One Piece and the Celestial Dragon

48 Team one is ready for the figh

The bar at Groove 13 became full of people. The first to arrive was Zoro. This guy looked relaxed. He didn't know that he was the focus of the whole world at this moment. You could see that he was injured, this was the fight he had with the bodyguard of the World Noble he killed.

The bodyguard of Saint Charlos was caught by surprise. He was a professional, but all these years besides a Celestial Dragon didn't do him any good. No one had the courage to even touch a World Noble, so he didn't even imagine that this strange pirate would kill his boss in a single second. Only after the World Noble was dead did this guy realize the graveness of the situation. Before he could capture Zoro, the almighty Benson appeared and brought him into the bar.

Ezio couldn't even scold Zoro because Nami was beating him in a savage way.

One rookie after another appeared in Shakky's little bar. In the manga it was Shakky who told the Straw Hats who these rookies were. This didn't change with Ezio's interference. The only difference was that Shakky would explained who the pirate was after they would appear in her bar one after another.

Benson trained the most out of all of Ezio's crew members. This guy used his devil fruit power everyday, so catching some rookies was too easy for him. There were more troublesome persons who couldn't escape from the almighty Benson.

All the rookies looked confused when they arrived at the bar. After they saw Ezio, they were shocked.

Those pirates weren't like Luffy, they had information about the world and the people. They noticed immediately who Ezio was.

Eustass Kid smiled and walked in front of Ezio. It looked like he wanted to challenge him to fight. Ezio grinned to this arrogant bastard.

„You want to hit me? Thanks to our hero Zoro, two admirals are on the way to this place. Besides these two admirals, there will be a Buster Call. Oh, and I think the Marines will test out their new toys on you. These toys are cyborgs, and even one of them could defeat one of you super rookies without much trouble. Come on, hit me. Then all three admirals will come together"

Now all supernovas were shocked. They expected an admiral to arrive, most of these pirates saw what Zoro did. Now they heard how bad their situation was and their gaze shifted to Zoro who was beaten up by Nami.

„Let us kill this guy!", said Kid and gritted his teeth.

„We will kill him", even Bege wanted to end the life of this guy.

The supernovas didn't have the same opinion most of the time, but in this situation they all had the same goal.

„It's not the time to fight. You guys are doomed if you meet one admiral alone", said Ezio and looked at them with a playful smile. „Now there are two of them and a lot of vice-admirals. This is a Battle Royal! And you rookies will act as one team. Otherwise, all of you will die. If I were in your position, I would do everything to escape from this place. You win this game if you are still alive at the end of the day. So I decided, you are Team One: The super rookies. Your chances of winning this battle are almost zero!"

„What the hell is a Battle Royal?", asked Trafalgar Law.

„Why is this Celestial Dragon so interested in our situation?", asked Basil Hawkins.

„It doesn't really matter. We should be thankful that he told us this information. I don't want to fight this Celestial Dragon, we have enough enemies to face. And the reason for all that trouble is…", Urouge didn't finish his sentence and looked at Zoro.

Now they all looked at Zoro again. This poor guy didn't really understand his situation. Nami told him so much, but he couldn't figure out what she really wanted to say because every word was accompanied with a punch.

„Hey, don't be disrespectful to Zoro. In front of you is standing a star. The rookie with a bounty higher than all of yours together!", Shikky laughed and then she threw a wanted poster in the middle of the room.

„Holy crap, belly?"

„This is ridiculous…"

„The ‚Celestial Dragon Hunter'? What the fuck…"

The rookies were shocked. Even Ezio and his crew members were shocked. Ezio laughed out loud. Is now Zoro the new boss? Should he call them the Three Swords Pirates? This was too funny. This destroyed the whole structure of the Straw Hats crew.

Zoro nearly had a heart attack. Now he understood why everyone was looking at him in a strange way. He only realized it after he read his new nickname. So this strange guy he killed was a Celestial Dragon!

„Alright guys, If I were you, I would plan your next actions. This time you are truly in trouble. Don't mind me, I told you this information because it would be too boring if the best rookies of the pirate faction would die at this point. The New World would be boring without you guys"

Ezio really meant what he said. Ezio was far ahead of those rookies. After the war with Whitebeard, his next target would be an Emperor of the Four Seas. He was only on the Grand Line because he wanted to build his crew and take advantage of the war. After that he would hunt an Emperor down. With his second devil fruit ability, he could defeat an Emperor. That was what he thought.

If you compared these rookies with an Emperor, then they were a joke. Even after the time skip, Luffy and Law had to team up to beat Doflamingo, and that wasn't an easy victory for them. So Ezio was too far ahead of them. He didn't think that Doflamingo could bring him any trouble at this point in time, and that with only the first ability of his devil fruit.

Ezio walked towards Basil Hawkins and threw a devil fruit towards him. This was the devil fruit he had in the manga. Ezio got it after the marine searched the whole world to find a devil fruit for him. He wasn't interested in this fruit, but he was interested in the person who ate this fruit. Basil Hawkins managed to become famous even without his devil fruit. This was a surprise for Ezio.

Hawkins looked at this fruit in confusion.

„I was destined to have this devil fruit. It was my fate", said Hawkins and looked at Ezio. „How did you change my fate?"

Ezio looked at Hawkins with a frown. He knew from the manga that this guy could see parts of the future with his cards, and that was the reason he was so interested in Hawkins. He even saw that Ezio changed his fate?

„I will that you join my organization, Hawkins"

Basil Hawkins took out his cards and started to look if it was good to join this guy.

„If I join you, I would have good fortune and my fate would change dramatically. And that in a good way"

Ezio frowned. Was his future this good? He liked this guy even more now.

„Can you get me out of this place?"

Ezio nodded.

„I will first see what the purpose of your organization is. Later I will decide if I join you, but only if you can get me out of this place alive"

Ezio agreed. He tried it with Hawkins, but if he wouldn't join in the end, he would let him go. Of course it was a good thing if he joined, this would be a boost to his team.

Then Ezio walked to Law. The devil fruit power of this guy was too good. He wouldn't let him escape, even if he had to make a clone of this guy. But Ezio had another way to get him in his team, it would be better if he would get Law's trust. He knew Law's whole past, so there wasn't anyone who knew Trafalgar D. Law better then Ezio.

„Hey Law, want to make a deal?"

„A deal?"

„I kill Doflamingo in front of your eyes, and you join my organization for five years. What do you think?"

Law frowned. After that Ezio and Law had a long conversation. The result of this conversation would be seen in the future. Now there were more important things to handle.

The rookies created an alliance. Ezio decided that the rookies would be the first team and the super rookie Zoro would be their leader. Of course they weren't happy with this, but the bounty was too big to argue against it. Maybe the supernovas didn't liked each other, but they all knew that without allies they would die in the following event. If only one admiral would come to Sabaody, then maybe they wouldn't be so united. The Marine Headquarter wasn't far away from Sabaody Archipelago, so it didn't take long until the army of the Marine arrived.

Another person arrived at this moment at Sabaody.This person came from the sky and when he landed on the ground, a huge hole appeared out of nowhere. Then an old man jumped out of the hole with a grin on his face.

"Hahaha! This old man is here! Little fox, little monkey, where are you? This old man wants a hug from his grandsons!"

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