The supernovas had a hard time at this moment.

"Shit!", said Kid and looked at this huge guy in front of him. "A Shichibukai arrived! It's this Kuma guy!"

"What the hell are you saying? I'm fighting with this Kuma guy at the moment!", answered Hawkins annoyed.

Then they looked around and realized they were all fighting a Kuma.

"Damn it, what's wrong? Why are there so many Kuma's?"

Then the cyborgs began their attack and the supernovas had a bad time.

"Don't worry!", said Urouge in a distressed state. "We have the super rookie on our side! The Celestial Dragon Hunter will kill these guys!"

But then something ridiculous happened. One of the Kuma's arrived in front of the Celestial Dragon Hunter, touched him, and then the super rookie was nowhere to be seen.

"Zoro?", said Kid with his eyes wide open.

"Super rookie?", asked Hawkins while looking around.

"Celestial Dragon Hunter?"

Then they realized that their leader wasn't here anymore!

"Damn it, they defeated our leader! What now?"

"This guy had a bounty of Belly and was defeated in a second! What could we do?"

"Screwed! We are screwed!"

Then the other Straw Hats were all 'defeated' in a minute. The supernovas lost their hope.

"When even the legendary Celestial Dragon Hunter is defeated… What could we do?"

"Run! Run for your live!"

Battle Royal Round Three: Supernova's vs. Cyborgs and Kuma.

These guys were too weak for this battle. Even the Celestial Dragon Hunter was defeated in an instant!

While the supernovas had a bad time, Pandaman was chased by a little brat.

"Shit! This guy is absolutely insane! I don't want to use my devil fruit powers, there is a crazy woman after my head… And I think a crazy woman is scarier than a crazy brat!"

At this moment Akainu shot a huge beam of magma into his direction.

"Damn it, what's wrong with you? Calm down little brat!"

Then Pandaman saw something that gave him hope. In front of him was his old teacher who was fighting with the legendary Dark King!

"Teacher! You saved me!"

After that Pandaman jumped to the two, pointed at Rayleigh and spoke as loud as he could.

"ISN'T THIS THE SUPER FAMOUS DARK KING RAYLEIGH?", after little brat Akainu heard this sentence, he looked to the direction the Pandaman pointed at.

"How can such a dangerous person run free on this island? This was the second strongest man in the crew of the legendary Pirate King! Second strongest! If the marine could capture him… wouldn't that be more significant than some weak little panda?"

After that Pandaman smirked and ran away.

Little brat Akainu looked into the direction of Rayleigh and started thinking.

"This is the Dark King…", said Akainu and frowned. "Such a guy running free in such a place… I will capture this panda later. Rayleigh is more important!"

After that Akainu and Kizaru attacked poor Rayleigh together.

"Screw you, you damn Panda! Who is that little brat? I have enough trouble with Kizaru…"

But then Rayleigh noticed that this little brat could control magma.

"Damn it… This is an admiral!", Rayleigh watched into the direction where the panda was fleeing and swore that he would take revenge for this moment.

"Screw you, damn panda! Even I have trouble with two Admirals at the same time!"

Pandaman couldn't help but laugh. He trolled an Admiral and the Dark King at the same day. In this Battle Royal, who could screw around with the panda?

Right at the moment when Pandaman became arrogant, he stopped in midair and couldn't move anymore. It was like he was frozen in the sky, like the time stopped.

Then a beautiful woman with blonde hair walked in front of him and the Pandaman had fear in his eyes.

"Nooo! It's the crazy woman! It's the lunatic! Old fox, save me!"

Then the blonde girl smiled and walked towards the Pandaman. Now the Pandaman was truly in trouble. At this moment he didn't know just how much trouble this woman was.

This was the biggest fight in this Battle Royal.

Blackflame D. Ezio vs. Blackflame D. Lilly

The girl stopped when she was a short distance away from Ezio who still couldn't move. Then she took an object out of her pocket and threw it into the sky.

After several seconds, this object began to explode and a huge black dragon appeared in the sky. This dragon looked exactly like the dragon on the emblem of his family.

Ezio didn't know the meaning of this huge dragon in the sky, but he would find out soon.

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