One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 093 Gao Lian comes to give a big gift, and the demonic energy scares away the immortal famil

What! ?

As soon as Zhao Fangxu said these words.

Li Tiance couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The independence of the Eighth District has always been a big stone in Li Tiance's heart.

Ever since he awakened Li Tang's bloodline and successfully inherited the body of the God of War.

This life purpose has become crystal clear ever since.

That is to lead his own forces and sweep across the entire Chinese alien world in one fell swoop.

And then form a unified situation!

Then the sword points overseas to dominate the world!

Want to achieve this goal.

How can it be easy?

As a stranger born out of nowhere, he has no family or sect.

It is extremely difficult to establish your own power in the Chinese alien world where there are many sects.

Not to mention the unfounded dream talk about unifying the alien world.

Until later.

Nadutong Corporation took the initiative to show its courtesy and not only gave itself the privilege of being on par with the board of directors, but even established the eighth division for itself.

To ensure that I, who has the body of a martial god, have a guarantee.

His body will not be exposed in the wilderness by those strangers with ulterior motives.

Such conditions were undoubtedly the best support for Li Tiance, who was still participating in the Luotian Dajiao at that time.

But now.

As his personal strength continues to rise.

With the overall strength of the eighth region, it has become first-class.

If you still succumb to the banner of Nadutong.

I am afraid that it will be difficult to realize my active ambition as the Empress of the Tang Dynasty in this life.

Director Zhao, since the leader has given me the opportunity to be independent.

I'll definitely catch it.

I promise to deliver the Demon Sword and Leech Pills with both hands within 12 hours!

As for Chen Duo... I will try my best to capture him alive!

When Chen Duo was mentioned, Li Tiance couldn't help but be slightly startled.

But he soon regained his composure.

Seeing this, Zhao Fangxu on the other end of the phone nodded, waved his hand, and hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards.

Li Tiance put down his cell phone, looked around Su Lie and the three hundred guardsmen, and shouted softly:

Su Dingfang, the Great Wall Guards, returns to the body of the God of War!


The words just fell.

The three hundred Great Wall Guards led by Su Dingfang immediately turned into streaks of purple energy.

Rushing straight into Li Tiance's God of War body!

Three hundred and one powerful zhenqi are constantly intertwined with the body of the God of War.

Wave after wave of magic energy from the Tang Dynasty was frantically cleansing Li Tiance's eight extraordinary meridians!

The feeling of merging with a magical martial spirit is completely different from that of an immortal martial spirit or a human martial spirit.

That kind of demonic energy that was so single-minded and obsessive made Li Tiance feel the unyielding faith of the Tang Dynasty's civil and military forces for the first time!

The next second.

He didn't wait for Li Tiance to react.

There was a rapid knock on the door.


Li Tiance took a deep breath and adjusted the magic energy he had just recovered.

As soon as he reached out to open the door, Li Tiance noticed the veins on his forearms.

The veins wrapped around the muscles look like they were carved with knives, which can't help but draw people's attention.

I am afraid that I am not summoning the guardian spirit now.

It can definitely crush most aliens.

While thinking about it, Li Tiance opened the door.

A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

District Li has long admired me. I am the person in charge of the Northeast Region, Gao Lian.

President Tingqu said you were practicing here, so I took the liberty to come and visit.

I wonder if District Chief Li has time?

Gao Lian looked like a simple and honest man.

But actually.

The four major families are inherently full of irony.

Like whether Wang Ai is kind or Lu Ci is not kind.

It has long been a fact known to everyone in the alien world.

And Gao Lian, whose name is Lian.

Naturally, he is the most greedy one.

How could such a splendid five-star special hotel be built without any attempt to enrich one's own pockets?

Whether you have time or not, it depends on what District Chief Gao wants to do with me?

Li Tiance smiled calmly and threw the question back to Gao Lian.

And this was a rhetorical question full of city power.

Gao Lian was slightly startled and realized what was special about this boy Li Tiance.

Brother Li speaks so maturely, it's not a big deal.

In view of your heroic fight at Northeast Airport, Brother Li.

On behalf of the Northeast Region, I, Gao Lian, would like to give a special gift to Brother Li!

