One Piece and the Celestial Dragon

17 You have to spoil your kids

Five servants stood in front of Ezio.

„So, you want to tell me that you have no idea where in this world we are?"

„Young lord, we didn't saw one island in all these weeks. We really don't know where we landed after the lord threw us through the sky. It's really difficult to tell when all you see is this endless ocean…"

„What is this situation? I didn't even start and now I'm lost. Why didn't I ask Judgy? Damn it, bring me the transporter snail. I'm really furious!"

After several minutes the transporter snail began to talk.

„Hello, who is on the line?"

„Old fox!"

„Huh? Isn't this my little grandson? Are you missing this old man?"

„Damn it, I'm really furious, old man. You threw us into the sky and now I'm lost. This is all your fault!"

„But I threw you directly in the direction of Amazon Lily. Didn't you saw this island?"

„Yes, I saw it, old fox. But only from the sky! When we arrived at Amazon Lily, our journey in the sky wasn't even half finished!"

„Oh, that was not my intention. I wanted that you land on Amazon Lily so you can find several wives and make many children for this old man. You will find your way back my boy, aren't you a little genius?"

„Screw you, old man! With all this people that are on my ship and no one of them can tell me where I am"

„I believe in you, little fox. We have to stop, a strange guy came here that wanted to talk to me. He said he met you! What was his name again?"

„Oh, it was Judgy. That guy is truly a bad one. He sold his daughter out only because I told him that I would make him the king of the whole North Blue"

„WHAT? This bastard sold his own daughter? For this little piece of land? How can you sell your own daughter! You have to love your daughters. You have to spoil them!"

„Yes, yes, I know old fox. Im really angry. I don't want to talk anymore!"


The holy land wasn't peaceful today. There was an old man who was really furious.

„Are you Judgy?", the old man asked the man in front of him.

„Yes, lord, I talked with your grandson, and-"

„You was the bastard who sold his daughter to my grandson?"

Judge couldn't even answer because the old man kicked him into the sky.


After Jugdy came down to earth, the old man send him flying with another kick.

„Do you know what's the biggest treasure in this world?"

Judgy wanted to talk but he was hit by a fist.

„It's of course my grandson! Oh, and also my daughters. But anyway-"

This time the old man hit him with a roundhouse-kick.

„Do you know what an elder should do with his children? They should spoil them, of course! They want a devil fruit? You will get them a devil fruit! They want to kill their husband? You kill this husband with your own hands! You, you, you… You sold your own daughter? For this shit*y North Blue? Unforgivable!"

Today was a bad day for Judgy.


Sabaody Archipelago.

„What a peaceful day!", said the Dark King while he walked through the city.

„This old man will get himself a drink. This lifestyle is truly a bliss! Making chaos in this world with Roger was truly no easy life. Huh? What's that?"

Rayleigh saw that a man flew through the sky like the ship several weeks ago.

„Is this also a Blackflame? He doesn't look like it. Is it now a trend that people and ships are flying from the redline? Ah, times are changing…"


Marine headquarter.

Sengoku loved this little moments of peace. You ask why? This poor man had always trouble. The pirates, the revolutionaries, even the world nobles, they only caused trouble. He liked to look to the sky, so he can forget all the troubles he had to solve.

„Huh? Is there a guy flying through the sky? Hold on, this guy is familiar. Isn't this the king of the Germa? Why is this fellow flying through the sky? Damn it, another trouble. Why did I join the marines..."

„Ah, what didn't I see in all those years. There is nothing that can surprise me at this point…"

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