People who entered the Grandline said that there exist all kinds of islands. Everything you can imagine exists in this mystical place and even islands that are beyond peoples imagination.

One of those islands was the one our hero entered at this moment.

Everyone who visited this mysterious island had the same word in mind when they wanted to describe their experience.

They all said that this island was the paradise.

It didn't take a long time before people called it the Paradise Island.

But don't be fooled by this name. This island was not full of riches and desire, this island was called paradise because of the mentality that the citizens of this kingdom had.

„Ah, this old man wants to take a rest. We walked so long, my old legs don't walk as quick as my mind want them to"

An old grandfather walked in the streets of this island called Paradise. His old wife was at his left, and his four cute little grandchildren walked behind the pair.

„Old man!", said a villager while he saw the old man in pain. „Take a seat, an old man like you shouldn't walk in the city when the sun is so hot. Here, take an apple, I have a shop full of fruits"

„Oh, such a gentle young man. How much money do you want, my boy?"

„Sir, you aren't from this island, am I right?"

The old man nodded.

„On this island we don't have such things as money. Everyone in this kingdom works hard and everyone shares the result of their hard work with the whole kingdom. Anyone can take the fruits of my shop without paying anything"

„What? There exists such a kingdom? How can this work?"

The young man laughed.

„Of course that works, old man. If every person helps someone, then there is not one person in this whole kingdom that doesn't get help when he is in need. When everyone share all their food and water, then everyone will receive enough to survive. In this kingdom doesn't exist a philosophy like all for one, here we have the philosophy of one for all"

The old man was shocked.

„Does such a place exist? Where everyone is so selfless that such a system could work?"

„Of course old man, why don't you observe the people around you. Do you find someone without a smile on his face?"

The young man wasn't lying. Every citizen had a smile on his face. They helped the old, educated the young, and worked hard so that the people of the kingdom had enough resources to live a life without being poor.

The people on this island didn't know what it meant to be angry. The people didn't understand what it meant to be jealous. Here, the people could not figure out why other people desired treasures, because all they wanted was a warm meal and a house for shelter.

People who saw this island thought that this was a paradise. You ask why? Because if the whole world was like this kingdom, nobody in this world would fight. There were no conflicts, no hunger, no suffering.

What was a paradise for the citizen of this kingdom was hell for the ambitious and cruel. But on Paradise Island, even these people could receive help, even if they weren't as selfless as the citizens.

In front of the old man stood a young girl with blonde hair and gentle smile. On her back was a huge backpack, this backpack was nearly as tall as the young women herself.

„Old man, did you and your family came here for the first time?"

The old man nodded.

„Tell me, are you one of those people with desire?"

The old man frowned.

„Come into my shop, old man. On Paradise Island, we do everything so that all people are happy. Everything you desire, I can give you"

Then the girl transformed into a big house. On top of the house stood the word „Shop".

„Don't be afraid, old man. Bring your family and enter the house. Here you can buy everything"

On Paradise Island, there exists only one philosophy. One for all. But if one lose the right path and wants to gain everything for oneself, then they would meet a mysterious young girl with a huge backpack on her back.

And what would this girl do?

Of course, she would fulfill your desire, because everyone receives a helping hand on Paradise Island.

But there was a little difference for people with selfish desire.

They would only receive help if they pay a price that is big enough.

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