One Piece and the Celestial Dragon

56 The true heir of the Blackflame Family

All the objects that were reinforced with Haki were flying towards Ezio.

Ezio's body began to transform and a huge sphere of black fire was surrounding him. It looked like a little black moon.

Every object that was attacking Ezio was engulfed by this black sphere of fire and burned down.

You can say that the only thing that could fight against his fire was Armament Haki. This Haki was a counter against logia user's, but it had to be strong enough to win against Ezio's fire. Lilly reinforced too many objects with her Haki so it wasn't that strong.

The sphere of fire began to grow bigger and bigger because it was burning all the objects that were attacking Ezio. It was like the attack from Lilly couldn't do any damage, it only increased his black sphere because it gave the fire more things to burn.

Lily frowned when she saw this. She looked at the black fire ball that was getting bigger and bigger with each attack.

How could she break that fire apart and attack Ezio? This black sphere of fire was like the best defense and attack at the same time. Everything that attacked Ezio would burn down without a chance to touch him, because he was hiding at the center of the black sphere.

Now Lilly understood why everyone in her family was so proud of this devil fruit. This black fire was too strong!

But she didn't give up. She used all of her power and now even the ground of the island began to float to the sky. Sabaody was in reality a massive mangrove forest, but this forest broke apart and ascended to the sky.

Sabaody Archipelago was destroyed in this moment. A whole island began to break apart, and the pieces that were the island before gathered together to form a huge ball. This ball resembled the technique of the Rinnegan, she formed her own little moon with the power of her thoughts.

Then she used this massive ball and reinforced it with the strongest Armament Haki she could use.

Two black balls were confronting each other. One ball was burning with black fire, and the second ball was created with an island as foundation. Ezio's fire ball looked small in comparison to this huge ball that Lilly formed.

Ezio came out of the black sphere of fire and smiled towards Lilly.

„You power is truly good. You can move everything with your thoughts. You broke this island in a short amount of time and you formed this huge black ball to take me down. I really don't know how other people can defeat you, but I can defeat you for sure. I show you the true power of the heir of our family. The difference between you and me"

Ezio stretched out his arms and many little fire balls appeared. Next to the huge black sphere that was right next to Ezio, more than a hundred little black flames surrounded him. The flames grew more in numbers and blood began to flow out of his eyes. It wasn't easy for him to create so many little flames, but in this fight he wanted to go all out. He wanted to show Lilly how the true heir of the family would handle this situation.

Lilly didn't want to give Ezio time, so she send the huge black moon in his direction. Ezio didn't even look at this huge ball that was flying towards him.

„It's time for my second ability"

Ezio pointed at the fire balls and they began to transform. All the little fire balls transformed into little black dragons. These dragons began to roar and they looked at Lilly with a threatening look. They weren't dragons formed out of fire. They had a body and looked like real dragons.

The last fire ball, the huge black sphere that Ezio used to defend himself, transformed into a dragon, too. This dragon was different than all the others, because it was huge and formed by a massive amount of black fire.

The black flame became alive.

Ezio called the second ability of his devil fruit the Life Life Fruit.

Ezio didn't understand the power of this second ability when he first used it. He noticed that he could see the life force of all people around him. It was like he could see people like little candles that represented their life force. Young children were brighter than old people. First he thought this was a revolution of his Observation Haki, only later did he notice that he could control the life force with his devil fruit.

You can say that Ezio's first ability represented destruction. It was a black fire that destroyed everything in this world. His second ability represented creation, It could form and control life.

Ezio can turn objects into living beings, so he created all these dragon's with the power of his second ability. The core of these dragons was Ezio's black fire, so they all could control the black fire like Ezio.

You can compare the ability of the Life Life Fruit with Big Mom's ability. She could give objects a soul. Ezio's ability in comparison was on a whole new level. He could make transform his fire into a new existence. This new existence could grow and develop, his ability could make a life out of nothing.

This was only one of many abilities of the Life Life Fruit. The strongest point was the potential in creating things, and Ezio had a lot to learn if he wanted to use every advantage of this ability.The potential of this fruit was huge and it had many more abilities than just creating a living being out of objects. It wasn't so strong that he could revive a dead person, this was a power only gods could control. But it wasn't too far away from the abilities of a god.

For this fight, he turned his black fire into many black dragons.

Lilly looked with a shocked face in Ezio's direction. He was surrounded by many little black dragons, and he was standing on the head of a huge dragon that was created by the black sphere that he used to defend himself before.

Ezio pointed at the huge black ball that was flying in his direction and laughed.

„Black dragons, burn everything that is obstructing us"

After that all dragons started to roar. The loudest one was the huge dragon Ezio was standing on. Then they began to fly towards the ball that was flying towards them and started to burn it down.

Some dragons would turn a part of their body into a black flame, like they themselves ate Ezio's devil fruit. Other dragons began to spat out black fire out of their mouth.

The most ridiculous was the huge dragon. He could control a massive amount of fire and Lilly's attack that was flying in his direction started to turn more and more into fire.

Ezio's problem of using too much of his fire was solved with his second ability. He could turn his fire into living beings and they could use this fire like Ezio. He can create an army that could control his black fire and make this world burn if he wanted to. Of course, it wasn't easy to use the power of the Life Life fruit. Like his black fire, he couldn't use it without taking damage. But Ezio was sure that in the future, he could use both of his abilities without trouble.

Before Lillys attack could arrive in front of Ezio, everything that remained was a huge black flame.

This huge ball that was once an island named Sabaody was extinguished in the fire of the black dragons.

Then all black dragons turned into fire like they were logia users themselves. They fused with the huge fire ball that was Lilly's attack before. Ezio flew on top of this massive fire ball and touched it. A white light surrounded this massive ball and then it started to transform into a black dragon.

This black dragon was different than the little ones before. Ezio never had such a massive amount of fire he could use before, and he turned this fire into a living being.

This dragon was huge and when it came to life it started to roar to the heavens. Lilly looked at this massive Dragon and her eyes began to shine. This dragon was formed with an island that was burned down with fire. This dragon alone was a natural disaster.

„This… This is the power of the true heir? He unlocked the second ability that even our ancestor couldn't unlock! This white light… It's the power of a paramecia fruit. He can turn anything into a living being… And he turned this huge amount of fire into a living dragon!"

Lilly started to laugh in a crazy way.

„Hahaha! That is too beautiful! I never saw such a beautiful scene. This is the power of our family! This is the true heir of the Blackflame's!"

Ezio was standing on top of the dragon and looked at Lilly who was going crazy.

„Tell me, Blackflame D. Ezio. What is your goal in this world?"

„My last name is Blackflame. I will bring this family to the top of this world. We have to let this world burn in the black flame that represents us. You think we as Celestial Dragons rule over this world, but in the end this world is in the hands of one guy. We have to kill him!"

In the last chapters that Ezio could read from the manga, he saw the guy who ruled this world. Even the Five Elders were kneeling in front of this guy. You can say that a World Noble was standing on top of this world, but they didn't have that much power. They were like a prince or princess who had many advantages, but the true ruler was still the king. And the king of this world wasn't from his family. It was this strange guy that showed up in the last arc he could read from the manga. The name of this person was Im, and he was the one who was sitting on the Empty Throne.

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