This is not the first time you have done things for strangers from the Northeast.

I, Gao Lian, will remember this love!

As he spoke, Gao Lian waved his hand.

Several employees wearing executive jackets.

Then a gift box nearly two meters long was brought up.

Open the gift box and take a look.

Inside is a wild ginseng that grows extremely well!


It is different from ordinary wild ginseng.

This nearly two-meter-long mountain ginseng is covered with spiritual energy!

Its spiritual energy is abundant, even more than that of ordinary magic weapons!

more importantly.

Li Tiance could clearly sense it.

All the spiritual energy on this mountain ginseng was born from heaven and earth, and is extremely pure!

The true energy contained within it is enough to turn an ordinary pawn into an overlord in an instant!

Brother Li, this is Changbai Immortal Ginseng!

Unique in a million, it is 99% rare!

As the saying goes, a sword matches a hero, and this one must be yours!

Gao Lian said, with a meaningful smile in his eyes.

Seeing this, Li Tiance asked slightly puzzled: Why does District Chief Gao spend so much money?

Is it possible that District Chief Gao has something else to ask for?

A greedy person cannot be so generous to outsiders.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Li Tiance still understands this truth.

Haha! As expected of Brother Li, he is so outspoken!

Hearing this, Gao Lian simply said straight to the point:

“Actually, it’s not a big deal.

I just saw it in the live broadcast and heard it from word of mouth among outsiders.

Brother Li's martial arts body seems to be somewhat similar to Northeast's horse-riding ability., I just thought, give it a try.

Try some shades?

When Li Tiance heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Qu Tong outside the door.

President Qu at that time had a slightly evasive look in his eyes.


This sudden visit from Gao Lian must have something to do with her.

Immediately, Li Tiance showed a relieved smile and slowly said:

Since District Chief Gao is so sincere.

If I, Li Tiance, didn't have any dealings with District Chief Gao, I would be a bit unreasonable.

District Chief Gao, please quickly invite Xian'er to come to you!

I, Li Tiance, am waiting for you!


When Gao Lian heard this, he didn't hesitate at all. He just stamped his big feet on the ground a few times.

After a while, his back and waist twitched.

A faint puff of green smoke instantly approached me!

Gao Lian also spoke in a completely different tone and said hoarsely: Master Hu is not going out today, so I, Mr. Hu Si, will help Gao Lian to take charge!

Those of the same Tianzi generation can handle outsiders well enough!

The words just fell.

Li Tiance realized it.

This Gao Lian has already invited Xian'er to get involved.

Moreover, the one invited was Mr. Hu Si, the eldest member of the Hu family!

Such seniority, such cultivation.

It is enough to be called a pillar-like existence of the Hu family!

That contempt for all immortals and a pair of arrogant fox eyes scared everyone in Yao Xing Society to the point where they didn't even dare to breathe!

But right now.

Li Tiance also waved his hand, and his eyes gradually flashed purple!

A translucent shadow suddenly rose behind Li Tiance!

The purple magic energy soared into the sky, and the chill instantly invaded all the strangers present!

Even Mr. Hu Si, who was invited down, could not help but frown!

Before Li Tiance could take action, Mr. Hu Si turned into a puff of smoke and fled!

Li Tiance looked directly into Gao Lian's eyes without any dodge.

And that soaring demon energy made Gao Lian, who had been dealing with the Xian family for half his life, even more so.

I broke out in a cold sweat!

Gao Lian quickly lowered his head and waved his hands, not daring to look again, for fear that the warmth in his crotch would spurt out!

Brother Li, you are so tall, you are so tall, you can scare the Immortal family away with just a thought!

I'm Gao Lian, take this Changbai Xian Ginseng. From today on, you will be my Gao Lian's distinguished guest!

President Qu, what are you still doing here?

Brother Li is about to go out. Quickly ask your people to move all these rags away from the door!!


[Update rules: Daily gift list, if the number of gifts exceeds 50, an additional chapter will be added (regardless of price, only the number)

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Today’s gift is 28/50!

The adoptive fathers who have rewarded me will come forward and I will give you some feedback! 】

The old pig kneels down and begs for five-star reviews, and the adoptive fathers are using their little hands to make a fortune~

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