At this moment the three royal guardians arrived in front of their enemies.

„Wow, I thought they were an old pair and some little brats… but it turned out that they were fooling us", said Gloria with a smile on her face.

„Brats, teenagers or old people… It doesn't matter. I will split them into two and then we can go back", said Willson Warner and laughed.

Ezio looked at these new guys with a smile.

„Hachi, you take care of this idiot with the sword. Bonney, that girl with the wings is for you. Reiju, you take care of the last one. Guys, be careful. They are strong. Especially that last guy, be careful Reiju. After you beat them all up, go back to our ship as fast as you can"

„Will you fight all these people alone, Ezio?", asked Hachi worried. „You said there is another strong guy. Can you beat them all?"

Ezio laughed.

„Be careful, guys. I can't control this power really good. Don't blame me"

After that a huge shockwave engulfed the whole island with Ezio as the center. All citizens had a shock on their face and then the first began to fall to the ground. After the first followed the second, then the third…

It didn't take long before the first hundred lied on the ground, then the first thousand. After a short time, every citizens of Paradis Island was unconscious. Only the three royal guardians, the merchant girl and Ezio's crew was still standing.

„Conqueror haki…", said Lily and for the first time the smile on her face vanished.

„You bastard…", said Bonney angry. „Why do I have the feeling that you attacked us too with this haki? Damn it, what a terrible feeling…"

Hachi and Reiju nodded. Only Hancock was unimpressed. After that the team split up and everyone attacked their opponent.

Ezio was now alone in the middle of the thousands of citizens that laid on the ground.

„Don't you want to come out? I suppose you are the Shichibukai. How long do you want to hide?"

After several seconds a young man with blonde hair walked towards Ezio. He had a smile on his face. The shocking scene of Ezio's conqueror haki didn't bother him at all. He opened his mouth and wanted to talk but he didn't get a chance because Ezio pointed with a finger at him.

„Fire pistol"

After that a little black fire ball shot out of Ezio's finger and landed directly on Salazar Sids arm.

„Damn it, what is this fire!", shrieked the shocked Sid, who wanted to ridicule his enemy like a typical villain when he first met the hero. How could he know that his enemy was a shameless guy who attacked before he could even open his mouth?

But Sid reacted quick. He took his sword that was on his waist and cut off the arm that was burning in black fire.

But then something strange happened. The arm that was on the ground transformed into a middle aged man. The man was still burning.

While Ezio was shocked by this revelation, a new arm grew on the spot where Sid cut off his previous arm. Sids height was a little bit smaller after he grew the new arm and the smile on his face vanished.

„Now I understand everything. You have the clone clone fruit!"

Sid was shocked. How did this guy know about his fruit?

Ezio had this knowledge since the first time his grandfather gave him a devil fruit. With all the resources of the holy land he got his hands on a book with the record of almost all devil fruits of this world. Ezio read this book more than once and there he learned about the clone clone fruit.

„You bastard, I'm gonna' kill you"

Sid took both of his hands in front of him like a mage who wanted to cast a spell. Then a shocking scene happened on Paradise Island. All the citizens that were unconscious on the ground flew into the sky and then directly to Sid. After that he absorbed every citizen into his body. His height was getting bigger and bigger and after he absorbed the last citizen, a huge giant stood in front of Ezio.

Now even Ezio was serious.

He knew that the clone clone fruit had two abilities. The user of this fruit can make clones, but for the first ability he needs a body of a living person. First he had to kill the person, and then he could make a clone out of the corpse. With this ability he could transform all the citizens of this island into his clones. The weakness of this ability was that he split a little part of his soul and attached this part to the clone. Because he split the soul, they were weak against Ezio's conqueror haki. Ezio was impressed that Sids original body survived his conqueror haki.

The second ability was even more useful than the first. He could split his own body into clones. But every time he splits his own body into two, one half of his strength would go to the first clone and the other would go to the second. So it wasn't really useful in a fight but it was really useful if he had to defend against a attack.

These two abilities combined allowed Sid to cut off his arm and regrow a new one. He absorbed the body of a citizen before and after his arm began to burn, he removed this citizen from his main body and passed all the damage he got to his clone. This will make it difficult for Ezio to kill this guy with all the people he absorbed. There was only one chance. He had to attack this guy with an attack that would destroy his whole body at once so that he doesn't have a chance to pass all his damage to a clone.


Sid laughed like a lunatic in his giant form.

„Maybe you know about my fruit. But I'm special. I'm the strongest clone clone fruit user that ever lived! And do you know why?"

Ezio had a bad feeling. He felt the strength of the giant in front of him and couldn't help but turn his eyes to a blonde girl that was fighting with Hancock.


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