit, and their temperament will change drastically!

The most deadly thing is.

The power of the demon sword sword spirit is terrifying!

Rumor has it that even Mrs. Guan Shihua, who is one of the ten people.

It also took three days and three nights, and burned the energy of life for several years.

Only then can the Demon Sword and Hirudo Pill be sealed!

As for wanting to completely eradicate Demon Sword and Hirudowan, that is even more fanciful and idiotic!

Such demon spirits are not man-made, but are created by nature!

Only God can undo the curse from heaven!

After learning the news, Nadutong Head Office.

The highest level reward order was directly issued.

As long as Yaodao Zhiwan can be found, casual cultivators can be promoted to head office cadres on the spot!

Company employees can be promoted to three levels in a row, receive promotions and salary increases, and enjoy vice president treatment!

The sect's foreigners can receive 10 million sect aid and 2 million personal rewards!

It's true that Zhao Fangxu, an old fat man, is quite careless on weekdays.

But once something goes wrong.

He knows better than anyone how to mobilize the power of the masses!

At that time, Zhao Fangxu also squinted his eyes and gave orders:

“Inform Xu San and Xu Si from the North China Region and ask them to take Feng Baobao to the Northeast with them.

The purpose of the Japanese alien world this time is not pure.

The old Taoist in Maoshan has reminded me over and over again.

It is said that China's national destiny may change, and Japan's pattern will also change.

Now it seems that it may have something to do with this demon sword and leech pill!


Not long after.

At midnight.

Within the Northeast Region.

As a plane roared past in the sky.

Two people from the North China Region landed one after another.

Zhang Chulan stretched out and complained with a tired look:

Sister Bao'er, when do you think the company will be more generous?

Traveling such a long distance, you won't even be reimbursed for economy class.

We are only allowed to ride on a cargo plane without any humanitarian concern.

When Feng Baobao heard this, he scratched his butt innocently and said calmly:

What? I feel pretty good.

I don't let anyone take me with me on the plane I usually take.

This time I brought all the weapons, and no one cared about them.

The words just fell.

Feng Baobao waved his hand.

He took out a wrapping cloth from his waist, and eighteen kitchen knives of different sizes came out!

A cold light whizzed past Zhang Chulan's crotch!

Zhang Chulan even subconsciously tightened her legs.

Nima...Sister Bao'er, we are here to find knives, not for you to sell knives.

By the way, when did you hide so many kitchen knives?

Zhang Chulan covered his head, his face full of suspicion.

When Feng Baobao heard this, he still said innocently:

What about looking for a knife?

These are my weapons...

You see, this is the one I used to kill people in Longhu Mountain...

This one was brought out by me in my hometown. It has a history of more than 100 years.

Also, your grandfather paid for this money for me!

Okay, okay, sister Baoer, as long as you are happy.

Zhang Chulan waved his hand and quickly ended the topic.

I took a taxi and headed towards the foot of Changbai Mountain.

And at this time.

Li Tiance and his group were standing behind Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

He had a clear view of what the two of them had just done, exactly.

Mr. Li, it seems that it will be very difficult to find the knife this time.

With that crazy woman Feng Baobao, nothing good will happen.

Wang Ye curled his lips, feeling a fear of being buried deep in his heart.

Zhuge Qing narrowed his fox eyes and smiled lightly: Daoist Wang was very frightened, but Zhang Chulan and the others even turned the taxi in the opposite direction.

It shouldn't have much impact on us.

Ma Xianhong snorted softly: Is it enough to find a Japs magic weapon and mobilize troops like this?

Either my divine machine Bailian is not good enough, or my magical weapon is not strong enough.

Only Deng Youfu advised with a worried expression: Brothers, let's stop wrangling.

Hold on tight, Grandma Guan is seriously ill!

Get in the car, let's go to the seal of the Demon Sword first to look for clues!

At the urging of Deng Youfu.

Wang Ye, Ma Xianhong, and Zhuge Qing all got into the car.

Only Zhang Lingyu and Li Tiance were still in a stalemate.

Zhang Lingyu still looked unwilling to go along with the secular world.

After robbing Xia He, the bone scraper.

Zhang Lingyu said that he would join the eighth district.

But he never integrated into Li Tiance's small circle.

This is also why I didn't take him with me on my last trip to Tangmen.

This time I came to the Northeast to look for the demon sword.

Li Tiance also has his own selfish motives, which is to completely conquer Zhang Lingyu!

We can't let this real Lingyu remain in this half-dead state, right?

Zhang Lingyu, since you have joined the company, work hard.

I also found a lot of connections to ask you to serve as a temporary worker and make meritorious deeds.

Li Tiance deliberately patted Zhang Lingyu on the shoulder and said.

But Zhang Lingyu heard this.

Still no words.

He just slowly lowered his head and looked at the photo of the demon sword Hirudan in his hand.

Look down for two seconds and look up for two seconds.

From time to time, he also showed a thoughtful expression but hesitated to speak.

Seeing that his words had no effect, Li Tiance wanted to find another way:

Zhang Lingyu, this mission only requires you to follow the team and complete the target of finding the demon sword.

I will give you one of the eight magical skills in my body, the Tongtianlu!


As soon as these words came out.

Zhang Lingyu was obviously moved.

He looked at Li Tiance with slight surprise, raised his mouth and said, Li... District Chief Li, are you telling the truth?

As long as you find the Demonic Sword, you will give me the Heaven-Bearing Rui, which is one of the Eight Wonders of Magic?

Li Tiance smiled lightly and nodded silently.

Now I have awakened in Zhenhun Street.

In Zhenhun Street, there is no need to worry about the loss of true energy.

Therefore, the Tongtian Lu Shi in his body has no effect.

Rather than leaving it in the belly to exert little effect.

It's better to give it to the depressed Zhang Lingyu, and it can win over a wave of people's hearts.

But just when Li Tiance was full of joy.


Zhang Lingyu took Li Tiance's hand and pointed straight ahead:

District Chief Li, I found the demon sword, it's right there.


Li Tiance looked confused and looked in the direction of Zhang Lingyu's finger.

A sword that was completely covered in demon energy was actually in the hands of a woman!

What shocked Li Tiance even more.

The woman holding the knife exuded poisonous energy and was wearing company uniform!

And the moment she raised her head and glanced at Li Tiance.

The two faced each other face to face, their eyes meeting each other!

Li Tiance was completely dumbfounded!

Just because that woman is not someone else!

It is the wanted criminal and former temporary worker who disappeared in Biyou Village before, Chen Duo!


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